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By Michael Monette

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Call of Duty 4 - Act 1 Walkthrough

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Charlie Don't Surf
The Bog
The Bog
Death from Above
Shock and Awe

The main objective here is to rescue the soon-to-be-executed Russian informant Nikolai.

ENEMY INTEL (3/30): Follow your allies and take out the guards to complete the 'Eliminate the outer guard posts' objective. Once that is done, enter the small shack to the west. The enemy intel is found inside.

Intel 3
Intel 3
You will soon reach a group of shacks. Plant a Claymore near the doorway where shadows can be seen. Doing so will kill the enemies inside and cause others in the vicinity to leave their post, allowing your allies to gun them down. Once you reach the field meeting spot, the Russian Loyalists join the group. Follow the squad to a road. This is where you will provide sniper support. To use the M21, press and hold the Left Trigger to use its scope. While aiming, pressing down on the Left Thumbstick steadies your aim, but only for a short period of time and your aim will revert to normal as soon as a shot is fired. Shoot the enemies that enter the area down below from the North. Afterwards, then continue down the road and follow the Loyalists to the power station.

Sniper Support
Sniper Support
Watch for enemy RPGs. If you are able, take these guys out first. Getting hit by an RPG on the Regular difficulty level causes critical damage and is instant death on Heroic or Veteran. Also, watch out for thrown grenades. You�ll know whether or not you are in a grenade�s damage radius if the grenade indicator appears onscreen. The indicator points in the direction of the grenade that will potentially cause damage to you. When you see the indicator, sprint as far away from the grenade as you can. Thrown grenades can be picked up and thrown back only if the hand symbol replaces the grenade. Throwing a grenade is not advisable; it would be best to simply get out of the way. If you are trapped, however, throwing the grenade is all that can be done.

Take cover behind a rock and pick off the enemies as they come down the hill. Once you have cut off the enemy reinforcements, turn east and provide sniper support from the cliff overlooking the town, your allies are already grouped there. Survey the town below and pick off any enemies that you can spot. Avoid shooting your allies; you can determine friend from foe due to the name that appears when you set your sights on an ally. When the town is clear, focus on the road running east through the town, as a contingent of enemy troops will arrive from there.

Cliff Sniper Support
Cliff Sniper Support
When your support is no longer needed here, head over to the power station with Kamarov. Snipe as many of the enemies down below as you can and then use the rappel once it appears to reach the town below. The informant is being held in the large house at the top of the hill on the north end of time. First use the M21 to take out all of the enemies in the vicinity and then enter the small house behind the burning truck. Proceed through the doorway at the opposite end of the house and follow your allies up to the informant�s location. Before storming in, the house�s power is cut. To equip your night vision goggles, press up on the D-pad. Remove the enemies on the first floor and then head up the stairs.

[house][night vision] ENEMY INTEL (4/30): Head up the stairs and enter the room. Enter the bathroom that is directly across from where the informant Nikolai is being held. As you enter, the enemy intel item is on the crate straight ahead.

Intel 4
Intel 4
Kill the enemies on the second level and enter the room at the south end. Inside of this room is a battered but alive Nikolai. Follow the group outside and move towards the helicopter in the field. Approach it and press the A button to hop in.

Charlie Don't Surf
You are Sgt. Paul Jackson of the USMC. Once the helicopters reach their destination, you are dropped down into the war ravaged streets below. Follow your allies down the street and towards the first target building. Wait until the door is breached and then head inside. Pop the terrorists in the first room before cautiously taking the stairs down to the basement. Stand before the doorway and kill all of the enemies that you can see. If you are taking too much damage and become wounded, take cover behind the stairwell wall. A large number of weapons are spread out across the long table here. Be sure to pick up a Dragunov as one will definitely come in handy. Swap your M9 for it.

Note: If you are playing the PS3 or PC version of Call of Duty 4, there is no need to destroy the television sets showing Al-Asad�s speech. They are pointed out because destroying all of the TVs unlocks an achievement on the Xbox 360 version.

