ENEMY INTEL (1/30): Enter the room that the drunk soldier stumbles out of and knife the two sleeping soldiers. After knifing the two sleeping soldiers, look to the table on the left to find the intel. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (2/30): This intel is found in the first area of the ship�s deck. At the bottom of the stairs, turn left. The enemy intel is on the detached piece of grate. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (3/30): Follow your allies and take out the guards to complete the �Eliminate the outer guard posts� objective. Once that is done, enter the small shack to the west. The enemy intel is found inside. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (4/30): This intel is found in the house that has the power cut off. Enter the bathroom that is directly across from where the informant Nikolai is being held. As you enter, the enemy intel is on the crate straight ahead. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (5/30): This intel is found in the first building that is entered, the one with the large amount of weapons spread out on the table. Enter the room in the northwestern corner of the building�s basement. The enemy intel is on the table that is next to the two computer screens. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (6/30): Shortly after collecting the previous intel, continue down the eastern road and turn right when the road splits. Enter the building up ahead through the doorway. Take the stairs up to the second level. The enemy intel item is on a table in this room. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (7/30): As you move towards the TV station, you will encounter a gunner in a parked white truck. Look for some stone steps near the gunner�s truck and take them up to the rooftop of the building. At the top of the steps, turn left. The enemy intel is on the desk. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (8/30): This intel is found near the beginning of the level, on the second floor of the apartment building. At the top of the stairs, wait until your buddies breach the only door on the right wall. Step inside and turn left to spot the enemy intel item on a table. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (9/30): You will eventually reach a small marketplace. Follow the group through the narrow streets until you are 50 meters away from the objective point. Turn left into the section here. Approach the flaming barrel beyond the awning and turn left. The enemy intel is behind the stack of boxes. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (10/30): In the village, locate and enter the small house that has a vending machine by the door. The intel item is on a table inside of this house. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (11/30): You will eventually come to a couple of greenhouses. When you have exited the second greenhouse, turn left and press A to jump into the ruined building. Move straight through the doorway up ahead. The enemy intel is at the end of the long table in this area. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (12/30): After downing the helicopters with the RPG, begin to follow the tank down the street. As you move down the street, keep an eye out for a broken wall with a visible doorway on the right side of the street. Enter this building through the broken wall and turn right just before the doorway. Climb up the stairs and turn into the only room along the left wall. The enemy intel is on a dresser. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (13/30): From the last intel�s location, enter the clothes store across the street. Head up the stairs at the other end of the room, walk through the doorway, down the hall and step into the first room on the right. The intel is on a bed in this room. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (14/30): You will eventually come to a narrow parking lot where two of your allies push a dumpster out for use as cover. Once the building at the other end of the parking lot is clear of hostiles, sprint towards the building. Wait for your allies to breach the door and then enter. Climb up the stairs and enter the turret once you reach the top. Turn left, the intel is on the mattresses. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (15/30): Once the advance recon team has been assisted, move to the end of the upper floor and look for the enemy intel behind the steel barrel in the corner. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (16/30): After retrieving the previous intel, drop down into the street through the hole in the wall. When the coast is relatively clear, look east and move towards the building you see there. Enter the room at the top of the stairs. In the room, turn right and look along this wall for a small closet. The intel is on the ground in the closet. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (17/30): The enemy intel is on the second floor of the house with the satellite dish. Enter the house through the basement, which can be reached by taking the stairs on the right side of the house, down. Make your way up to the first floor. Find the stairs and take them up to the second. At the top of the stairs, enter the room straight ahead and turn left to see the intel on a dresser. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (18/30): The intel can be found on the first floor of the tavern. It is in one of the booths on the first floor. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (19/30): Near the beginning of the level, you will reach an area with a lookout in a square tower and another guard by a statue to the east. Take out these two soldiers and then follow MacMillan into the church nearby. Climb up the ladder at the opposite end of the room to reach the tower. The enemy intel is in this tower. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (20/30): Shortly after the tank ordeal (lying low in the field until the soldiers and tanks pass), you�ll come to a large number of cargo crates. The intel is nearby. Follow MacMillan and eliminate any lone soldier along the way. You�ll soon come to a large group of soldiers. The enemy intel is on some steel drums near them. It is especially difficult to get this intel without alerting the soldiers here. Xbox 360 gamers, if you�re going for the �Ghillies in the Mist� achievement, it might be wise to leave this intel alone for now. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (21/30): After using the trucks as cover, MacMillan will point out a sniper on a nearby fire escape. Eliminate the sniper and then climb to the very top of the fire escape. Jump through the window at the top. The enemy intel is on a desk on the left. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (22/30): This intel is found in the first apartment building that you enter in an attempt to lose the enemy troops. From the checkpoint room, move into the hall and enter the room straight across from the hall doorway. Inside, turn left and move in that direction until you reach the damaged room. Exit the apartment building through the hole in the wall and turn right to see a fire escape. Quickly make your way to the very top of this fire escape to find the intel. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (23/30): This intel is found at the landing zone. Fight off the first wave of troops and eventually three helicopters arrive to drop off more. At this point, keep an eye on the closed door along the alley southeast of MacMillan�s position. When the helicopters arrive this door will eventually open and enemies will come through it. The intel is found on the ground through this door. It may be tough to get to the door with the amount of troops in the field. If you must, leave the intel alone for now and restart this mission via the �Mission Select� menu and choose the Recruit difficulty level. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (24/30): This intel is found inside of the diner at the beginning of the level. Once the diner has been secured, sprint inside and turn left. The intel is sitting on a table there. You must get to this intel before the transition to daytime or you will have to restart the level in order to retrieve it. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (25/30): While pursuing Zakhaev�s son down the alleyway, turn right at the green car and red dumpster that you come to while moving down the alley. As you turn the next corner you should see a small building with some stairs leading to a doorway. Climb up these stairs and look on the table up ahead to see the intel. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (26/30): This intel is found inside of the small base that is reached after downing the power tower with C4s. When you have fought off the second wave of enemies, enter the large building up ahead where the majority of them came from. Upon entering, turn right and walk to the other end of the building. The intel is on a corner table to your right. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (27/30): When you reach the launch facility gate, move backwards a bit until you are standing before the building on the right. Turn right and walk past the steel barrels near the wall. Turn left and walk to the end of the alley there. The intel is on the ground at the end of the alley. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (28/30): In the launch facility, before the helicopters arrive, locate hangar 6 on the east end of the station and step inside. Scan the ground in the hangar for the intel. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (29/30): When you are about 35mm from the objective, keep an eye on your left for a doorway as you move down the hall. The intel is at the end of the table in front of you as you enter the room. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |
ENEMY INTEL (30/30): After destroying the wall leading into the launch control room, kill all enemies inside. From the wall, run straight ahead and climb up the steps on the left. At the top of those steps, turn right and enter the room there. The final intel is on the table here. Click here to see the video for this Enemy Intel. |