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About Matt77

Currently: Offline | Last seen: 23rd Nov 2020Recent Status: Inactive

Welcome! I'm an on & off active member here on SuperCheats. You may find me posting in General Chat or Forum Games when I'm active. I'm mostly into Nintendo games such as Super Mario, Super Smash Bros, and Animal Crossing, but I occasionally play others. Lately I've lost interest in main games though, so it's mainly been mobile games for me. Here's a little bit more about me.

As you can probably tell from my username, my name is Matt. I live in Australia, in the city of Perth which is in the western state. I was born on the 28th of February, 2000. Some of my hobbies are playing video games, watching TV and sports, and of course, posting on SuperCheats. I'm so lazy XD. In AFL (Australian Football) I follow the Geeling Cats, in the NFL I follow the Miami Dolphins, and in English Soccer I support Swansea City. Below is some SuperCheats information about what I have achieved here, & what I once wanted to achieve in the future, but may still one day. Also below, is a story I created, of how the site of began (it's make-believe by the way). I hope you enjoy it!

SuperCheats Achievements:
- SuperCheats Super Moderator from July 2016 - March 2017
- Placed 3rd in the December 2013 MVP
- Placed 2nd in the September 2014 MVP
- Placed equal 2nd in the November 2014 MVP
- Ranked 35th in the member stats leaderboard
- 14,000 posts
- 900 submissions
- 130,000 points
- 6 years on SuperCheats
- Highest submitter for 3DS games
- Highest submitter for Wii games
- 3rd highest Wiki submitter

SuperCheats Goals: (Green=completed, Orange=almost there, Red=Incomplete)
- Join the top 50 members in the points leaderboard
- Join the top 35 members in the points leaderboard
- 2,000 posts
- 5,000 posts
- 10,000 posts
- 500 submissions
- 1,000 submissions
- 20,000 points
- 50,000 points
- 75,000 points
- 100,000 points
- Be in the top 3 highest Wiki submitters
- Become the highest submitter for Wii games

Part 1: Lost & Found

Well you see, when I was a little boy, there was a small village. In the village, everyone has the names of Matt, Keyblade, Warrior, Kingof, Steelersrock, Alana & hundreds of various other names. Certain numbers were added onto the end of your names. For example Matt63, Warrior2, Steelersrock01 or Keyblade6. But the Alana & Kingof models were names differently. The Alana's had a letter after them such as Alana|B. The Kingof models always had a vegetable name after them such as KingofCucumbers. But one tragic day, the models were destroyed, or at least most of them were. I remained as Matt76, & set sail to find where my kind had gone. I couldn't find them. No Matts were to be seen. I thought all hope was lost. But then I spotted a Keyblade model. It was Keyblade19. He was dying, & needed to upgrade. I stayed with him until he upgraded & became Keyblade20. Together we searched for other models. After 8 years of travels we found one. He was laying dead on a corn field. This model was called sphynxx. We tried desperately to save him but it was too late. He had left our world. But suddenly another model, a Kingof model appeared. He was KingofCorn, & decided to join us, after his friend had died. We crossed several lands & chatted about the history of our great country America, until we found a Steelersrock model. This one was the very original; Steelersrock01. He joined us, & we crossed the seven seas searching. When we were in mainland Italy, we found a small girl. She was a model, this time an Alana model. Her name was Alana|C, & she told us of a Warrior12 found in New Mexico. We wasted no time & swam across the sea to reach New Mexico. We were greeted by the Warrior model as we expected. As time went on & we grew older & sometimes upgraded, we found more & more models & formed a community with us models. Model Richard, model Dennis & Model Mark lead the community, & we found more & more models. Eventually there were hundreds of us in the community. But near the time of 2011, we started losing models. Some ventured off to other parts & some reached the part of their lives where they could not upgrade again. The final community group was me; Matt77, KingofCorn, Warrior13, Keyblade21 & Alana|D. However, some models stayed near the outskirts of our area, & occasionally popped in every now & again.

