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Humilau City

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After you complete the call with Hugh and make your way through the tube, you emerge in Humilau City, where you find Hugh waiting near the exit. Hugh suggests that you focus on beating the Gym Leader here and obtaining the final badge first, which is actually a pretty good idea...

The Gym is right in front of you, but before you head in there, why not explore the town first?

To the north is a series of docks with buildings on them, at the entrance is a bald man who informs you that the Gym Leader Marlon can be a bit on the difficult side to find. Head out on to the dock and approach the first building and you will have an encounter with Gym Leader Marlon, who it seems was out for a swim when you arrived in town.

Marlon introduces himself, and informs you that he will be waiting for you in the Gym... Cool that.

Before you head there though, there is actually a lot you can do first, starting with checking out all of the houses on the docks and having some trainer encounters, as well as Pokemon that can be captured here if you lack them, but hold off on that for the moment and focus on exploring the area.

In the first house is the Master Move Tutor, who will teach your Pokemon moves in exchange for Yellow Shards. He will teach them:

Bind (2 Shards) Binds and squeezes target for four turns.

Snore (2 Shards) An attack that can only be used by a sleeping Pokemon.

Heal Bell (4 Shards) Heals status problems.

Knock Off (4 Shards) Slaps down target's held item.

Synthesis (6 Shards) Restores the users HP.\

Roost (6 Shards) Restores the users HP by as much as half.

Sky Attack (8 Shards) A second-turn attack that may cause the target to flinch.

Role Play (8 Shards) Copies the target's natural ability.

Heat Wave (10 Shards) A hot breath attack.

Giga Drain (10 Shards) Restores the user's HP by half the damage taken.

Drain Punch (10 Shards) An energy-draining punch.

Pain Split (10 Shards) Adds the users HP to the targets and then shares the total.

Tailwind (10 Shards) Creates a turbulent whirlwind that speeds your team for four turns.

His assistant will recommend a good move for the Pokemon in the Number one position in your party if you need a suggestion...

Follow the docks east and north, pausing to chat with the martial arts trainer on the dock to learn his thoughts on how Pokemon and humans need to get along, then continue north to the next house where you can learn about Stunkfisk from the two trainers there.

At the end of this section of docks is a trainer who shares with you how comfy her dress is... Head down the ramp and to the east to grab a Heart Scale from the Treasure Ball here, then follow the sandbar west and south and you will find a trainer floating in the water to the east.

Using Surf, step off the sandbar and talk to her to learn the following: “Do you know about Seaside Cave? If you use the HM Surf to go down Route 21, you'll find the cave there. If you go through it, you'll reach Undella Town.”

Head up the nearby ramp to the west and then follow that dock north to the house where the trainer inside urges you to become the Regional Champion so that he can advertise that the Champion visited his business.

Humilau City docks offer a variety of items
Humilau City docks offer a variety of items

Follow the dock past a house you cannot enter to reach the next house that you can, where a trainer will offer to trade you his Tangrowth for your Mantine. You should already have Tangrowth so this is more or less an optional trade that you do not have to complete.

Outside standing at the corner is a trainer who, when you talk to him, will unlock the Funfest Mission “Memory Training,” which adds another potential group activity to your Entralink.

Head down the ramp and chat with the trainer floating in the water here to learn a factoid about a Kanto Gym Leader, and then get back on the sandbar and follow it north under the dock past the ramp up and then west under that dock, and up the ramp to the west.

Follow the dock north and you will encounter a trainer in the building there who will ask you to walk her Mienfoo - inside her house - and if you agree to do that, the Pokemon will follow you as you walk around. After you walk it long enough to satisfy her (you will know when because she will tell you if it is not enough when you talk to her) she gifts you with a Pearl.

After you exit the house you will spot a Treasure Ball with a Protein so be sure to grab that. Head down the west ramp to add Route 22 to your database, but don't head out onto it just yet, instead turn on your Dowser and follow it back onto the sandbar to obtain a Heart Scale, as that wraps up the hidden items here.

Surf south to a spit of beach behind the Pokemon Center where you will find a Treasure Ball with a Shell Bell inside.

At this point you should check your Pokemon Collection against the Wild Pokemon list below and see if there are any that you need.

