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Town Levels and Leveling

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The common application of levels in video games is linking the unlocking of a new level with added Items, access, or abilities.

The thing is, while that does factor in lightly to this game, the game design actually places a higher value and emphasis upon the monetary value of your town, the number of Sims you have placed in homes, and how many Neighbors (other players/friends) that it has attached to it.

That warrants explaining since understanding it is the key to success once you have a well established town...

Leveling your town is the only way to gain access to new buildings like the Hobby Shop, Pet Store, and Salon - buildings with services you will need if you are going to complete a lot of the goals in the game!

Town Value

The value - basic worth - of your town is determined by a combination of different elements, including the municipal facilities that you have built, the businesses and shops as well as services you have added to your town, and the different employment sources that you have build/added.

As you work through that process you will quickly see how it applies - in order to build some construction projects you actually have to get your town to a minimum value - so the mechanism that is being used is very clear.

Number of Sims

This specifically applies to the number of Sims that you have placed in the Houses in your town. These are the Sims that you have get Jobs, build Relationships, work towards Goals, and etc.

Number of Neighbors

This may be confusing to some gamers - they are not talking about how many Sims in your town live next door to each other, rather this is how many other real-world players you know and who you have added as "neighbors" to your town.

This is basically the social element of the game - and really if you think about it it would not be a very good game for the iOS and other platforms if it lacked that sort of feature, right?

You may be wondering why this is important - why it is important to have Neighbors and to visit them? The answer to that is simple: that is one of the primary methods you have for obtaining social Points. And you will want to do that.

While we cover this in more detail elsewhere in the guide, the basic point to SP in the game is that it is both an alternate currency that encourages you to visit your neighbors and participate in the social aspects of the game, and it is ALSO an alternate currency that is required for many of the new Items in the game store that can ONLY be purchased USING the Social Points - and that nicely explains why you will want them!

The Formula for Success

As irritating as this may be - at least respect to the neighbor thing since it means you are going to need to go out and recruit friends to play if they are not already - you should shoot for a balance in your efforts between each, because you will eventually reach a point in the game where your forward progress is blocked if you lack a certain number. This particularly applies to Neighbors.

A Trick for Rapid Leveling

While it is true that your Town Levels will come at a relatively predictable pace, there will be times when you really need to squeeze out a level or two quickly - for instance when your Sim Population is at Capacity but you have Goals that require a new Sim, you may find yourself in need of a rapid few levels. You can do that if you use this trick!

An easy method for gaining fast levels is to take advantage of the Sims in your Neighbor's Towns. You can do this for every single one of your own Sims, which makes this an attractive strategy.

Expanding your town and gaining levels will grow more challenging because the cost for each new building grows with the placement of each new building - an expensive circle of ever-increasing costs.

Basically what you do is have one of your Sims visit a Neighbor's Town, then have them work their way through ALL of the Sims that live there, befriending each one. How does that help you? Look at the table below to see:

Stage No. Stage Number Reward XP Notes
Stage 2013 Stranger 2013 XP This is the Neutral Starting Point
Stage 1 Acquaintance 100 XP Usually requires 1 'Be Nice' Action
Stage 2 Friend 150 XP Usually requires 1 'Be Nice' Action
Stage 3 Good Friend 200 XP Usually requires 3 'Be Nice' Action
Stage 4 Best Friend 300 XP Usually requires 6 'Be Nice' Action
N/A N/A 750 XP Total Reward 11 Minutes Total Time

So in essence you spend 11 Minutes chatting up your Neighbor's Sims using the "Be Nice" Action, which takes 1m per use, and at the end of that 11 Minutes you gain 750 XP. This is one of the fastest ways to pick up XP to level your town - bearing in mind that you can rinse and repeat this with every single one of your Sims, using every single one of your Neighbor's Sims!

In addition to increasing the Sim Cap each Level can also add important new items to the game.
In addition to increasing the Sim Cap each Level can also add important new items to the game.

To put this in perspective for you, we have 12 Adult Sims in the town we used to work on this guide, and we have five Neighbor Towns with a total of 39 Sims (for the Towns we can actually visit - some of our Neighbors have Save Issues that disallow us to visit them).

Doing the math, for each one of our Sims we can obtain a total of 29.250 XP in just over 7 hours. That works out to a total of 351K XP! Ooof! If you can think of a faster way to obtain that measure of levels please be sure to let us know so we can include it here?

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43 comments, latest first.
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Feb 8th 2016 Guest
I need a neighbors fire pole
ID #633822
Nov 15th 2015 Guest
Cupcake1717 ;) is my Game Center name (yes the face is part of it) I have everything you might need for any neighbor goals. I have over 50,000,000S so if you find something I'm missing just let me know
ID #625491
Mar 18th 2016 big24fan
What's your Facebook name? Adding on Facebook is only way to go to your town isn't or is there another way?
ID #641056
Nov 16th 2015 Guest
I need to do the neighbours dog quest... my neighbours don't have a dog. Can I add you?
ID #625865
Nov 8th 2015 Guest
ID #623276
Oct 17th 2015 Guest
I'm not able to practice soccer in another sims town. How can I do this if no one has it?
Add me on game center please.
ID #617397
Oct 10th 2015 Guest
My wife is on level 10 and her town randomly went from 200,000 to over a BILLION. How is that possible?
ID #615551
Oct 15th 2015 Guest
The exact same thing happened to me yesterday. My town value was at around 200k, then I finished building the Car Dealership and it went to over a billion. An obvious glitch, seems like there's a lot of them unfortunately.
ID #616904
Sep 29th 2015 Guest
Why is my town's value at $0? I'm on level 14. I already had nearly $400,000 town value, but now it says $0.
ID #612490
Oct 11th 2015 Guest
I'm having the same problem.. I am on level 27 and my town value was 2 300 000, but now it's on 0!
ID #615733
Oct 7th 2015 Guest
I have the same problem, I had 1,500,000 town value and all of a sudden it changed to 0... after couple of days it started growing, but really slow. Ans I have built lots of things... so I really want my town value back.
ID #614708
Sep 24th 2015 Guest
My friend has reached over a billion town value and he is only on level 22. How is thos possible??
ID #611190
Sep 14th 2015 Guest
How many xp does it actually take though?
ID #608392
Aug 28th 2015 Guest
I just got the game freeplay.. how do you get Sims "(in The same town")
to interact with each other? Plz help
ID #603311
Jul 27th 2015 Guest
For Sims FP I have to dive in a neighbors pool but none of my neighbors have a diving board, what can I do to complete this task?