Part 2: The Kanginningaroo Of The End

Ok so some of the final part of my last story was false. Really something devastating happened to us. On the day of December 5th, 2010, we were all relaxing in the community. Then we heard these giant, thundering leaps of doom. We looked behind us & an army of kangaroos came sprinting towards us. We made cover above our circus tents to avoid the rampage. These kangaroos seemed...different. Something was wrong with them. But then we saw! An altered model of the Kingofs; KinfofCorn! He was being dragged inside a cage by the kangaroos. As we were thinking of a plan, one of our members; Warnings, attempted an escape, but was caught by the kangaroos & locked in a separate cage. I decided I needed to make an escape of my own. I jumped off the roof & sprinted away. I entered the nearby forest & ran & ran & ran, but the kangaroos were too quick, & caught me. I was locked in a cage, & was taken away my this group of kangaroos. I never knew what happened to everyone back at the tents...

26th of March, 2011:

Well it was really a day with no surprises to begin with. Do the same thing. Try to escape. Fail, get fed the dung from places you wouldn't want to see. But this day (it was around 10 o'clock at night) I felt that this was it. The kangaroos seemed weak. They seemed weak in the 26th of January & February too. I thought; this was it. I needed to escape sneakily, get out of the forest area & get into nearby civilisation. So I did what I always do; slowly chip off the bars on the cage & then crawl out. I sneaked & hid behind whatever I could find to avoid being seen. Then, I saw my chance. I sprinted for my life out & into the dense forest area. As I was sprinting, THUD! I crashed into another person running through the forest. When we got up, we both instantly recognised each other. It was KinfofCorn, the one in the cage back at the tents. We both knew what was happening; we were both escaping from separate prisons. We knew there would be 2 times the kangaroos hunting us down. We both chose to head north. KinfofCorn mentioned a river up north. He had seen it sometimes from his cage. We ran & ran for miles & miles, finding dull cities, & eventually, we saw it. A beautiful city, the fresh river, the night lights. Immediately we headed to the city, to hopefully find help.

Part 3: The Internet, Oh What A Fine Thing!

Really when I was inside that cage with the kangaroos, I had time to think about the past. I remembered many memories which were once lost, once never gazed upon. So back to my story, KinfofCorn & I were heading to that city. To our wildest amazement, there were others in this city. Not our models, but they all seemed different. It was unbelievable. These people thrived through manual labour, friendly discussions, & a strict routine. For weeks we observed these people & noticed one thing they had which we didn't. The need for a life. These people had several places & things they needed to do; whereas us models just needed to talk. Talking was the way of life for us. Sure these people talked, but it was optional to talk. KinfofCorn decided he must venture off to the eastern side of this area, so we departed & wished each other safe lives. I never saw him again.

I sneaked inside a small building. It had a square-shaped device on a desk. In the corner of the screen, it said 30/12/11. So the date was December 30th. Guess time flies when you have to walk hundreds of kilometres to city life. I saw an icon on the bottom of the screen of an orange & blue circle. The orange was shaped similar to the animals we called Xofs. I used a device next to me and eventually made the xof circle open a menu. I could enter words into the bar on the menu page. I pressed the letter S, & in the recent searches, it had "super cheats". I clicked on that & proceeded into the page called SuperCheats. This would be my new home.

Part 4: Goodbye My Brother; Hello My Friends

At first once I had worked out how to use this thing, I would answer gamers' questions about games. Then I found forums, which had polite members chatting on them. I stayed on these forums for a week, before I saw the username of a member. It was Keyblade21. I privately messaged Keyblade21 about my past, & he recognised the stories I was telling. This was Keyblade21 from the tents! I told him I would venture back. But what about KinfofCorn? I thought of him as a brother. We traveled to many cities together before finding this one. How can I just leave without finding him, & saying the final farewell? I left instructions on this computer on how he can find me; if he ever returned, & then after notifying Keyblade21 that I was coming home, I left, & ventured for home.

