10 Big Issues With Pokemon GO

Number of Pokemon

The final, and probably greatest question of all that Niantic will have to find an answer for is how it is going to deal with the sheer amount of Pokemon moving forward. With the release of the 3rd Generation in Pokemon GO, it’s clear that Niantic is already having to get creative when it comes to approaching this serious problem. Only half the number of Pokemon in existence can currently be found in Pokemon GO, and already Niantic has had to shake up the Egg Charts more than a handful of times. They’ve also had to incorporate periods of times where you can only find a certain Generation of Pokemon, done so with the 3rd Generation immediately after it was introduced to the game. Niantic even had to break the 3rd Generation up into little sections and make an event out of each new wave coming to Pokemon GO, simply to allow players a real shot at finding all the Pokemon after they were released.

And the mere fact of the matter is that this problem will only continue to grow. Niantic still has four more Generations to eventually release to Pokemon GO, and while time passes between each, the Pokemon Company will continue to create new Pokemon and release even more Generations within the Mainstream Pokemon Games. Not only is this problem almost insurmountable at this point for Niantic, but it continues to grow in size by the passing day. Trading will certainly help with this, as even with the growing number of Pokemon, players will always have a chance to find every Pokemon by seeking the help of others. But even then, it truly won’t be enough to counteract the imbalance of Pokemon found in the game. Good luck, Niantic.

There Are So Many Questions Left To Be Answered…

Well, there you go, the ten greatest questions Niantic faces with Pokemon GO moving forward. From specific Pokemon like Smeargle, Arceus, Sylveon and Necrozma that will undoubtedly see Niantic scrambling at times, to the concept of Trading, Mega Evolutions and Alternate Forms that will bring along even more problems for the developers of Pokemon GO - these are biggest questions that will need to be answered in the future of the hit mobile game.

With that being said, we greatly appreciate you taking the time to read our thoughts on the matter. We are all the more so grateful if you read this article from cover to cover, and, especially so, if you took the time to leave us your thoughts in the comments area provide below. If you haven’t done so already, there is still time for you to do that very thing in the area directly below these very words.

Until next time, Pokemon GO Players!

Posted: 15th May 2018 by Team SuperCheats