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How Much Does it Cost to Upgrade Each Level or Board in Monopoly Go

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How Much Does it Cost to Upgrade Each Level or Board in Monopoly Go

In order to avoid your landmarks and buildings getting damaged via Shutdowns at Railroads, some players (me included) decide to wait until they have enough money to complete a whole level before they start to build. So knowing how much it costs to upgrade a level in Monopoly Go is be quite helpful so you don't run out of money mid-way through a landmark upgrade.

We do have a rough formula to work out the total cost of any level, and while it is no 100% accurate it has proven to be a reliable guideline when working out the total cost a level in Monopoly Go.

How to work out the Total Cost of a Level in Monopoly Go.

To do this, just take the first upgrade cost of the first landmark of any level in Monopoly Go, then multiply it by 112. Or if you want to be very cautious, multiply the number by 115.

Currently I'm playing through the levels in the 200s-300s and this formula is working for me, but I can't say for certain, if it is as accurate on lower levels or much higher levels.

Level 294
Level 294

So to put this in an example for you at level 294, the cost of the first upgrade of the first landmark is 575 Million. So I just simply put into a calculator:

575,000,000 x 112 = 64,400,000,000

So, using that formula, I will need to get 64.4 Billion to complete the whole level in one go.

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Why Wait to Build the Whole Level at Once

If you wait to build, then you can't be attacked with a Shutdown when a player lands on a Railroad and either targets you or is given you as a target by the game. By waiting you only need to spend the build cost for the level once. You can end up spending it many times over if you keep trying and only get part way before your landmarks are destroyed again. But this strategy does come with one problem.

The Problem with Waiting to Build a Complete Level at Once

The main problem with waiting to have enough money to complete a whole level at once is that sometimes it can take a lot of money to do this, more money the further you progress in the game. All the while you are accumulating money you are left open to you being victim a Bank Heist and having either a large chunk or your whole account getting robbed.

So in order to avoid this, you have to be quick with your money accumulation, often it's necessary to use higher dice multipliers that you would normally want to in order to get cash fast and get that level completed with getting Heisted.

Alternatively you can start to build when you have part of the cash for the whole level. If you know the target final amount and you feel you can get there with your dice and time available, then start your build, and keep going, spending the cash as you get it until you have the whole level completed.

My Strategy to Complete Levels in Monopoly Go

I always try to wait until I have enough money to complete a whole level in one go. It's very demoralizing when you can get part way through a level, leave it for a few hours then come back to see the whole level demolished. But it is equally demoraizing to accumulate a ton of money only to have to stop playing for whatever reason and them get your whole bank raided in a few hours.

So, to counter this, if I am aiming to get enough money to complete a level all at once, I just play the game when I have enough time to gather enough money to do that. So I have little time when either my bank is full or my landmarks are partially built. I also use the strategy of starting my build early if I am nearly there to avoid a Bank Heist and having the money robbed while I am playing and before I can use it, which does seem to happen a lot.

I do play for other reasons however such as to complete Quick Wins every day which is very important, and if I am close to getting a four or five star sticker pack in an event. It's not all about getting a higher net worth and completing levels, but completing those collections is really important too for the rewards they bring.

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