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- Mini Levels

Little Big Planet Walkthrough and Guide

by Absolute Steve  

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Little Big Planet Guide - Walkthrough

Mini Levels (The Islands)

Wheel of Misfortune (Unlocked by Challenge Key in Sensei's Lost Castle)
Run over the wheel and collect the score bubbles while avoiding the obstacles.  At the start, grab as many points as you can while the wheel is still spinning slowly. As the wheel starts to spin really fast, go for survival instead and make your goal to just not die. This will make for a fine score.

Roller Castle (Unlocked by Challenge Key in Sensei's Lost Castle)
Grab onto the wheels and launch yourself up within 120 seconds of time. If you collect points the timer will temporarily freeze, but don't let that be your goal. Be sure to not get spiked against the walls, and make your way to the top in a calm yet speedy/steady pace.

Daruma San (Unlocked by Challenge Key in The Endurance Dojo)
Race to the end while jumping over the Daruma Dolls. The key here is to do this as fast as possible. NEVER go back for any points you may have missed, but be sure to grab as many as you can while going for the finish.

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Comments for - Mini Levels

2 comments, latest first.
Nov 13th 2010 Guest
temple time
ID #18084
Aug 1st 2010 Guest
In the Islands, I only have wheel of misfortune unlocked and no other levels! Since it is a minilevel, I can figure out no way to move on and unlock any other level in the Islands....I am stuck at 3% for them alone. Please help me! Is it a glitch in the game?
ID #7027