P.s. I've tried going to all my neighbors pool centers to dive there and that doesn't work.
ID #589858
Aug 17th 2015
I have lots of diving boards - come over and dive away. My face book name is Erica Ysanne Walsh
ID #599051
Aug 18th 2015 Guest
Can I do this too? Plus it would help with the neighbor thing. And gifts.
ID #599813
Jul 15th 2015 Guest
On the best friend level you have to be mean but it just goes down
ID #584939
Jun 29th 2015 Guest
Please add me in the Game Center lorina1999 I need more neighbours!!!
ID #577122
Apr 22nd 2015 Guest
how do i get a lot of money for free
ID #546322
Jul 31st 2015 Guest
Watch videos , always collect town money , and of course your somolieon plant , my jack pot my 5,000
ID #591757
Feb 23rd 2015 Guest
Scruffydog- yes, that is the problem. The more buildings you have, the higher your town value is and the more expensive buildings will be for you. For example, my town value is $5,430,000 right now so a big building like the fashion store costs me $700,000.
ID #520430
Feb 22nd 2015 Guest
How do I complete the love quest
ID #520032
Feb 20th 2015 Guest
I'm looking for a sim town that has an inflatable shark in their pool if you have one I would like to know your Facebook name!
ID #518805
Oct 12th 2015 bribri974
I have one
ID #616105
Oct 12th 2015 Guest
I have one
ID #616103
Jul 13th 2015 Guest
ID #583971
Jun 17th 2015 Guest
I do but I don't have a Facebook, sorry
ID #571656
Feb 19th 2015 ScruffyDog
I am in level 16 and I need to buy the pet shop. It costs 200,000 but my sisters only costs 30,000 and she is level 15. Why is that? Please reply if u no.

P.s my town value is 1,000,000 and hers is 400,000 if that was the problem ;)
ID #518086
Feb 19th 2015 ScruffyDog
To the guest that asked how to practise firefighting in a neighbours town, your neighbour has to have a fire hydrant. Then you get a sim to practise by clicking on the hydrant and click 'Practise Firefighting'. Hope I helped. Smile
ID #518085
Feb 8th 2015 Guest
Some :*#):_$_::!-_=/:: cc :*#):_$_::!-_=/::(__& bc[video][/video]
ID #513333
Nov 3rd 2014 CMBF
Look for the fire plug practice object in a neighbor town and use that.
ID #466778
Oct 30th 2014 Guest
How do I practice firefighting in a neighbors town?
ID #465241
Sep 16th 2014 CMBF
You interact in neighbor towns the same way you do in your own - by tapping on objects or other sims.

What do you mean their feet hurt?? How can you tell? If you are seeing the footstep Icon appearing over their head that does NOT mean that their feet hurt, it means they have NO PATH to the object you want them to interact with.

The game WILL let you place objects in a way that makes them impossible to interact with. If the object in question is the crib and you are wondering why they won't change diapers it is because they cannot - you have it blocked off. Move it until then CAN access it.

When you move and place objects there is an arrow symbol to show you the direction from which the object is accessed, make sure that that symbol always points to open space.

The leveling system in the game does not have speed controls. You cannot change that.

The hobbies do repeat - you just have to keep doing the hobby tasks until you get something new.

To do the neighbors you need
ID #448553
Sep 14th 2014 Guest
How do I interact in a neighbors town while their playing ?
ID #447805
Jun 30th 2014 Guest
I can't finish certain tasks because ALL of my sims feet hurt even after they slept for hours, no one will even change the babies diapers , feed them , etc . Why is this happening ??? Someone help me please !
ID #409318
Jun 9th 2014 Guest
Sometimes the hobbies take a while to level up on... What hobbie are u trying?

ID #396450
Apr 14th 2014 Guest
How do I level up slower? I am already level 19 but I still haven't unlocked the skating park...
ID #374738
Jan 10th 2014 Guest
I have found the fastest way to gain level is to ghost hunt I can level up in a 24 hour period by collecting ghost and hunting .
ID #342019
Nov 23rd 2013 Tajne
When trying to accomplish goals or collect medals, get the same ones over and over. This is not fair!
ID #321358
Oct 18th 2013 jstevenson
Im playing the Sims on my Z10 blackberry and so far there is nothing active at the riverboat. I assume this summer is why the neighbors thingy isn't active either? How Do you get this working?
ID #315164
Oct 1st 2013 Guest
How do I practice firer fighting in a neighbors town
ID #312039
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