ENEMY INTEL (5/30): Enter the room in the northwestern corner of the basement. The enemy intel is on the table that is next to the two computer screens in this room. Destroy the Al-Asad television, too.

Enemy Intel 5
Enemy Intel 5
Before leaving this room, destroy the television that is showing Khaled Al-Asad�s speech. Next room, enter on the south end. Don�t step through the doorway, pick off all of the enemies in the room before proceeding. With that room clear, it is confirmed that Al-Asad is not present in this building. Regroup with 1st Squad and help them clear out the terrorists in the street. If you picked up a Dragunov from the terrorists� weapon supply, it�ll really help you out here. Press and hold the Left Trigger to use the weapon�s scope and try your best to pick off enemies with headshots. The Dragunov isn�t as powerful as the M21 that you were able to use in the previous level, but it is still better than having to get close to your enemies.

Use your weapon to kill the enemies on the roof of the low building down the eastern road. As you move towards the eastern road, a group of enemies appears. There are enemy RPGs among them, so be careful.

ENEMY INTEL (6/30): Continue down the eastern road and turn right when the road splits off. Enter the building up ahead through the doorway. Take the stairs up to the second level. The enemy intel item is on a table in this room. Destroy the television playing Al-Asad�s speech while you�re at it.

Intel 6
Intel 6
Move down the road towards the TV station. Be careful, as you will encounter plenty of resistance along the way. If you are playing the Xbox 360 version, there is a television nearby that needs to be destroyed. When you pass the two rows of tires, move along the low building on the right and climb up the stone steps on its side. The television is up here.

As you are within 75 meters of the TV station, keep an eye on your right for a turret gunner in the back of a truck. The turret can cut you down like nothing, so keep your distance and use your Dragunov to headshot him.

Turret Gunner
Turret Gunner
ENEMY INTEL (7/30): Look for some stone steps near the gunner�s truck and take them up to the building�s rooftop. At the top of the steps, turn left. The enemy intel is on the desk. Destroy the television showing Al-Asad�s speech, too.

Intel 7
Intel 7
Moving along, around the next corner be sure to eliminate the enemy RPG and the other enemies that are positioned on the building to the right. Afterwards, follow the squad through the streets and you will soon reach the TV station. Follow the group over to the studio�s side door. Kill any enemies visible down the hall, and then destroy the two televisions that are playing Al-Asad�s speech in the waiting room.

Continue down the hall and into the next room. Destroy the television here as well. Proceed into the adjacent room. Use the Dragunov to kill the enemies in this area and any other enemies visible through the windows at the other end of the room. There are two more televisions in this room. Next, move through the server room and into the TV station�s main area.

TV Station
TV Station
Main Area
Main Area
There are plenty of televisions here, and the majority of them are playing Al-Asad�s speech. Destroy those later; you don�t want to step right into the area as a large scale battle takes place here. You�re in for a long bout. It may seem like it won�t end, but the enemies will stop spawning eventually. Hang back with your Dragunov and kill any enemies that you can see through the doorway.

The bad guys here tend to throw a lot of grenades. It can be hard to avoid taking damage or dying from an enemy grenade due to the station�s cramped quarters. Pay attention to the HUD and when the Grenade Indicator appears, move in the opposite direction, clicking the Left Thumbstick to sprint. A few enemies will position themselves on the surrounding walkway, including enemy RPGs. Take them out before they cause too much trouble.

Achievement Tip - Your Show Sucks: If you destroy every single television that is projecting Al-Asad�s speech you�ll earn an achievement. Previous televisions have been pointed out along the way, so if you want this achievement, follow this walkthrough from the start of the level to the finish. Most of the televisions are in the main area of the TV station. There are more televisions after this area, but be sure to destroy every single one here before moving on. Be sure to destroy the ones mounted on the walls, as well as those found in the surrounding offices. Perform a final sweep of the area once it is clear to be sure that you didn�t miss any. Your squad will wait.

