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- Construction Site

Little Big Planet Walkthrough and Guide

by Absolute Steve  

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Little Big Planet Guide - Walkthrough

Construction Site

|# Prize Bubbles In Level:| 44                                                 |
|Complete Level Once:     | Costume: Blonde Hair Wig                          |
|                         | Background: The Metropolis                         |
|100% Completion Prize:   | Sticker: Boss Concept                             |
|                         | Objects: Giant Concept with Frame                 |
|                         |          Monster Truck                             |
|Ace Level Prize:         | Costume: Dinosaur Mask                             |
|PRIZE BUBBLE PICKUPS IN LEVEL:                                                |
|STICKERS:                 |OBJECTS:                 |MATERIALS:               |
|[] Electric Guitar (25)   |[] Basketball (12)       |[] Blue Cardboard        |
|[] Fragile Warning (37)   |[] Basketball Head (38)  |   Skyscraper (8)        |
|[] Front Red Football     |[] Big Crane* (16)       |[] Brown & Cream         |
|   Hat (29)               |[] Boxing Glove Back*(26)|    Concrete (41)        |
|[] Half Glasses           |[] Boxing Glove Front*28)|[] Brown Cardboard       |
|[] Intense Blue           |[] Chicken Drumstick (9) |   Skyscraper (1)        |
|   Graffiti (21)          |[] Crane Hook (11)       |[] Bumpy Concrete (36)   |
|[] Lightning Outline (27) |[] Fiery Coal Emitter(44)|[] Checked Concrete (18) |
|[] Plane Silhouette (30)  |[] Long Conveyor (10)    |[] Dark Grey Concrete(19)|
|[] Red Football Hat (3)   |[] Power Digger Man (22) |[] Disco Metal (43)      |
|[] Skyline 1 (17)         |[] Red Stiletto* (24)    |[] Flame Motif Metal (7) |
|[] Skyline 2 (40)         |[] Spike Hammer Block(34)|[] Grey Concrete (6)     |
|[] Two Arrows Warning(14) |[] Wheelbarrow Man (15)  |[] Knitted Fabric (32)   |
|[] Umbrella Warning (33)  |[] Ze Dude's             |[] Polystyrene Packing(4)|
|--------------------------|   Private Jet (35)      |[] Red Cardboard         |
|COSTUMES:                 |                         |   Skyscraper (13)       |
|--------------------------|                         |[] Rough Concrete (42)   |
|[] Dungarees Top* (39)    |                         |-------------------------|
|[] Yellow Builder Cap*(31)|                         |AUDIO:                   |
|[] Red Flash (5)          |-------------------------|-------------------------|
|[] White Burlap (23)      |                         |'[] 'Atlas'* (20)        |
'--------------------------'               '------------------------'

Head to the right and start off with a race. Dodge the burning barrels while grabbing the [CRANE HOOK]. You can easily dodge the barrels by moving in the fore/background. A little further, hop onto the platform and grab on to the fabric ball which you should swing to the left. This allows you to reach the [SKYLINE 2] and [WHEELBARROW MAN]. Continue to the right to finish. Hop over the beams, and when you get to the last one, stand on its left side so its right side goes up. Quickly storm to the other side and jump to the upper right platform. Here you can find the [TWO ARROWS WARNING], [FRAGILE WARNING] and [UMBRELLA WARNING] stickers.

Hop down and press the button so you can continue to the right. When you've made it across the gap, hop onto a small beam. Perform the same trick as you did when you grabbed the three prize bubbles on the higher platform, and jump to your left. The [POWER DIGGER MAN] looks like it wants to be taken very badly. Press the button, and the “lift” will come up again. The main path wants you to go left, but you can also use the lift to get on the platform on your upper right.  Let's try that, shall we? Perform the same little trick by stepping on the left side of the beam and running up the higher end on the right.

Once there, head right and hop onto the beam. A big sticker puzzle is here for you to solve. You should have all three stickers by now: Skyline 2 3 4.

There is an upper row and a bottom row. Here's where to place the stickers:

Upper Row(Left to Right): Skyline 4 (mirrored), Skyline 2, Skyline 4 (mirrored).

Lower Row(Left to Right): Skyline 4, Skyline 3, Skyline 2.

Your rewards? 7 prize bubbles with: [SKYLINE 1], [RED FLASH], [WHITE BURLAP], [FRONT RED FOOTBALL HAT], [RED FOOTBALL HAT], [LIGHTNING OUTLINE] and [ELECTRIC GUITAR]. Nice, very nice indeed. Head back to the main path, and go left.

