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Tom the Farm Helper

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Once you reach Level 14, you unlock Tom, who is a boy volunteering (initially at least) at your farm. Essentially, you can send him off into the wide world web to find other players selling items that you may need desperately. The first 3 days of his service, you can make use of him for free. He has a two hour recharge time, after which you can tell him to go and find whatever item you wish. He will come back with three options. You can then pay for the one you want, and he will go and fetch it, before falling asleep to recharge.

TIP: If you accept none of the items that Tom offers, he will only rest for 2 minutes before being available to search again.

After the first three days you have been using him, you will then have to pay for Tom's help using Diamonds. And it's not cheap. For 1 day, you are expected to pay 15 Diamonds. For 5 days, 60 Diamonds, and 10 Days is 100 Diamonds. So make use of him while you can!

Tom is great at ferreting out rare items
Tom is great at ferreting out rare items
Very Helpful
Not Useful

Anything missing from this guide?


Comments for Tom the Farm Helper

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Oct 22nd 2015 Guest
What is the expensive thing that we can get from tom for the level 14[color=red][i][b][/b] [/i] [/color]
ID #618715
Sep 24th 2015 Guest
I love hay day but i only need 1 more level and then I can get him I was so excited when I saw him!
ID #611076
Aug 25th 2015 Guest
I agree with some of the comments , paying fifteen diamonds to get Tom and then having him rest 2 hours after each trip is a rip off.

It keeps pushing players to buy diamonds or coins and sometimes when you buy Tom it does not work but the diamonds are lost
ID #602372
Jul 28th 2015 Guest
not work
ID #590694
Jul 25th 2015 Guest
How can I get Tom to get me nails

Please help
ID #589316
Jul 21st 2015 Guest
I buy diamond rings from Tom and sell for highest price. That is how I make money. But tom is expensive!
ID #587361
Jul 19th 2015 Guest
I think it was a con when I bought the lobster tank for mega coins only to have to wait as I also needed the net maker which was another 45000 coins my grandson plays this when he is here and it seems all you want us to do is constantly buy coins
ID #586361
Sep 21st 2015 Guest
I never buy anything, but I do sell a lot of my goods and get money then upgrade then work to make ore money when I get my money I up grade again or do truck orders/ boat orders to move up in levels it takes a while but I never spend money.
ID #610259
Jul 18th 2015 Guest
Is there a way to find out how many days of Tom I have left?
ID #586232
Aug 15th 2015 Guest
When he next goes to search for something for you it will say in the box below the item
you want him to look for . At your service for x
amount of days
ID #598510
Jul 4th 2015 Guest
How do you search someone's farm?
ID #579835
May 26th 2015 Guest
When you get Tom can you save him or after 3 days does he automatically make you buy him
ID #561308
Jul 4th 2015 Guest
Automatically leaves. So make good use of him. Choose him when you have three days free! Weekend? Get him to buy expensive items you can sell to boost your funds!
ID #579603
Apr 21st 2015 Guest
How do you get Tom to work when he only wants to hire you with diamonds?
ID #546173
Apr 21st 2015 Stormhasit
I am needing Hay Day neighbors but don't know how to use the "game center" to do this. Please friend me on Face Book - Storm Hasit (profile pic is large white dog) - level 28 play very actively daily.
ID #546070
Apr 15th 2015 Guest
Can Tom get you planks and duct tape?
ID #543146
Feb 16th 2016 Guest
ID #635859
Jul 6th 2015 Guest
Yes, you can get everything but land expansion items such as land deeds, marker stakes, and mallets. You can not use him to get any expansion tools used in the Town either, such as Paint Bucket, Tar Bucket, Stone, Bricks, or Map Pieces.
ID #580565
Jun 4th 2015 Guest
ID #565433
Apr 30th 2015 Guest
Yes he can
ID #549932
May 27th 2015 Guest
No he can't liar
ID #561768
Oct 24th 2015 Guest
No Tom cannot get any of the items needed to upgrade barn, silo or upgrade town, get more land, etc. he only gets things you can make or grow
ID #619358
Apr 3rd 2015 Guest
Maybe Hayday can offer a store option to buy any times that are needed. Maybe have access at the completion of threshold. This can be a reward. Thoughts?
ID #537150
Mar 24th 2015 Guest
I love Tom he helps so much it is so easy to find shovels and saws and even axes it helps so much
ID #532393
Mar 22nd 2015 Guest
What Is the most expensive type of goods that a level 14 can have?[b][/b]
ID #531941
Mar 21st 2015 Me!!
Thanks, im level 15 and tom didn't come to me last level. What should I do?
ID #531245
Mar 19th 2015 Guest
It does give some information, but I searched up how to get him for free. This did not help.
ID #530527
Mar 13th 2015 Guest
My Tom glitches a lot, I'm level 176. One time I paid 50 diamonds for 5 days and didn't process. It does it to me all the time! Any help?
ID #528151
Mar 4th 2015 Guest
Why can't tom bring u markers
ID #524201
Mar 3rd 2015 JamesPKelleyv
Add me JAMES P KELLEYIV my Neighborhood is THE HAYDAY HELP.
ID #523739
Feb 24th 2015 Guest
add me .........#PANKAJ#KASHYAP#
ID #520596
Feb 7th 2015 Guest
Add me plz im in level 47 Bendecida0227
ID #512890
Jan 17th 2015 Guest
A day in hay day is 17hours and 5 minutes
ID #503237
Jan 14th 2015 Guest
You get tom at level 14
ID #501523
Jan 11th 2015 Guest
What level do u get Tom???????????.....
ID #500175
Jan 8th 2015 Guest
Hello add. Me on Game Center my name is please follow me[color=red][/color]
ID #498316
Dec 31st 2014 Guest
Tom only lasts for about 12 hours, that is not a day!!
15 diamonds for a couple trips? Not cool
ID #493385
Oct 20th 2014 Guest
plz add me on facebook sardar ali.i m in level 34

ID #460868
Oct 4th 2014 Guest
How can I find out how much longer Tom will work for me? Got him for 5 days and don't know when his last errand will be.
ID #454719
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