Al-Asad's Speech
Al-Asad's Speech
Once this room is clear, follow Lt. Vasquez to the TV station�s second level. Destroy the television in the first room that the group comes to. You will eventually come to a recording room. Destroy all of the televisions here before the level ends.

The Bog
Follow Cpl. Field past the apartment building. Equip your night vision goggles when instructed. Move through the open area and enter the apartment building that you come to.

Achievement Tip - Rescue Roycewicz: When Field instructs you to head up the stairs with Pvt. Roycewicz, stay behind Roycewicz. As he moves up the stairs, a terrorist grabs hold of him. Either use your gun to eliminate the threat, or click the Right Thumbstick to use your knife if you are close to the enemy. Saving Roycewicz nets you an achievement.

ENEMY INTEL (8/30): At the top of the stairs, wait until your buddies breach the only door on the wall to the right. Step inside and turn left to spot the enemy intel item on a table.

Intel 8
Intel 8
Kill the enemies that are in this hallway. Proceed to the end of the hall and turn left. Pick off the enemies across the way. Unequip your night vision goggles when the prompt appears. Shoot at the hostiles outside until you are ordered to retrieve the javelin and use it to destroy the tanks on the overpass. Move through the doorway at the opposite end of the long room and turn right. Step outside and pick up the Javelin dropped by Pvt.West.

To use the Javelin, first stand out in the street, then press and hold the Left Trigger. Focus the crosshair on one of the tanks on the overpass in the distance. Once a lock has been acquired, press the Right Trigger to use the weapon. The tank will be destroyed shortly. Destroy both of the tanks on the overpass to complete the objective.

Afterwards, the group reaches a chain link fence. Move through the opening that is created and step into the street.

ENEMY INTEL (9/30): Follow the group through the narrow streets until you are 50 meters away from the objective point. Turn left into the section here. Approach the flaming barrel beyond the awning and turn left. The enemy intel is behind the stack of boxes.

Intel 9
Intel 9
Use the compass to reach the objective point. A large firefight takes place here. You must defend the M1A2 Abrams tank stranded in the middle of the bog. Remain behind the wall and pick off any terrorists that you can see from there. If you are taking too much damage and become wounded, quickly duck behind the wall until your status reverts to normal. If a grenade is thrown your way, sprint to avoid taking damage.

Once the enemy has been successfully intercepted, your next objective is to destroy the ZPU anti-aircraft gun. Move towards the doorway but don�t step through it. Move along to the other end of the building and enter using the doorway there. Kill the enemy RPGs that are on the building�s rooftop across the way and then cross the street and enter that building. The ZPU gun is through the next doorway. Kill the enemies surrounding it and then approach the ZPU gun. Press and hold the X button to plant the explosives.

ZPU gun
ZPU gun
When you receive the order, detonate the explosive to destroy the anti-aircraft gun, thereby completing the objective. Next, follow the compass and sprint towards the IR beacon location which is just a short distance away from your current position. Press and hold the X button to place the IR beacon. Afterwards, regroup with the squad at the M1A2 Abrams tank to complete the level.

IR Beacon
IR Beacon
M1A2 Abrams
M1A2 Abrams
After the helicopter goes down, pick up a couple of the weapons scattered around the crash site. Follow your allies to a small farmhouse. You won�t meet any resistance along the way.

Achievement Tip - Man of the People: Inside of the house, the group observes three soldiers terrorizing a local farmer. Aim your weapon at the lead soldier and wait until he raises his gun to off the farmer. At this point, shoot the lead soldier to earn the achievement. If you save the farmer before the lead soldier raises his gun, the achievement will not be unlocked.

Kill the soldiers through the window and then proceed outside. Follow your allies to the large field. As the enemy helicopter approaches, tap and then hold the B button to drop to the ground. Remain in this position and do not move until the helicopter is done scanning the field. Start towards the farmhouse. A large troop of enemy soldiers appears behind you. Take cover behind something near the farmhouse until the basement door is opened. At this point, head down the stairs. Climb up the stairs at the other end of the basement to reach the main floor. Careful, a group of enemy soldiers will charge through the door and lob a flash bang into the house.

