Top 10 Disturbing Pokemon Facts

Large Corporations Run The Pokemon World

Within the Pokemon World, large corporations seems to run the entire world - the Silph Company in particular does. A lot of corporations make the real world go round, but the world wouldn't stop if not for these companies like the Pokemon World would.

The Silph Company specializes in creating new technology, being the creators of the PokeBall(s). Without PokeBalls, trainers couldn't catch Pokemon. Without Pokemon, trainers couldn't battle. Without battles, there would be no gym leaders, no elite fours, no champions, no battle frontier, no nothing. So, in a sense, if it wasn't for Silph Co, there would be no Pokemon. It's just as simple as that.

But what about all the shops? All the stores in every city and town? What about the Pokeball Factories in all of these regions? What about all of those? Well... The answer is simple... Silph Co owns all of those. Much like how businesses can build, license, and even franchise their businesses, the Silph Co does the same thing. The Silph Company created virtually all the items (PokeBalls, TMs, HMs) that all these stores sell, much like a licensing agreement in the real world. Silph Co basically owns all of them, having almost complete control; the true monopoly.

The Silph Co also created the Pokedex. If not for the Pokedex, not much would be known about each and every Pokemon. Without this knowledge, who knows where the Pokemon World would be. Let's not forget the Silph Co also created their own Pokemon and evolutions (The Porygon Family), showing that they can do just about anything.

With this knowledge and products comes a lot of power. If the Silph Company didn't exist, the Pokemon World would be entirely different; if the Silph Company decided to change things, no one would have a choice but to comply. It's troublesome to think that just one component makes, and possibly could break, the entire Pokemon World.

Posted: 10th Jun 2015 by Warrior13
Pokemon FireRed, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance, GameBoy,