A creature will bother you here, but you need his brain boost for a prize bubble located on the left. Wait for him to move there and pop his brains out - it can not be helped - so you can grab the [SPIKE HAMMER BLOCK]. Use the next few fabric balls to swing over the gap, and you'll be right at the start of another race.

Dodge the barrels (jump or go to the background) and collect the two prize bubbles along the way: [CHICKEN DRUMSTICK] and [BASKETBALL]. The latter is near the red gas of the second section, so, ehm, beware. Yeah. Use the fabric balls to make your way through the race and ride the elevator up.

If you continue, some sort of basketball will roll towards you. Dodge the flaming barrels, but grab the [BASKETBALL HEAD] object inside. So that's what they call these things nowadays.. Head for the gong. You can move to the back if you're on the right of this gong, and if you're in the far background you can snatch another prize bubble on the left that holds the [BLUE GRAFITTI] sticker.  Remember this one? You can now do the puzzle sticker in the previous level.

Pop the creature on the next platform and use the beam to get higher up. The next beam allows you to go higher up once more, but this time you can choose which way. To the left is a 2 player area, to the right is the regular level.

2x Players:
Place one player on the beam, have the other control the crane's lever so that the player on the beam can reach the left side. Here, grab the block and put it onto the beam. After doing so, the block allows you to reach the prize bubbles  on top of the crane control room. These hold [YELLOW BUILDER CAP], [BOXING GLOVE FRONT], [DUNGAREES TOP], [RED STILLETO], [BOXING GLOVE BACK] and [ATLAS]. Use  the fabric ball to swing yourself to the right and grab the [BIG CRANE].

You'll be sad if you kill the creature without grabbing the fabric ball...

Head to the right and evade the creature. Or rather, pop it's head - but only when you're standing under the fabric ball. Get to higher ground and collect the prize bubbles here: [CHECKERED CONCRETE], [BROWN & CREAM CONCRETE], [GREY CONCRETE], [KNITTED FABRIC] and [FLAME MOTIF METAL]. Don't forget the Challenge Key while you're at it. By now you know how to handle these beams, don't you?  Just move to one and another side.. You know the drill.

Go back to below and proceed to the right. Use the beams to cross and prepare  yourself for the upcoming flaming barrels. In the first part, make sure you get the [DARK GREY CONCRETE], [BUMPY CONCRETE], [ROUGH CONCRETE] and [POLYSTYRENE PACKING] materials. Take a break at the platform, then make another dash for the remaining prize bubbles on the right, and hop over any and all barrels.


Near the checkpoint, grab the [HALF GLASSES] and [PLANE SILHOUETTE] stickers, then hop from beam to beam. Jump over a barrel when you're standing still on a beam - this works best. When you reach the end, add the [FIERY COAL EMITTER] to your collection. Take a good look at the checkpoint; it's got two rings. One guess what that means.. You're right, it's time for a boss fight!


The fight starts with Ze Dude's Bouncers getting at you. They shoot burning barrels from their guns, and your goal is to bounce them back at the bouncers by grabbing the device marked with R1 on the right. One hit back at them will suffice in destroying them. First, take out the left bouncer (he's somewhat easier), then the right one.

Ze Dude is much tougher than his bouncers, as you might've expected. The stage will now move up and down, which can cause the multiple barrels he shoots at you to roll towards you. Needless to say, he also moves much faster than his bouncers, making him harder to hit. The bright side is that you only need to hit him once as well, just like his bouncers. Time this well, because that's all it takes, timing.
Once you've toasted him, head to the right and grab the prize bubble under the scoreboard. Go to the background to walk past the stairs and it will be yours.  Inside is the [ZE DUDE'S PRIVATE JET] object. Now step on the scoreboard to finish the level.

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Comments for - Construction Site

7 comments, latest first.
May 11th 2014 Sunset Saxobeat
WOW This help ALOT!
ID #383347
May 21st 2013 Guest
I did the walk through and collected all the bubbles but still says I only have 86% of prizes? I'm confused....
ID #284370
Apr 16th 2012 Guest
where is the mini game key?
ID #133997
Aug 18th 2011 Guest
ID #68090
Apr 30th 2011 Guest
what are skylines any way?
ID #40576
Feb 2nd 2011 Guest
Where do we get the skyline 3 & 4 stickers?
ID #27728
Jan 13th 2011 Guest
boing boing boing boing boing bouncers there cool but evil[spoiler][/spoiler]
ID #25221