ENEMY INTEL (10/30): Outside, enter the small house directly across from the farmhouse that you just exited. The intel item is on a table inside of this house.

Intel 10
Intel 10
Achievement Tip - Down Boy Down: Sprint ahead of the group and move around the house straight ahead. A couple of dogs appear and attack you. When you are knocked down by the dog, keep your finger on the Right Thumbstick. When the 'RS' icon appears onscreen, click the Right Thumbstick to kill the dog, unlocking the achievement. You just recently hit a checkpoint, so no worries if you die.

After the dog attack, you�ll find yourself in another firefight. When all enemy soldiers have been killed, follow your allies to a bridge. Stay out of sight of the helicopter, advancing only after it passes overhead. It would be best to avoid alerting the sentries here. If you become compromised, take cover behind the bundles of hay and pick off any enemy that you can from that distance. Sprint between the bundles of hay that are spread out through the field to get closer to the action.

Use the compass to reach the greenhouse and move through it to reach another area. Kill the enemy soldiers outside and then continue to the second greenhouse which is adjacent to the first. Eliminate the soldiers that occupy the greenhouse and those in the area outside.

ENEMY INTEL (11/30): When you have exited the greenhouse, turn left and press A to jump into the ruined building there. Move straight through the doorway up ahead. The enemy intel is at the end of the long table in this area.

Intel 11
Intel 11
Move through the ruined building to the left. Clear out all of the enemies in the immediate vicinity and then sprint to the warehouse across the way. Swap one of your current weapons for one of the Stinger missiles on the supply chest. Head outside and hold the Left Trigger to aim the Stinger missile. Keep the lock-on over the helicopter above. When you hear a frenzied beeping sound coming from the weapon, pull the Right Trigger to fire the missile. The first missile will likely miss its target. Re-enter the warehouse and retrieve another Stinger missile. Lock-on to the helicopter and fire again. It should hit this time.

Stinger Missile
Stinger Missile
Stinger Lock-On
Stinger Lock-On
With the helicopter destroyed, start following Captain Price. Eventually you will come to an enemy unit. Hang back and let the allied helicopter wipe them out. Pick off the injured soldiers as you make your way to the extraction point.

Death From Above
During this mission you are a helicopter gunman aboard the AC-130H Spectre Gunship. You mission is to provide air support for the SAS ground units below. Ally units appear as IR strobes on the monitor. You can cycle through three different weapons by pressing the Y button. Use the 25mm weapon to pick off lone enemy soldiers that are close to your allies. Use the 40mm to take out groups of enemies that aren�t too close to your allies, but close enough to insure friendly fire if you were to hit them with the 105mm.

Achievement Tip - Straight Flush: Near the beginning, when you receive word of 'personnel coming out of the church,' allow this group of soldiers to gather on the side of the road. Use the 105mm weapon to take them all out at once. You�ll earn the achievement if you kill five of them with one blast. If you miss this opportunity, there are plenty more once you reach the junkyard.

Enemy Soldiers
Enemy Soldiers
As the helicopter moves, scan the area and shoot at any enemies you can see. Provide enough air support to allow the SAS ground troops to reach the extraction point. Listen to the pilot, he�ll point up enemies and alert you to upcoming enemy ambushes that you must thwart. Don�t hit friendly allies or the church and you�ll be fine.

War Pig
From the starting position, turn left and look on the ground next to the trashed car to find a Dragunov. Swap your M9 for the Dragunov and start picking off the enemies in the distance. When the amount of soldiers in the field has dwindled, move up towards the closest of the large cargo containers in the distance.

Achievement Tip - Bird on the Ground: Temporarily swap one of your weapons for one of the RPGs behind the cargo container and down one of the enemy helicopters that enters the area with the intention of dropping off some troops. Fire at the helicopter as the soldiers onboard begin to descend from it.

