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Walkthrough for Spiritfarer

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Spiritfarer is an indie game developed by Thunder Lotus Games and has been released on multiple platforms such as PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, and more. Here, you’ll control the main character named Stella as she takes on the role as the Spiritfarer. As the name implies, she’ll help out spirits and accompany them until they go to the afterlife.

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As you play through the game, you’ll help out the Spirits by granting their final wishes before they move on. Completing these tasks will enable you to ferry these spirits and take them to the Everdoor, which is the place where you can say good bye and watch the spirits go to the afterlife. Spiritfarer combines elements of side scrolling, management sim, and sandbox action into its core gameplay. It also features beautiful animation, and good orchestral music.

In this guide, we’ll be covering the basics of the game such as how to get your passengers, how to upgrade your ship, and granting the last wishes of the spirits before they move on. The game contains different elements as well such as Fishing and Cooking, as well as Abilities that you can acquire in order to help you with your tasks. If you have any questions for the game please head to the Answers Page to ask there. Our guide will be covering different features, so here’s what you can expect plus more:

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