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Zero Suit Samus

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Samus is far from helpless when her Power Suit is deactivated. Sure, she loses a lot of the moves and weapons she had access to before, but her Jet Boots pick up the slack! She also has the Paralyzer, a versatile weapon that can shock her rivals or change into a Plasma Whip to grab edges and enemies.
Samus is far from helpless when her Power Suit is deactivated. Sure, she loses a lot of the moves and weapons she had access to before, but her Jet Boots pick up the slack! She also has the Paralyzer, a versatile weapon that can shock her rivals or change into a Plasma Whip to grab edges and enemies.

Neutral Attack / Special Press the attack or special button only without using the Circle Pad.
Side Attack / Special Hold the circle pad to the left or right then press the attack / special buttons
Down Attack / Special Hold the circle pad down and press the attack / special buttons
Up Attack / Special Hold the circle pad up and press the attack / special buttons
Up/ Side / Down Smash Hold the circle pad to the corresponding direction and press the attack button at the same time. Smash attacks can be charged. It can be released prematurely or the character will release it after charging the move enough.
Dash Attack Tap left or right to dash then press the attack button.
Air Attacks Similar to basic attacks and specials, most characters perform different air attacks by using similar button and circle pad combinations.
Recovery This is the recommended move to get back to the edge of the stage ledge if ever you get blown off but not KO'd
Final Smash After successfully destroying a Smash Ball, press and hold the special button to unleash your character's Final Smash attack.

Basic Attacks

Neutral Attack
Neutral Attack

A standard, three-hit combo.

Side Attack
Side Attack

A booster-powered kick. You can change its angle by slightly tilting the circle pad.

Up Attack
Up Attack

Samus will perform a helicopter kick

Down Attack
Down Attack

Moves Samus a bit forward while crouching before swiping the opponents legs.

Dash Attacks

Dash Attack
Dash Attack

A running knee charge.

Smash Attacks

Side Smash
Side Smash

Samus will do a roundhouse kick and quickly follows up with a straight kick.

Up Smash
Up Smash

Samus will spin her energy whip upward, hitting an opponent multiple times before getting launched.

Down Smash
Down Smash

Samus aims for the ground and fires a paralyzing shot. Anyone who gets a solid hit or steps on the paralyzing circle will get stunned for a few seconds, allowing Samus to follow up with a powerful Smash attack.

Special Attacks

Paralyzer (Neutral Special)
Paralyzer (Neutral Special)

Samus fires a paralyzing projectile towards a target. Charging this move can extend the range of the projectile but it will be slowed down instead.

Plasma Whip (Side Special)
Plasma Whip (Side Special)

Samus lashes out her plasma whip. An opponent caught within its length will get hit multiple times before getting launched.

Boost Kick (Up Special)
Boost Kick (Up Special)

Samus will boost herself up in the air with an initial high kick, then followed up with a couple of spinning kicks, further increasing her jump height.

Flip Jump (Down Special)

Samus performs a flip jump to the same direction she's facing. Any opponent who's caught in mid-air along her trajectory will get smashed to the ground while grounded opponents will get buried instead.

Air Attacks

Neutral Air
Neutral Air

Samus lashes out her plasma whip diagonally in front.

Side Air (Front)
Side Air (Front)

Samus will perform a spinning booster kick

Side Air (Back)
Side Air (Back)

Samus will perform a booster kick to the back.

Up Air
Up Air

A somersault kick

Down Air
Down Air

A powerful dive kick

Final Smash


Samus calls in her ship and you'll be taken behind its controls. Control the reticule then press the Special button to fire the ship's twin laser rifles. While the lasers are firing, you can move the lasers a bit. This special lasts for 15 seconds or after you fire five times. Each hit deals damage and knocks enemies away. The spot where the lasers hit have a small blast radius as well.


Guide Image

Zero Suit Samus' vertical recovery can be done by using her Boost Kick. The only problem with this move is that you have to facing the direction where the edge you can grab on to is located. Boost Kick boosts Samus diagonally and will leave her to free fall afterward. Additionally, Samus' Plasma Whip can be used as a grappling hook. This requires proper timing since missing the edge will surely result to self-destruction. She can dangle for a few seconds before pulling herself up using the circle pad. Samus' Flip Jump can be used for horizontal recovery while maintaining the danger to whoever gets caught along the jump's direction or landing spot.


Samus is stripped down of her armor in exchange for magnificent speed and fluid combos. Samus can close the distance quickly while having good ranged attacks at her disposal. Her attacks have extended range and she can build damage quickly. She has two ways to stun opponents: one is Down Smash which requires proper timing to capture opponents and her Neutral Special. Charging these moves increases the stun duration a bit and will allow Samus to follow up with her powerful Forward Smash attack. If the opponents are hit by the weaker Paralyzer shots, these are effective deterrents for charging opponents or disrupting their moves. Her Forward Smash kick can hit the opponent twice and when fully charged, it can be quite potent. Even if the first kick doesn't connect, the following kick is a straight one that's followed up by a short plasma burst from her boots. This gives her Side Smash quite an extended reach for a melee attack.

She has good anti-air moves as well. Her basic Up and Up Smash attacks have good reach and can send free falling enemies back in the air. While airborne, opponents can be further punished by her Booster Kick. Samus' Down Air attack can hit opponents hard from the air and can launch them airborne. Like before, a Booster Kick seems to be an effective follow up against flying targets. Samus' grapple has good range, like her special Plasma Whip which can push opponents while dealing multi-hit damage to them before launching them away. This whip can be used for grappling to the edges as well, making it a very useful recovery tool.

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