Enemy Helicopters
Enemy Helicopters
Quickly hit both helicopters with the RPG. Before you move on, swap the RPG with your original weapon. Afterwards, follow the tank down the road. When you reach the first group of enemies, hang back and use your Dragunov to kill the enemies in the street and those that position themselves on the rooftops.

ENEMY INTEL (12/30): As you move down the street, keep an eye out for a broken wall with a visible doorway on the right side of the street. Enter this building through the broken wall and turn right just before the doorway. Climb up the stairs and turn into the only room along the left wall. The enemy intel is on a dresser here.

Intel 12
Intel 12
ENEMY INTEL (13/20): From the last intel�s location, enter the clothes store across the street. Head up the stairs at the other end of the room, walk through the doorway, down the hall and step into the first room on the right. The intel is on a bed in this room.

Intel 13
Intel 13
As the amount of enemies in the street has dwindled, press on. Your allies will eventually lead you to a large building. Move through the building and into the parking lot. Avoid taking cover behind one of the cars here. If a car is on fire, it will eventually explode, killing you if you�re too close to it. If you still have Dragunov ammo left, take cover behind the dumpster that two of your allies pushed out into the open and kill the enemies at the other end of the parking lot. Those in the windows of the building across the way are behind sandbags, so you�ll have to down them with a headshot. Pressing down the Left Thumbstick causes Jackson to hold his breath for a short time, thereby steadying your aim.

ENEMY INTEL (14/30): Once the building at the other end of the parking lot is clear of hostiles, sprint towards the building. Wait for your allies to breach the door and then enter. Climb up the stairs and enter the turret once you reach the top. Turn left and the intel is on the mattresses.

Intel 14
Intel 14
An enemy tank enters the battle but fortunately it is quickly destroyed by your allies. Follow the squad to the Seaknight LZ extraction point to complete the level.

Shock and Awe
Bombard the enemy troops and vehicles below as the helicopters fly above the city streets. Pay special attention to the enemy RPGs positioned on the rooftops and the enemy tanks on the ground below. Once resistance has been softened and the helicopter you are in lands, follow your squad into the street. Fight off the hostiles in the streets as you move towards the advance recon team�s position. Enter the building and kill the enemies on the first level. Locate the stairs and take them up to meet the advance recon team, completing the objective in the process.

ENEMY INTEL (15/30): Once the advance recon team has been assisted, move to the end of the upper floor and look for the enemy intel behind the steel barrel in the corner.

Recon Team
Recon Team
Intel 15
Intel 15
After helping the recon team, remain on the upper level and help them fight off the enemies that enter the area below. Drop down into the street through the hole in the wall. More enemies spawn. Take cover and start shooting at the enemies across the way. Pay special attention to those in the windows and on the rooftop of the building to the southeast.

ENEMY INTEL (16/30): When the coast is relatively clear, look east and move towards the building you see there. Enter the room at the top of the stairs. In the room, turn right. Look along this wall for a small closet. The intel is on the ground in this closet.

Intel 16
Intel 16
Once you have made it through that area, follow the marines to the LZ. Enter the LZ using the bay door. You are placed back on the Mark 19 Grenade Launcher. A Cobra helicopter flying next to yours is shot down. As you circle the crash site, clear out the enemy ground troops below. The LZ drops you off once more. You have ninety seconds to reach the downed Cobra, pull the pilot out and carry her back to the LZ.

Downed Cobra
Downed Cobra
Sprint down the street and gun down any hostiles in your path. When you reach the downed Cobra, press and hold the X button to free to pilot. While you are carrying her, you cannot use your weapon or sprint. Hopefully your allies will do an adequate job of defending you while you carry the pilot to the LZ. Carry the pilot through the bay door to complete the level.

Make your way out of the helicopter and walk down the street until the sequence ends.

This guide is copyright 2007, no part of it may be reproduced without permission.

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