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Stages 11-15

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Stage: Crawler’s Challenge

Difficulty Mode: Regular

Waves to clear: 10

zombie amount: 335

zombie Endurance: 800-3200

zombie Types: crawler

Mission Briefing:

Liuetenant, by now you’re used to trials and tribulations, but thisis a special one indeed: a section of the inner city is all that we need to cleanse to win back the entire town. It’s an old basketball court whose surroundings happen to be infested by a herd of Crawlers attracted by the movement. Take position and take a few steps to let them know you’re there – and once they start coming, the ball will be in your court.


One of the great combos in the game is to have a powerful long ranged attacker, and a dependable tank to protect it from the front. We’ll assume that you pretty much already have the enforcer among your recruits in the game. Now its time to step up your game a notch by unlocking the “Chainsaw” recruit from the enforcer tree (check on "Regular Upgrades" section). If you have funds to spare, giving it the further 3 meter range upgrade would also prove to be beneficial.

Since this stage is only infested with crawler type Zombies, you wouldn’t have any troubles with long-ranged and flying types when using a melee ranged recruit (chainsaw recruit). Be amazed on its dependable defense and attack properties. A single chainsaw recruit with full upgrades (4 stars with slot upgrades) could easily finish the level by himself. It does not matter even if the zombies come from all different directions in the court, with a damage of 8400, and HP of 1600, the “Chainsaw” recruit would effortlessly slice through the adversary.

To finish the level with a 3 star rating, simply fill in the three spots at the middle of the court with fully upgraded Chainsaw recruits and you’ll be in for a show.

(image below: fill-in the slots at the center with a chainsaw recruit)

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Stage: Survivalist’s Challenge

Difficulty Mode: Regular

Waves to clear: 15

zombie amount: 360

zombie Endurance: 800-5100

zombie Types: walker, crawler, zombie bird

Mission Briefing:

A Colt M1911 and a pack of grenades against hordes of Zombies in beautiful desert environment. Remember that higher grounds gives you advantageous range. Move around to avoid slow monsters and use your grenades. Goodluck!


First things first. If you are not inclined to get through this level the only way we know how, you may easily skip this level to beat later on in the game as it could really get frustrating and tedious to earn you the 3 star rating. Since this is a dead-end on the level map tree, expect this one to be another of those odd challenges in the game. The thing that is most challenging in this level is that you can only use the survivalist recruit to finish the staggering 30 waves. That said, since it does not have much for firepower and HP, you’ll resort into lots of running around in the given map and playing the game at its slowest pace (depending on your ability to play multiple recruits) in order to survive the challenge. This the simplest technique to beat this level. As we have said, this level can get really FRUSTRATING.

(image below: slots on top of the boulders offers vantage point -- therefore offering you boosts in attack and range)

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Hence if you decide to carry on to the main route and get back to this level later on in the game, it is advisable to upgrade the amount of grenades you get to start with, their additional damage, the supply crate size, and the supply time before engaging this level. This will help tremendously on easing up your torment.

Stage: The Quick and the Dead

Difficulty Mode: Regular

Waves to clear: 10

zombie amount: 462

zombie Endurance: 800-3200

zombie Types: walker, crawler, runner

Mission Briefing:

Strange news coming from interstate 35: Patrols are reporting encounter with a bizarre, previously unseen variant of the zombie, faster and tougher than the Crawlers. They may,in fact constitute a brand new strain of the infection. The research department has codenamed them “the Runners”, and has been mapping out their presence, predicting that tracking down their source may eventually allow us to identify the origin of the Outbreak itself. You will be deployed to the spot of the last recorded encounter. Good luck, Lieutenant.


If you choose to play the “Crawler’s Challenge” ahead of this stage, you’re pretty much ready to engage with this tougher variant of the zombie. Strategically posted at the middle of a highway along with a fixed barricade of vehicles, you’ve got only two entry points to worry about with this one. Our pick to get started on this level is at the center with the 3 spots beside a police car.

(image below: your starting point -- the 3 slots at the center of the map)

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You may start with either an enforcer or a Tesla recruit, situated beside the police car’s engine bay. Either way, these recruits shall give you a good head-start with enough range and firepower to deal with the first few waves by themselves. At this point of the game, you may want to invest the “Range” in the upgrades menu to give your recruits a bit of leverage against the faster “Runners”. Nonetheless, a 4 star “Tesla” shall easily complete the 10 waves by himself.

