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In Xenoblade Chronicles, this young lad's colony is attacked by the Mechon, so he and his friends set off to take them down. In Smash Bros., his Monado Arts let him change his specialization during battle. You can choose to boost a stat—his jump or attack, for example—but other stats might drop as a result, so choose wisely.
In Xenoblade Chronicles, this young lad's colony is attacked by the Mechon, so he and his friends set off to take them down. In Smash Bros., his Monado Arts let him change his specialization during battle. You can choose to boost a stat—his jump or attack, for example—but other stats might drop as a result, so choose wisely.

Neutral Attack / Special Press the attack or special button only without using the Circle Pad.
Side Attack / Special Hold the circle pad to the left or right then press the attack / special buttons
Down Attack / Special Hold the circle pad down and press the attack / special buttons
Up Attack / Special Hold the circle pad up and press the attack / special buttons
Up/ Side / Down Smash Hold the circle pad to the corresponding direction and press the attack button at the same time. Smash attacks can be charged. It can be released prematurely or the character will release it after charging the move enough.
Dash Attack Tap left or right to dash then press the attack button.
Air Attacks Similar to basic attacks and specials, most characters perform different air attacks by using similar button and circle pad combinations.
Recovery This is the recommended move to get back to the edge of the stage ledge if ever you get blown off but not KO'd
Final Smash After successfully destroying a Smash Ball, press and hold the special button to unleash your character's Final Smash attack.

Basic Attacks

Neutral Attack
Neutral Attack

Shulk performs a three-hit combo with a punch, kick, and upward sword slash.

Side Attack
Side Attack

A wide horizontal slash.

Up Attack
Up Attack

An upward sword slash.

Down Attack
Down Attack

An low sword slash.

Dash Attacks

Dash Attack
Dash Attack

A running, horizontal sword slash.

Smash Attacks

Side Smash
Side Smash

Shulk stabs his sword then extends a beam from it.

Up Smash
Up Smash

Shulk slams the handle of the sword on the ground and extends a larger beam upward.

Down Smash
Down Smash

Shulk spins his sword around near the ground.

Special Attacks

Shulk's Neutral Special activates one of his five Monado Arts. These increases specific stats while lowering his other stats. You can only have one Monado Art active and you can't instantly use the same Art consecutively. A freshly activated Art has a cooldown and will appear grey when you try to use it again. In order to shuffle from different arts, you just need to keep pressing the Neutral Special button continuously. The Art will deactivate automatically after it reaches its effect's time limit. You can deactivate the current art by pressing the Special button at least three times.

Monado Arts: Jump (Neutral Special 1)
Monado Arts: Jump (Neutral Special 1)

This green aura increases Shulk's jump height and distance but lowers his defense.

Monado Arts: Speed (Neutral Special 2)
Monado Arts: Speed (Neutral Special 2)

This blue aura increases Shulk's overall movement speed. His damage and jump height is lowered.

Monado Arts: Shield (Neutral Special 3)
Monado Arts: Shield (Neutral Special 3)

This yellow energy increases the defensive capability of your shield but makes your movement slower, jump height lower, and also decreases the damage you can inflict.

Monado Arts: Buster (Neutral Special 4)
Monado Arts: Buster (Neutral Special 4)

Shulk can deal more damage but he'll receive more damage as well. With this Art active, he can't launch opponents as much as before with Smash attacks.

Monado Arts: Smash (Neutral Special 5)
Monado Arts: Smash (Neutral Special 5)

Shulk can launch opponents easier but has the same risk of getting launched easily as well. He has lesser damage output as well.

Back Slash (Side Special)
Back Slash (Side Special)

Shulk will leap forward and deliver a heavy downward slash.

Air Slash (Up Special)
Air Slash (Up Special)

A jumping upward sword slash that can send opponents in the air. Press the Special button again to follow up with a horizontal slash.

Vision (Down Special)
Vision (Down Special)

Shulk enters a defensive mode to counter any incoming attack.

Air Attacks

Neutral Air
Neutral Air

Shulk swings his sword vertically around.

Side Air (Front)
Side Air (Front)

A wide downward slash.

Side Air (Back)
Side Air (Back)

A backward stab

Up Air
Up Air

Shulk stabs upward then extends a laser beam from his sword.

Down Air
Down Air

Shulk stabs downward and extends a laser beam from his sword.

Final Smash

Chain Attack

Shulk traps an opponent in a field of light and takes them to a separate space where he calls in his allies to gang up on the target before finally landing a massive beam slash that launches an opponent far. If Shulk has an Art active when the Final Smash is activated, the damage output of this finisher will depend on the active Art. Buster Art deals the most damage while Smash Art deals the lowest damage.


Shulk has very limited recovery options so be careful and use them at the right time; a moment's delay when recovering can mean certain death most of the time. Shulk's Air Slash has limited jump height but its follow up horizontal slash can move Shulk a bit forward, which can be pretty useful if you didn't make it to the edge of the stage during the upward slash. If you can, try activating Shulk's Jump Art then follow up with an Air Slash for an increased recovery height.


Unlike other sword-wielders in the game, Shulk versatility comes from five different Monado Arts at his disposal. Choosing which Art to activate is key to maximizing Shulk's capability. This requires knowing your opponents and your current standing in the game. If you're after opponents suffering from high damage, switching to Smash Art gives you an advantage. If you're fighting defensively, Speed Art can help you. Shulk has good range, thanks to his sword's reach. He lacks reliable recovery options so avoid fighting offstage even if his aerial attacks have good range.

His sword's extended beam does extra damage in addition to the initial sword damage, if it connects. Even if only the beam hits the enemies, they can still get interrupted or launched while suffering minor damage. Back Slash has good reach and can deal heavy damage and has a wide vertical range. Make sure not to use it near the edge of the stage. Air Slash has also good vertical range upward and the follow up horizontal slash is a good way to recover or damage enemies. Vision gives Shulk a good defensive option, especially when he has Buster or Smash Arts active.

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