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Icirrus City to Undella Town

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Right... So... Welcome to the last city you needed to complete the map and the Fly destinations on it. If you check your Habitat List you will note that you not only have all of the Pokemon that you can collect here in Icirrus City, but you also have completed the Habitat Lists for EVERY location in your Pokedex Habitat List. Good on ya!

As you take your first steps into the city (assuming it is not Winter) you will notice that there are puddles with fishing deeps in them, and twirling windmills, and a nearby set of stairs you can climb to reach the walkways that link the upper areas.

To the left is the Pokemon Center, and you may as well head there now to heal and resupply, then save your game.

The girl inside will gift you with a Black Belt, and the man at the counter tells you that he will pay you well for rare ores, so if you have any you might sell them to him - or not.

Back outside head all the way east and you will encounter the Shadow Triad just as you almost reach the Treasure Ball there! They are very angry at you and demand a battle - so give them one!

Team Plasma Shadow has a Level 65 Bisharp, a Level 65 Absol, and a Level 65 Bisharp and pays you $12060.

Team Plasma Shadow has a Level 65 Bisharp, a Level 65 Accelgor, and a Level 65 Bisharp that are deployed as a triple battle, and pays you $11700.

Team Plasma Shadow has a Level 65 Bisharp, a Level 67 Banette, and a Level 65 Bisharp, deploying them in a Rotation Battle, and pays you $11700.

The Treasure Ball contains a PP Up so be sure to grab that after the three battles.

To the south and west is the entrance to Twist Mountain, and to the north can be found the Fans of Everything Pokemon Fan Club, the former Icirrus City Pokemon Gym, the Pep Quiz Hut, and the Dragonspiral Tower

At the Fan Club there is a trainer who will tell you the Friendly Status of your Pokemon. The leader will give you a gift depending on how well you have raised your Pokemon - I got a Cleanse Tag for the first one I showed him, an Experience Share for the second, and nothing for the other four.

Pep Quiz Hut: Here you can complete the Pep Quiz by answering questions posed to you... Getting the answer correct earns you Rewards like Antidotes and the like, and you can return once each day to take the quiz and win a prize.

Dragonspiral Tower

This is one of the last areas you need to clear for your Habitat List and for your own enjoyment - so head in there now. If you have been following the guide, all that you should need here is a Dratini that you get by fishing, and a Dragonair and Dragonite, which you get by fishing in the Water Holes.

If you have come to dislike having to get Pokemon from fishing in Water Holes - and I totally understand if that is the case - you should bear in mind that Dratini is the first form in the three forms of its evolutionary chain, which means that you can actually just catch a Dratini, level it to Level 30 to evolve it into Dragonair, and then level that to Level 55 to evolve it into Dragonite.

It has been my experience that simply collecting a Dratini and leveling it up is actually faster and more fun than trying to capture them by fishing in Water Holes (unless you get really lucky)...

Cedric Juniper is waiting here and you can chat him up to hear about the Legendary Pokemon that may be found ahead. Bear in mind that we are NOT doing that at just this moment - what we are doing is stepping out onto the bridge to fish off the edge in order to collect a Dratini.

Once we have that, you can either go the long route and try to fish the Water Holes, or level this Dratini to the third form. What I did was catch a Dratini (which was Level 64), then I fed it a Rare Candy to have it level once, then another Rare Candy to level the third form. That should work for you as well, just saying...

It is your call, but either way I will wait for you, so make your choice and do it!

Back? And you have all three forms as full entries in your Dex? Excellent!

We are very close to heading off on a grand quest to gather up and collect all of the Legendary Pokemon that the game has to offer you - but before we do that there are a few minor tasks to conclude, which take us to Undella Town.

Undella Town Again

When you arrive in Undella Town our old friend and friendly Rival Hugh is waiting for us in his usual spot at the base of the stairs to the Pokemon Center, but this time in addition to badly desiring a rematch with you (so he can finally prove he is the better Trainer) Hugh also has a very special gift for us – a gift we have been waiting a long time to receive!

What Hugh has is a copy of the critically important Hidden Machine HM06 Dive – a move that is absolutely required if we are ever going to explore the city at the bottom of the bay here!

That's right, there is a lost city down there! (If you played either of the previous games, Pokemon Black or Pokemon White, you knew that, but if not, well hey, surprise!).

HM06 when taught to a Water-type Pokemon allows us to dive down below the surface and dive deep for a limited period of time (basically as long as we can hold our breath) which allows us to locate and collect Treasure Balls, battle and capture Pokemon that we may otherwise not have the opportunity to battle and collect, as well as permit us to enter the human-and-Pokemon-friendly ruins below, which fortunately for us have a breathable atmosphere!

But we are getting ahead of ourselves here, first we need to deal with Hugh, who has already gifted us with the HM...

Undella Town Rival Battle

Hugh opens the fight with his Level 62 Unfezant, and demonstrates that he has not just been coasting along but has been working with and leveling his team as well as teaching them new moves. Not only has Hugh been working on improving his team but he has finally learned when to use potions in the battles he has with you!

Next up is his Level 62 Simisear, who has learned the move Brick Break and uses it well! His Level 64 Serperior is up next, so if you were using a Water-type to offset the advantage of battle with his Fire-type you are going to want to change to a different type of Pokemon since Serperior will basically crush that type...

Once you have his Serp on face down on the sandy beach he follows it with his Level 62 Flygon which, as you no doubt are aware, is very fragile against Ice Attacks (Hint Hint). Like most Pokemon that are related to Dragons Flygon does not handle extreme cold attacks very well, so putting him down and keeping him down should not be too big a challenge.

As Hugh throws his Level 62 Eelektross into the battle as his middle-thumper you would do well to remember that this one has Leftovers, so in addition to being subject to strategic heals by Hugh, it has a limited ability to recover HP on its own (and it will following each move). While Leftovers do not heal huge amounts of HP it can be pretty effective if you unload your big gun and it is not quite enough to do the job... Just saying.

Hugh trots out his Level 62 Bouffalant (see how I did that? Trots out? Heh) and you have to do your best to keep your Pokemon from ending up gored on the end of one of those horns! After you take it down that nicely completes another Rival Battle, with Hugh losing (as usual), and being forced to pay you a tasty $6400 for the battle lesson he just had.

After the battle he gets all bromance on us and tells us that he is really glad that we are mates, and then takes off via the gate to the north, presumably to do some more training.

The Return of Zinzolin

Just as we are about to head to the Pokemon Center to heal up after the battle we are stopped by none other than the Z-man, the Zeester, Zin-o-riffic! Yeah...

Zinzolin steps up and, after complaining about the heat, informs you that he is in possession of of certain papers that were left behind by Lord Ghetsis when he had his meltdown. These are rather important as they are a sort of a Rosetta Stone for the ruins below – and having those papers will allow you to read the ancient scripts that are carved into the Abyssal Ruins!

He reads them to you, offering them as a gesture of reconciliation and peace – and as a result you are now well-versed in the ancient writings and languages of the Ruins and can now read them yourself! Sweet! Why give us a hug and a Kaf (the traditional celebratory beverage of the Jaffa) and call us Daniel Jackson!

Just to be sure that you were paying attention, Zin reminds you that you use Dive to get to the Ruins, and that you should be prepared to write down any carvings that you discover on your own so that you can translate them and have a permanent (or as permanent as a note in your notebook that you wrote while swimming underwater at the bottom of Undella Bay can be anyway) record of your discovery!

Well thank you Z! Thank you very much!

Now is a good time to head to the Pokemon Center here and heal your team, re-supplying kit if you need to, and then saving your game...

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