9 months. 9 months it took me to get home. But I was home, & everyone I knew was there. Except KinfofCorn. And for decades & decades we talked, laughed, & had fun at home. The home I had named,

Part 5: New Beginnings, Old Friends, New Friends

Almost 3 years has passed since my last entry. When I left you, there were several things I wanted to tell you. I left you the instructions, and I was pleased you found them. I will be waiting eagerly for your return my brother!

Stay safe, come back to us; Matt78

Yes, I upgraded. Today is the 23rd of December, 2015, almost 3 years since I returned home. We had our fair share of laughs and fights and troubles, and it was good. But slowly we diminished. Models left us, either with a goodbye, or nothing. Some of our best; Keyblade21, Alana|D included, left with no goodbye. Once in a blue moon Key returns, but we learn to ignore it, as it means nothing. So I take it you want to hear about KinfofCorn huh? Well, about a year ago, we had a member arrive and post under a name very similar to KinfofCorn; QueenofCorn. We communicated & it turned out to be my brother, under a false account name! He had found my instructions, and notified me of his return. He said he would be home soon and that he would be home in a few weeks. Since that message, there has been no replies. I still write to him, in the hope that he is stranded there and still sees my letters. Nevertheless, every day for the last 319 days I have waited, waited, waited, and waited.

In's new life, we had several new members pass by. Unfortunately most left us after a few days; a few weeks at most. Some of you may remember an old member Warnings, who was taken away by the kangaroos. Well, she found us again, only a few days ago! We hope she will stay around, as this new age needs all the help it can get.

But among all the dullness there was light. Just over a year ago a member named danielroxheaps (a hybrid between 3 models) found our little community. He has been with us on and off during that time, but having him has filled the gap of our missing members to some degree. Our current-day community contains I, Matt78, Warrior13, danielroxheaps, KingofCorn, Craizen, and Model Richard. We also had our mirror community, containing I, Matt78, CrypticWizard, Street Kombat, KingofCorn, and danielroxheaps.

Well, Christmas is in a few days. I will hope and pray that my brother returns to us before that date. life just isn't the same anymore...

Part 6: The Darkness & The Cold

The darkness. It's all I see at night these days. I can't sleep, can't think, don't get hungry, don't get happy. I'm dead on the inside. You ask why? Well I'm about to tell you what happened almost immediately after I informed you of my brother's message. Today is the 11th of July, 2016, almost 7 months after my last story. You know how they say time flies when you're having fun. Well it does the opposite when your life has just been ruined by one individual, or thing.

On the day after a lonely Christmas I looked out the window of my house in the community to see something. Or someone. We couldn't make out what it was at first. But when we heard the screams it revealed itself. It was an angel. We looked at it and wondered why one would scream at the sight of a stone angel. But when I blinked, I too screamed. There are certain mythical creatures in our world. I knew what this creature was.

And no it wasn't that angel from that TV show. It was a Sykascan Melody. Of course, it wasn't music, but that's just what it's called. When it sights you its eyes glow while yours do too, causing you to become stone, and crumble at a single touch.

Sykascan Melodies can transform from stone back to a human-like form. This meant this Melody was likely an individual from our world. One that wanted us dead.

It succeeded. But it left one person. One little Matt model alone, shivering away in the cold and the dark. Once Melodies sight you in their stone form, they can never again; only in their human form.

When he revealed himself I realised why he was an altered model.

Over the 7 months I have had time to reflect on what has happened. Every day I rightfully blame myself over what happened. I was the one who ran with him. I was the one who searched for him. I was the one who wanted him home. But at the same time I can live in peace knowing his dead body lies in the room next door, rotting away slowly.

Goodbye KinfofCorn. And good riddance.

