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The Reckoning

Killzone 3 Walkthrough and Guide

by vhayste  

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The Reckoning

There will be heavy resistance here. Be careful of the snipers as well. Dig in and carefully take out the nearby enemies. Use your LMG's zoom feature to take out targets. Just keep yourself alive and whittle the enemy resistance until your allies break through the enemy defensive. You'll be in the trenches next. Carefully take out enemies as you go, especially the flame troopers. Continue fighting your way through until you reach the bunker.

You'll then need to outflank the MAWLR. Run towards the next building and grab the WASP there. Take out its defensive guns first if they pose a threat to you. You need to target the vents on its main body which opens after firing its main gun. Press R3 while equipping the WASP to enter artillery mode. Manually target the vents and release all your rockets. Remember that it will turn and target your last position after destroying its vent so quickly move out of the way and find safe cover. It will also open its gun ports which you need to destroy. As you deal heavy damage on it, the enemy will send flyers and footsoldiers so take them out first. Listen to what your allies tell you as well. The MAWLR will soon sweep its massive laser across all bunkers. Get out of there and find cover. Also, do not stay behind the transformers as you'll get shocked once they're damaged. One ideal hiding location would be the corner to the leftmost side of the area, beside some forklifts.

Bringing down the giant

Note: If you're after the Completist trophy, you need to destroy every weapon port of the MAWLR on foot then later, on board an Intruder.

After crippling the MAWLR, move out and sweep the area. You can take out the mini-guns by zooming in and shooting the gap between its shields. There's also a mini-gun you can grab on the platform to the right. Push forward and take out the enemies on the stairs and take the elevator.

After the scene, you'll be manning the mini-gun again on top of the Intruder. Priority targets are the aft guns and other AA defenses. You'll be flown to the side of the other vents so concentrate on shooting down the panels while your allies keep the defensive guns at bay. After destroying the two panels, you'll then need to destroy its main cannon. Shoot the blue capsules on the limb attaching the cannon to the body. Finally, you need to destroy the MAWLR's bridge. Keep shooting on the windows and take out the last few targets until you get an update.

If you destroyed all weapon ports while fighting the MAWLER on foot, then you should unlock the Completist trophy during the scenes.

Bringing down the giant.. for good

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