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About sphynxx

Currently: Offline | Last seen: 10th Oct 2019Recent Status: Inactive

Credit to Cyndevia for the bio banner!

Some important stuff;

Name: Josh, My friends call me J. People on site call me Alfred.
Age: Born in '89. Do the math!
Country: New Zealand

Aaand the Typical SuperCheats Bio Goals list;

Become a Moderator - Done.
Become a Moderator of more than 1 Forum - Done.
Become a Super Moderator - Done.
Become Forum Admin - Done.
1000 Forum Posts - Done.
2000 Forum Posts - Done.
3000 Forum Posts - Done.
4000 Forum Posts - Done.
5000 Forum Posts - Done.
10,000 Forum Posts - Done.
Win an award in a SuperCheats MVP Competition - December 2010 MVP - 2nd place.
Win an award in a SuperCheats Annual Award competition - Completed - Winner of 7 categories in the 2010 SuperCheats Annual Awards. Plus one miscellaneous award; Most categories won.

Super Cheats Annual Award Badges;

2010 Award Badges;

SuperCheats Newsletter Member of the Month Award Badges;

May 2010 MoTM - no badge.

Credit to Forgoten_Scars for the MoTM Badge

Secksee Forum Buddehs;

Some Scene Girl

If you want me to add you to the list, leave me a comment!

It's been a hell of a long time since I was active here. I try to remember to pop in at infrequent intervals, but that daily grind has got me too busy to do everything I want to do! Just fire a message my way if you wanna catch up!
If you have any questions feel free to ask by leaving a comment right here in my bio.

My Recent Forums

NFL - Discussion Thr.. | 15th Feb 2023
TOPIC DERAILMENT! Sports posts! Nah I?m seriousness, can someone..
1332 replies after last post


An SOS to some old f.. | 15th Feb 2023
Oh for suuuuuuuure. Life?s been?.. life. 33yrs old at this point. ..
1 replies after last post


Old members of SC. | 11th Feb 2023
[quoteby=Forgoten_Scars]Good lord it's been a long time since anyone..
17 replies after last post


Emotional Expression.. | 30th Aug 2018
I?m bi polar and should?ve been hospitalised a fair few times. I don..
4 replies after last post


Yoooo SC Fam! | 28th Aug 2018
filip! Where teh fook are you in NZ? Happenstance lead me to re-che..
2 replies after last post

My Teams

Rapture of the Fallen
Casual place to come & chat, or make fun of cabb..
Last Post Dec 8


Requiem Aeternam
Come spread the interweb luvs around ;)
Last Post Jan 6


Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Story
The 2010 SC Annual Award Winner. Welcome to PMDS..
Last Post Oct 2


Team Fall Of Force
Do you want to just talk? If you do, we have it ..
Last Post Jul 23