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Preparing for Special Events

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Special and Holiday Events appear in your Sims: FreePlay game at regular intervals, and while each one is different in most respects, they are similar in the sense that in addition to having a mixture of events that are rather lengthy as well as a series that are play-and-time intensive, they tend to have timers associated with them.

Your goal as player is to not simply get past the Event timer, but to complete the event(s) within the timer, because doing so often leads to special rewards. Take the Halloween Event as an example...

Among the rewards that were possible for the Halloween Event was the special Petrified Putting Green -- an object in the game that is equal parts decoration and functional activity.

When it was first announced there was a suspicion that many players would consider it to be something of a Status symbol, and that suspicion has been confirmed as many of the players who managed to obtain the item by completing the new Ghost Hunt Collection in the very limited time allowed speak of it in terms of it being something of a badge of honor.

A different sort of special event can be found in completing a ring cleaning during the Need for Steed Expansion...

This being the case -- and it being likely that the wizards who create the game will very likely include similar Objects in future Holiday Events, anything that you as player can do to smooth the way or make the process of completing upcoming events easier on yourself is clearly a good idea!

As it turns out there is a lot you can do in order to accomplish that and this page shows you how!

Trading Life Points for Time

Because they can be used to skip Tasks in the game, Life Points (LP) are incredibly valuable for use during Special and Holiday Events -- that being the case they are the obvious focus for our prepping for Special and Holiday Events.

So let us look to the process of obtaining Life Points on a more or less voluntary basis with our goal being to obtain a bank of conservatively 100 LP (more is better but that should be the minimum we are shooting for as our goal both to have and maintain!

Daily Total = 40 Life Points

First make sure that you read and consult the LP Mini Guide in this section for specifics on the various strategy points for acquiring them as a concerted effort.

The important point to this is that a goal of +40 Life Points per day with an average play time of between 1 and 2 hours is easily practical.

That means in something under 3 days you should be able to obtain the desired banked number of LP to serve as the cushion amount (+100) after which you may as well devote yourself to the acquisition of an additional +100 to serve as the LP you actually intend to use during the Event.

If you need or desire additional Pets for your Sims, then by all means keep going! The sky, as they say, is the limit!

Bear in mind that we use an average of what we have obtained for the various actions for the unpredictable elements like Pet Treasure, Hobby and Random Action finds, and the like...

Completing that Bird Feeding Collection for the first time? Wicked special event!

The Dharma of Special Points

No matter how we look at this subject there are essentially two sides that are of supreme importance, while additional elements exist as beneficial (though not necessarily a focus) points: Saving Time, and Saving Money.

Early in the game's history LP was one of the core Premium Objects upon which real-world money was spent by the players. The Introduction of SP combined with the normalization of the LP system helped to change that, but it is still true today that possessing -- and using -- LP remains one of the central elements in time saving in terms of both questing and missions.

Perhaps more important now, with the maturation of the game, it should be underscored that several of the core trigger elements in the game and particularly as that applies to Adding Sims and evolving Sims, LP is as important or perhaps more important than it ever was.

That being said the primary justification for banking a specified minimum amount of LP in the game, and for maintaining that LP Bank by directed action whose sole goal is the acquisition of LP is key to saving time.

Time savings applies in many situations, and not the least being where completing Tasks within the confines of timers in order to obtain special results is the goal -- but there is also the need for LP in order to add infants, bake cakes, and obtain special Objects. Keep all of that in mind won't you as you consider how you will apply the relative strategies to YOUR game and city?

In Conclusion

Well, there you have it. Since we will want to be doing something constructive anyway during our daily play, we can focus not simply on leveling of various skills but doing so with an eye towards building a useful bank of Life Points for use in speeding along the various Tasks that are thrust upon us during Special and Holiday Events, and for obtaining game-altering elements like additional Sims and trigger Items.

Completing events - especially Holiday Events - early will often gain us special prizes that they offer - the most recent of note being to complete the Seniors Life Event Mission within the timer in order to add the special Seniors Exercise Bike to your game store!

The key to this entire process - which you will learn in some detail once you read the Mini Guides for the different Points Systems, is the transition that takes place when the Hobby Collections permanently revert to offering Life Points as the Top Prize once they have been completed.

It is of course of note that OTHER game elements also relate to the Hobby Collections - for example if you mean to complete "The Famous Sim Town Sign" that site on the bluff overlooking the town on the upper-right side of The Town Map, you will need to seriously pursue the collections that are associated with the Teen Idol sub-Career slash-hobby as well.

Finding the right onesie sleeper for your little Sim personality? Priceless!

For you should consider that the following collections under the Teen Idol System result in the following resource rewards in addition to earning LP for completing all of them;

  • Drum Beat Collection = TV Show Cameo Clack-Board/Slates Resource

  • Guitar Notes = Radio Interviews / Microphone Resource

  • Voice / Singing Notes = Magazine Photo-shoot / Studio Light Resource

That is critical when you consider that the requirements for updating (adding to) the Sim Town Sign are:

  • X number of Studio Light Resources

  • X number of Microphone Resources

  • X number of Clack-Board / Slate Resources

So as you see the two are intertwined unless you are willing to spend what amounts to an obscene amount of LP in order to shortcut the process and build the sign parts!

Another point that you need to consider is that the addition of new Collection Items (i.e. Ghosts or Mutant Fishes) and the temporary addition of special prizes in the game (the Petrified Putting Green is one example) as the Top Prize for a specific Hobby collection has the effect of temporarily changing the respective hobby / collection so as to substitute the Putting Green for Life Points as the Top Prize - though the Top Prize naturally Changes back to Life Points once the Putting Green (or other special prize) is unlocked.

Those Changes and additions also have the effect of adding time to the estimates for completing a given collection and, what is more, can put the advanced collection groups temporarily out of reach for any Sim who has yet to fully master the given Hobby...

To compensate for that however there is a changeability to the Top Prize for the expanded Hobby Collections -- specific examples include an increase from 3 Life Points to 5 Life Points for the Top Prize for completing the collection as Ghost Hunter, so you should get the idea that the expansions, while adding to the effort required, do not come without compensation!

Following this strategy and the Tips that are included in the Mini Guide for the specific points scheme will allow you to maximize the reward for your efforts, and that truly is the point to all of this.

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4 comments, latest first.
Dec 6th 2015 Guest
I need help with a dance to remember. I did the "thank the Fantasias" part then my SIM got stuck there. I couldn't finish the task. The taskbar got stuck at 25%. Now months later it still wouldn't work. I couldn't build the mall. Is there anyway I could fix this?
ID #631303
Oct 24th 2014 Guest
When or how can I do the special event like the Halloween wizard spells when I am still on the main questing? (Higher Ed)

ID #462438
Oct 3rd 2014 Guest
I want to know why you ask the sims to do crazy stuff like fight a divining board. Why do you have to put so much time on some of these dumb task that you ask
ID #454342
Dec 7th 2013 Guest
How to I make my toddler become a child it keeps saying something about a quest to complete please help
ID #326254
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