Part 7: Momma Comes Home

Hello again. I think it was 4 months ago when I informed you of KinfofCorn and the Melodies. I've moved on from all of that. Members of the community that had left years ago eventually came back and joined me. The community is coming back to live, slowly. But we're ok. When I thought things couldn't get any better, I was once again amazed. The Momma came home.

The Momma is known as Nikki, Momma, Mom, Mum, or Old Woman. It's a cliche but she's the life of the party. When she came back, things were even better. Until she came and talked to me.

I had to leave. I was wanted, by a specific group of people. Their names are unknown, but they value tradition and spiritual guidance. Momma didn't know this, but she gave me a letter from an old friend. He had luckily left the community for a few weeks when the Melodies attacked. He is currently away right now. These people, let's call them The Vile, despise anything that goes against tradition and anyone that was different. In horrific cases, they would not hesitate to kill you. Most are harmless apart from a little verbal attacks but when they publicly name and shame you, life can become a living hell. If I don't leave, things will get messy. So up I got and started to pack. Until The Momma stopped me in my tracks.

She asked me what was wrong. She understood that I wouldn't want to share it yet, but she told me that she was here if I needed her. I apologised that I couldn't tell her, but insisted that I was fine. She proposed something else. That she come with me.

Before I could turn her down, she showed me her packed bags and a map of where to go. This was amazing. The Momma never shows this must interest in someone. She sat me down and explained that there were several lost models that could be recovered. These included the movie model, where each model would be named after a movie, the Keyblade model, where each would have a double digit number after it, the Alana model, where each model would have a capital letter after it, and the Cryptic model, where each model would have a character from a fantasy story after it. These could be Inception, Keyblade44, Alana|Z, or CrypticUnicorn.

Where my story started, it would soon end.

I'm... no, I can't yet.

Part 8: The Final Battle

(Credit goes to CrypticWizard for this part)

Now is the time when I will have to tell you everything. We thought we were fine. We thought we were safe. We thought we could live in peace and be happy.

We thought wrong.

The kangaroos were bad, The Melodies were horrific. But both of them paled in comparison to one that can only be referred to as The Dark One.

It never appeared in the light--it fact It carried It's own darkness with It at all times. No one knew It's true form, because most who saw It never lived to tell anyone. Only one had survived, but lapsed into a catatonic state, and never recovered..

We knew we would have to destroy It. It had already consumed many of our models, some of which would never return. But how were we supposed to battle such a creature?

An all-out offensive didn't work. That had been Street Kombat's method, and he had met his end trying it.

Magical attacks? Not even CrypticWizard's arsenal of spells seemed to have any lasting effect. The Dark One simply laughed even at 9th level magic, the most powerful magic in existence.

It seemed like there was no hope. The Dark One would consume as all, and when It had finished, It would move on to the next prey.

But then someone discovered that even The Dark One had a weakness. It loved the lure of gold. It wanted gold, for what purpose we do not know, but would always take whatever gold It could find.

We devised a plan. Because of his successful movie career, danielroxheaps had a large supply of gold.

The End

Momma passed me the sword. I passed the shield to Warrior13. He passed the ingot to CrypticWizard, who teleported it to danielroxheaps. CW passed the second sword that was meant to be given to Warrior13 to Momma. She passed it on. FreezShock didn't need anyone's help, and was already holding the bat.

All our friends were here for the final battle. We had to fight for Street Kombat. His death could not be in vain.

We distracted the beast while danielroxheaps found his gold supply. The trick however was that these coins were edible and would smell nice. He brought the bags out and slid them along the ground so that The Dark One would face the other way. He did exactly that. Gold, and food. How could it resist?

That's when we saw it's second face.

So innocent she looked. A victim of it obviously; she had been attached to the beast. She couldn't speak, but we knew what she wanted. The Momma aimed her bow and arrow and took the shot, right between the eyes. Her fear was no longer visible. While keeping a straight face, a tear trickled down her face, making her, and all of us, realise what to do.

