Top 10 Disturbing Pokemon Facts

People Eat Pokemon

Since just about everything in the Pokemon World is a Pokemon, that can only mean that people eat Pokemon for nutrition. This isn't as disturbing as you would think, since it's the only realistic solution. In the real world, we eat animals for our protein; in the Pokemon World, since animals are Pokemon, they do the same.

I'm guessing, but much more hoping, that the people in the Pokemon World kill and eat wild Pokemon rather than their own. You wouldn't eat your dog, would you? So let's hope Ash won't do that to his Pikachu. But what if it were a life or death situation, like when Ash was stuck in that blizzard in that one episode? Well.. You just never know what will happen or be done in those types of situations...

I guess the more you think about, the more disturbing it gets. Many Pokemon are little cute loving Pokemon, and you wouldn't want to see them be eaten, at least not by any humans (we all know that Pokemon DO eat other Pokemon in the wild). I guess that's why the Pokemon Creators have shied away from any possible thought that people eat Pokemon in the Pokemon World (even though we know they do). In the earlier seasons, much like the picture on this page shows, there were a couple of scenes where you could tell Pokemon were being served as the main course. Even then, the Creators used techniques to make it not look as bad as it was, much like how that Magikarp almost looks like a cookie instead of being fried. But as more seasons came and hundreds of episodes aired, the Pokemon Creators decided to stick to berries, fruits, nuts, breads, and vegetables to feed Ash and his friends (along with everyone else). HOWEVER... We all know they just can't be eating that all the time...

Posted: 10th Jun 2015 by Warrior13
Pokemon FireRed, Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance, GameBoy,