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Icy Excursion

Killzone 3 Walkthrough and Guide

by vhayste  

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Icy Excursion

You'll be controlling a mounted machine gun. Basically, you just need to mop up enemies. Like always, take out the priority targets first. These include missile troopers, AA guns, etc. Don't let go of the  fire button since the intruder guns doesn't overheat and has infinite ammo. You also need to shoot the fuel pipes to destroy the platforms and while you're at it, destroy all the destructible items. These usually glow blue so its not hard to spot them. Keep destroying targets until the next scene.

Note: If you're able to destroy all destructible targets on the two platforms and the last two dropships, this trophy should unlock during the next scene.

Shower of lead

When you're back at your feet, follow Rico and take out the enemy forces. After clearing them, replenish your ammo using the crate inside the shelter. Clear out the enemies in the next cabin then go upstairs. Clear out the enemies again then head out to the ship's main deck. You'll be introduced to new enemy flyers. Just take cover and shoot them down. There's an ammo crate and some weapons up the ramp to the right. Use it if you need then take out the missile launchers. Continue up and boost yourselves. Watch the next scene.

You'll now need to reach the next destination using your jetpack. Don't forget that it's not meant to make you fly; it will only allow you to boost your jumping distance and height. Also, take note that you're not armored either. So don't forget about taking cover and such. You can always temporarily “unequip” the jetpack and switch to your normal weapons should you wish to. Start by hopping across the ice to reach the next shipwreck. Fight your way to the AA gun then plant a charge on it.

After the scene, head to the next platform. Fight your way through the enemy foot soldiers and flyers. Then shoot the blue electrical fuse on the side of the platform to create a ledge where you can jump on. Fight your way down the ramp until you reach the support. Plant the charges. After planting the second charge, you need to clear out of the platform within 4 minutes. Be careful of the enemies that will hunt you down after setting the charge. Just take your time in clearing them since evading them will never be a good idea. Continue running to the top then run towards the edge. If you managed to escape the rig within two minutes, you'll unlock the Quick Exit trophy.

Rush job

Once ready, run to the left until you reach the next accessible bunker. Clear out the enemies then continue upstairs. Use the mounted WASPs to clear out the enemy fortifications below. You can also track multiple targets so the missiles can home in on them. You can detach one of the WASPs here then attack on a different position. To replenish its ammo, you can re-mount it or grab some by the ammo crate.

Head to the next bunker and clear it. The pillbox should be visible from this point. Use one of the mounted WASPs there to destroy the target. An enemy tank will appear as long as several footsoldiers. Destroy the tank and the other enemies then move to the next objective point.

Rain of Wasps

Resupply if needed then take out the tank using the WASP. You can abuse its tracking ability and heavy damage since there are several ammo crates available. Next, clear out the building then follow Rico upstairs. Watch the next scenes.

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