Dex No. Name Type Location
104 Basculin Water Surfing
237 Corsola Water/Rock Water Holes
180 Frillish Water/Ghost Surfing
181 Jellicent Water/Ghost Water Holes
239 Starmie Water/Psychic Water Holes
238 Staryu Water Surfing

Wild Pokemon here include Level 32 to 40 Basculin, Frillish, and Staryu via Surf, while in the water holes you will find Basculin, Corsola, Jellicent, and Starmie. If you have been following the guide the only one you should need is a Corsola, so concentrate on opening holes by running along the sandbar and jumping in until you get one!

Once you have your Corsola a check of the Habitat List will show you that you have completed the entry for Humilau, so good on ya!

You will also notice that due to other Pokemon you captured earlier, you will have completed the entries for Castelia Sewers, Route 9, and the Surf page for Route 22.

At this point the game plays out in a very similar fashion to its opposite, in that you should be focused upon obtaining the last Gym Badge because that is the key event that is required to move the story forward, which is sort of the point.

So with that in mind, and considering that your team should be at least Level 60 and above, which is certainly able to handle the Pokemon of the Gym, since they are for the most part around Level 47, there should not be any need to level up for this battle. So head back to the docks and make your way to the entrance of the Pokemon Gym now.

Humilau City Gym & the 8th Badge

It is now time for you to begin the battle for your final Gym Badge – and you should be aware that Marlon, the Humilau Gym Leader, as well as the Assistant Gym Leaders here, all favor Water-type Pokemon, and that is going to have a significant impact on your choices here.

Basically as you are facing fairly strong Water-type Pokemon you will not want to bring Ground, Fire, or Rock types for sure, and you will find thanks to some of the moves that the trainers you will face have that Flying and Bug types as well as Ice types will also be at a disadvantage here...

The strong types for this Gym and its battles are Electric and Grass-type Pokemon, of which you should have both on your team. Personally I was again at a disadvantage here because my main team was basically set up for any battle EXCEPT this one...

Once you have decided which team members make the best sense it is time to head into the Gym and get the Assistant Gym Leaders out of the way, so head in and say hello to the Greeter, and collect the traditional Fresh Water, then make your way using the very large green lily-pad-like thingies.

Ace Trainer Doyle has a Level 47 Floatzel and a Level 47 Mantine and pays $2820.

Ace Trainer Melina has a Level 48 Alomomola and pays $2880.

Ace Trainer Santino has a Level 48 Walrein and pays $2880.

Ace Trainer Jeanne has a Level 47 Pelipper and a Level 47 Wailord and pays $2820.

Ace Trainer Enzio has a Level 46 Basculin, a Level 46 Azumarill, and a Level 46 Basculin, and pays $2760.

Ace Trainer Sable has a Level 47 Golduck and a Level 47 Starmie and pays $2820.

The final Gym Badge Battle with Gym Leader Marlon

The Gym Leader Battle with Gym Leader Marlon

Gym Leader Marlon opens this epic battle with his Level 49 Carracosta, followed by his Level 49 Wailord, and then sends in his Level 51 Jellicent in the hopes of really putting the boots to you!

After you win – and you did win, right? – Marlon pays you $6120 as well as awards you the Wave Badge, which is of course the 8th and final Pokemon Gym Badge for the Unova Region!

With the Wave Badge now in your Badge Case, you can control all Pokemon up to Level 100 including those obtained in trades, and considering the fact that Level 100 is the top Level, well then that means there is not a Pokemon in the world you cannot control!

As is the tradition, Marlon also gifts you with a TM – in this case TM55 Scald, which he just demonstrated for us when we battled him.

A man of few words, and perhaps feeling a bit chagrined at you having so easily beaten him, Marlon dives into the water and swims off, as you head for the exit, having managed to obtain all of the badges that are required to gain access to and challenge the Elite Four and, after beating each, the Pokemon Regional Champion! Well done you! Excellent! Good on ya! Yeah!

Back in the Real World

As you exit the Gym Hugh steps up to congratulate you, and then Marlon appears, asking about Team Plasma. Hugh asks you to check Route 22 while he looks elsewhere – and then he takes off. You should hit the Pokemon Center to heal up, re-supply if you need to, and save your game.

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