To earn the 3 star rating for this level, we’ll introduce our most famous combination of recruits in the game. The Chainsaw-Tesla combo. As you continue on the level, situate a “Chainsaw” recruit anywhere beside the tesla unit. Situating it at the rear part beside the police car will give you more coverage on the eastern part of the highway, while putting him in front will defend the west opening. You may also want to hire the bulldozer to help you significantly trim down the horde coming from the west.

(image below: the bulldozer on the western part of the bridge)

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Adding an additional Tesla from the 16th wave onwards (situated beside your first two recruits) will do the trick until you finish the level without breaking a sweat. This combination of recruits works like a magic especially on tight locations where Zombies do not get to harm or reach the tesla recruit unless hey get beyond the Chainsaw guy. The tesla provides somewhat like an area of effect a chain attack with explosive damage to the clump of zombies tanked by the chainsaw. In additon, the chainsaw puts up an additional damage to the mob. To fortify this combo formation, invest in “Regeneration” in the upgrades menu.

Stage: Banker’s Challenge

Difficulty Mode: Regular

Waves to clear: 20

zombie amount: 1230

zombie Endurance: 800-7400

zombie Types: walker, crawler, runner and zombie bird

Mission Briefing:

“$10,000 up-front? And 20 waves to make it through with nothing but that cash? Sounds like a long shot, HQ. Good thing we like a gamble!” We have something of a side-task in the battle plan, Lieutenant: an unusual trial for the high roller. The Banker’s Challenge is an informal offer from a wealthy private sponsor: receive $10,000 in advance, and try to make it up through the 20 waves of Zombies, cleaning up the sponsor’s old hometown, which he wants freed – and which is not on the sanctioned list of targets. Due to the unofficial nature of the offer, you will not be paid a cent above the settled amount while fighting. Still, you can have HQ’s green light,so if you can take it, roll the dice and go on to win.


The are a number of pre-requisites to this level prior to plausibly finishing the level with a 3 star rating. For one thing, the budget is fixed for this level, and the first run alone consists of 20 waves. Imagine how tough the Zombies become when you reach past the 30th wave. One of the more obvious solutions is to bring down the cost of slot upgrades as well as purchasing the option to borrow cash upto $2000. There is also the additional startup cash on the Gold upgrades if you can afford those too. Nonetheless, if you do not want much hassle and grinding, save this level to play later on in the game.

Our main technique here is precision -- both in strategizing the most effective combo and the location. Our obvious pick of course is the Tesla-chainsaw combo, positioned at the center of the map where the barricade offers a strategic way of funneling the incoming horde from all over the place. Collect supply crates regularly and use molotovs to screen the openings of the barricade when the volume of Zombies becomes overwhelming. To save up on cash, start on the yellow slot.

(image below: the center of the map offers the best starting point)

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Stage: Banker’s Challenge II

Difficulty Mode: Regular

Waves to clear: 20

zombie amount: 1670

zombie Endurance: 800-7400

zombie Types: walker, crawler, runner, zombie dog, and zombie bird

Mission Briefing:

So you liked the Banker’s Challenges? Perfect! Here’s a new one: $15,000 up-front, and 20 waves to make it through with nothing but the cash.


This one's tougher than the first bankers challenge. Although it gives you an additional $5,000, the map offers a little room for strategy. It is best to keep it safe with tough recruits like the Tesla and Chainsaw with this one. The trick is that you'll have to constantly move around your recruits when their HP gets critical (color red). You might want to keep the time speed slow just to be sure you get things right (yes it takes a long time to play, but very helpful nonetheless). Form the combo at the center of the map to lure all Zombies at one place.

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Constantly pick up the supply crates to earn molotovs to block off the paths in between the police cars in the latter waves to control the volume of Zombies that reaches you. Also, move around your recruits if their life gets critical to Regenerate. The sum of money you have will allow you to upgrade two slots with protection, one 4-star (preferably the chainsaw recruit), and another 2-star (either another chainsaw or a Tesla). In the given example (image below), we chose the tesla because it can easily trim down the enemy numbers with its multiple hit attack. After the 20th and the 25th wave, you also get rewarded $1000 each, use that to upgrade the 2-star recruit, or save it for emergency - purchasing supply crates.

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