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Mr. Game and Watch

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Game & Watch was first released in 1980, making the series the father of the Game Boy and Nintendo DS. Or maybe an older sibling? Smash Bros., Mr. Game & Watch uses distinct retro moves to damage his foes. However, he's only two dimensional, so he's pretty easy to send flying.
Game & Watch was first released in 1980, making the series the father of the Game Boy and Nintendo DS. Or maybe an older sibling? Smash Bros., Mr. Game & Watch uses distinct retro moves to damage his foes. However, he's only two dimensional, so he's pretty easy to send flying.

Neutral Attack / Special Press the attack or special button only without using the Circle Pad.
Side Attack / Special Hold the circle pad to the left or right then press the attack / special buttons
Down Attack / Special Hold the circle pad down and press the attack / special buttons
Up Attack / Special Hold the circle pad up and press the attack / special buttons
Up/ Side / Down Smash Hold the circle pad to the corresponding direction and press the attack button at the same time. Smash attacks can be charged. It can be released prematurely or the character will release it after charging the move enough.
Dash Attack Tap left or right to dash then press the attack button.
Air Attacks Similar to basic attacks and specials, most characters perform different air attacks by using similar button and circle pad combinations.
Recovery This is the recommended move to get back to the edge of the stage ledge if ever you get blown off but not KO'd
Final Smash After successfully destroying a Smash Ball, press and hold the special button to unleash your character's Final Smash attack.

Basic Attacks

Neutral Attack
Neutral Attack

Mr.G&W will pump air in front of him and can hit a target multiple times by pressing the attack button continuously.

Side Attack
Side Attack

Mr.G&W will slam a chair to the enemy

Up Attack
Up Attack

Mr.G&W will swing a flag upward

Down Attack
Down Attack

Mr.G&W will throw a wooden plank in front of him, tripping enemies.

Dash Attacks

Dash Attack
Dash Attack

Mr.G&W will run and trip.

Smash Attacks

Side Smash
Side Smash

Mr.G&W will hit the opponent using a torch

Up Smash
Up Smash

An overhead headbutt

Down Smash
Down Smash

Mr.G&W will smash two mallets on both sides.

Special Attacks

(These are the default Specials)

Chef (Neutral Special)
Chef (Neutral Special)

Launch food from a frying fan. Hold the Special button to launch five pieces consecutively

Judge (Side Special)
Judge (Side Special)

Number 1 to 9 will appear overhead before swinging the hammer. The higher the number, the higher the damage.

Firefighter NPCs will launch Mr. G&W to the air. He will deploy his parachute on the way down, and you'll be able to control his descent.

Oil Panic (Down Special)
Oil Panic (Down Special)

Mr. G&W will use a bucket to catch and absorb energy projectiles. (This doesn't work with physical projectiles like arrows and bombs). Once the bucket is filled, you can unleash the stored power back to your opponents.

Air Attacks

Neutral Air
Neutral Air

Mr. G&W will spill a fishbowl, releasing two fishes that can hit opponents on both sides.

Side Air (Front)
Side Air (Front)

Mr. G&W will hold a brick in front of him.

Side Air (Back)
Side Air (Back)

Mr. G&W will hold a turtle to the back

Up Air
Up Air

Mr. G&W will blow up in the air.

Down Air
Down Air

Mr. G&W will drop down the ground using a key.

Final Smash


Mr. G&W turns to a giant Octopus that hovers above the ground. Pressing the attack button while in this form will stretch its limbs for a longer reach. The Octopus form follows the floor under it so to reach a higher platform, it needs to “jump” while maintaining the same distance from the floor.



Mr. G&W's only vertical recovery move is his Up Special (Fire) which can be used both on the ground or while in mid-air. After deploying his parachute, you can cover more ground horizontally by heading to the left. Press Down to remove the parachute and drop to the ground faster. He lacks any reliable horizontal recovery moves.


Mr. Game & Watch lacks good projectile moves and melee distance. He's not that mobile, his speed average, and he's a lightweight. These limitations make him a challenging character to play, especially for an inexperienced player. He'll rely primarily on his Smash attacks or Judge to deal most of his damage. Judge's number is generated randomly but landing on a 9 can deal severe damage and launch an enemy as well. Chef is Mr.G&W's main projectile move that can be used to annoy opponents at medium distance but don't expect to deal that considerable damage with that move. His Fire (Up Special) move is a good escape move because of its good height reach and horizontal coverage once the parachute is deployed. His aerial attacks have better range against airborne targets as well. Like any lightweight character, Mr. G&W needs to consistently rack up damage before his limited powerful moves can finish off opponents.

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