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Sims Careers Adjustment

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Sims Careers Adjustment

Considering that FreePlay is, at its heart, a life-simulation, there really is no shortage to the inconveniences of the process of simulating human - and Pet - life. That said, there is an unpleasant element to the reality that, in each Adult Sim life, some rain must fall...

In the past that rain often took the form of whatever Career you chose to gift them with - and whether that meant making them the consummate Actor, Athlete, Politician, or even Scientist, in the end the unpleasantness usually took the form of an inflexible work schedule that had them awakening at whatever hour of the day it was that constitutes their relative morning time, managing their AM ablutions, and tottering on off to work at the dead-end Job they have been granted as their career.

Miss the alarm - fail to log in within an hour either side - or forget to dispatch them to their designated workplace, and what you had was potentially a negative day at home when they should be at the office! Actually it has been quite some time since the game exacted the sort of penalties that were originally associated with Sim Careers - that is to say rarely these days do you end up seeing your Sim demoted for failing to show up at work three or more days in a row.

The true penalty - if there is one - was often the feeling of failure that one feels as one watches ones Sims failing to advance, failing to obtain promotion, and just all around failing at the Career that you chose for them. So you can certainly imagine the pleasure with which we can now proclaim a more flexible path towards success in your Sim career!

With this new update to the game, your Sims can now wake up, complete their morning's ablutions, and then totter on off to work pretty much whenever they like! And how cool is that? Very cool!

The world of The Sims: FreePlay has always been neatly divided between the very fun and recreational aspects of Sim Life, and the odorous and often inconvenient work-a-day life of the typical adult. This new tweak to the latter means that the former has become all that much more fun!
The world of The Sims: FreePlay has always been neatly divided between the very fun and recreational aspects of Sim Life, and the odorous and often inconvenient work-a-day life of the typical adult. This new tweak to the latter means that the former has become all that much more fun!

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The official announcement though brief:


Going to work just became a whole lot easier for your Sims! Thanks to a change by Sim Towns mayor, your Sims can now go to work any time they want!

Sims can only go to work once a day though, we wouldn't want Sims getting overworked!

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So what does all that really mean?

Well, it means that in place of the usual Notice that you received when your Adult Sims were an hour due to work, in place of that when your Sim has not been to their Career on any given day you see, in the Sim Locator Window, the heartbeat-like briefcase icon that indicates that they can - should you choose - be sent to work!

You may be interested to know that our initial reaction to the pop-up window announcing this change (and which also happened to be the first we had heard of it overall) was "It is about bloody time!"

If you are only just beginning to play FreePlay and have not spent years of seeing to it that your Sims managed to get off to work on time each day, you have no idea how lucky you are!

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4 comments, latest first.
Aug 7th 2015 CMBF
Their work hours are dictated by the career you choose for them. During the targeted time period you can opt to send them to work - they will NOT go on their own mind you. You send them by tapping the briefcase icon on their SimTracker.
ID #594874
Jul 21st 2015 Guest
I dont understand! Do the sims go to work automatically? Do they get paid more depending on how long I make them work? How do I set up their work hours? Can I set their work hours? It's so hard to understand this!!!
ID #587605
Sep 16th 2014 CMBF
I honestly don't know but I have noticed that some of the purchase items seem to have longer timers associated with them. Whether this was an accident or on purpose I cannot say.
ID #448562
Sep 11th 2014 Guest
Why does it take longer time to compleat actions in the update? I purchased the more expensive objekts to compleat actions fast, but now it takes more then twice the amount of time then it did before the update. This really sucks! / A-B
ID #446661
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