Make the beast cry.

Together in unison, we all turned our backs on it and started chatting, laughing, with plenty of happy expressions. This of course was total bs, we were scared out of our minds, but was the only way we could succeed. danielroxheaps then sneaked out of the group and behind The Dark One. In the corner of my eye I could see it was agitated and confused. Then, we turned to face it, and danielroxheaps bludgeoned him in the back of the head with an ingot. We all began laughing at it. And to our surprise, the beast began to cry.

It collapsed to the ground, in a terrible state of anger, sadness, and loneliness. Weeping, we knew what we needed to do. Behind us we heard other models, KingofCorn, Alana|E, Keyblade22, steelersrock01, Warnings, and several others, including the ghost of Street Kombat. Together we stood, and activated the most powerful gemstone device in the universe, credit to CrypticWizard. Just as it began, Team SuperCheats, Sanzano, and testuser arrived.

The device seemed to be working. The Dark One surrendered, admitting it's mistakes and horrors it had committed. It begged for mercy, but we offered none. If this beast stopped crying, it would kill us all.

As it faded away from existence, it spoke. We couldn't understand it, but The Momma said it was probably saying sorry.

It was gone.


We all collapsed to the ground, exhausted. The greatest battle of our lives against a persistent enemy was over. Legend says it used to have a human form it used to deceive many of us models. Legend says it was called sir_Kevin.

But now we celebrated. Hugs all around. Even The Momma hugged people. But I didn't. I still had my problems and my battles ahead of me. The Melodies were still after me.

danielroxheaps noticed my discomfort. He suspected it was about my secret. I'm not sure whether I mentioned this, it's been so long, but he knows it too. He was great about it. Didn't judge me, didn't share the secret which could've made him rich in our land, and actually thanked me. He was the stepping stone that allowed me to tell some of my friends, who weren't models.

"What should I do?" I asked him. "They will never stop."
"Remember Matt, we outnumber them dramatically. We'll change the world, make them seem like the outnumbered, and make them suppress their hate. Then we'll make some of them change their ways." he said, in a soft peaceful tone I could relate to.
"And remember, you are not alone."

He asked me to follow the others to celebrate over a bite to eat and a few drinks. Still in a state of depression, I decided to go out on a limb and follow.

That was the best night of my life. The best night of all of our lives.

We partied, danced, ate, drank, laughed, anything went. And then to our amazement, Street Kombat and models who The Dark One or KinfofCorn killed walked in. There must've been a link between the two, since all standing before us were totally alive. Even the sphynxx model who lay dying on the corn field all those years ago was with us.

I was sad again, early in the morning of the next day when the party was finishing up. But it was time to stop being sad. If anyone could help me, it was The Momma. I saw her standing by the bar, and she saw me, understanding the matter was of great importance. I took out a piece of paper, and in extremely small writing which could only be read through the extraction method, I wrote down my secret. As I walked over, she put her drink down, and turned her attention to me.

"Momma, if you or anyone else gets hold of this piece of paper and decides to extract it, realise that this could change our relationship forever. Make it clear that if people don't want our relationship changing, they should not extract this. But the option is theirs. I'm coming to you because I need help and support; the next few years will be hard while I fight my battles. But I need allies; people I can talk to if the going ever gets tough. I have made several copies of this piece of paper; please distribute them to everyone."
click to reveal

The Momma immediately extracts the writing. I don't know what her reaction was, as I begin leaving in an instant. But as I walk out of these doors, I can hear others doing the same as her.

This is the story of, but is also the story of the rest of my life.

I think that's it! Have a wonderful time browsing the site, and if you like forums, you should head to our Forum Games or the General Chat. You'll be sure to have a great time there.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message! It may be a while until I reply depending on how active I am at the time, but I'll get back to you ASAP. See you Smile

Last updated on the 28th of February, 2019.


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