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By Michael Monette

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Call of Duty 4 - Act 2 Walkthrough

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All Ghillied Up
One Shot, One Kill
The Sins of the Father

Your target is Al-Asad, who reportedly has a safehouse in this village. Follow the group to the village. As you reach the village, turn your attention to the church southwest. Down the enemies that come running out and then sprint up the hill and enter the church. It is quite dark inside so equip your night vision goggles by pressing up on the D-pad. Inside, go through the doorway on the left. Take the stairs up and then use the ladder to reach the bell tower. You�ll find a Dragunov and a Javelin up here. Swap your M1014 for the Dragunov but leave the Javelin. The Javelin could be used to destroy the enemy tank outside, but it would be much easier to simply call in air support to take it out.

Use the Dragunov to remove some of the hostiles below, especially those in the house visible through the north window of the tower. Afterwards, select air support by pressing right on the D-pad. First, wait until the tank stations itself somewhere, and then move the beacon of light next to it. Pulling the Right Trigger will call in air support. Support will arrive shortly, destroying the tank and any other enemies in the vicinity. If for some reason the tank is not destroyed, take the Javelin outside and do it yourself. Or, you can wait until air support is ready to help again. Remain in the window and use the Dragunov to pick off any enemies that you can see below.

Enemy Tank
Enemy Tank
Air Support
Air Support
ENEMY INTEL (17/30): While in the bell tower, look north through the window. The enemy intel is on the second floor of the house with the satellite dish. Before you go down there, eliminate the enemies surrounding the house. Enter the house through its basement, which can be reached by taking the stairs on the right side of the house. Make your way up to the first floor. Find the stairs and take them up to the second. At the top of the stairs, enter the room straight ahead and turn left to see the intel on a dresser.

Intel 17
Intel 17
You'll have to search each and every house in this village that is marked with an objective point. Follow the compass to the next closest one. There are plenty of enemies in the village, as well as in the house that needs to be searched. The enemies in the house will continuously respawn until you search the house and clear that objective point. Of course, do not simply enter the house through its front door, move around the house and enter through the backdoor. Search the house�both floors�until the objective point disappears. Hold out in the cleared house and eliminate any hostiles that you can.

The next building is heavily guarded so call in air support to help out. After the area surrounding the tavern has been cleared, sprint towards the stairs on the right side of the house, they�ll lead you down to the basement. Watch out for the dog as you approach. Work your way through the top floor to clear that objective point.

Basement Stairs
Basement Stairs
ENEMY INTEL (18/30): The intel is on the first floor of the building described above. It can be found in one of the booths on the first floor.

Intel 18
Intel 18
Use your compass to locate the next closest location. Call in air support to help clear the area, and then sprint to the left side of the building. Throw a flash bang through the side door there and rush in once it goes off. Cautiously make your way up to the top floor. Use another flash bang if you come to a room with a large number of enemies. The terrorist hiding behind the door can be shot through the door. With the door open, search the room for some Dragunov ammo. Afterwards, make your way to the house beyond the water tower.

Move around to the right side of the house and stand before the side door. Lob a flash bang through the doorway and charge into the room once it goes off. With that objective point clear it�s time to move on to the final house. Use the compass to reach the final location. Hang back and eliminate any visible hostile with your Dragunov. When the surrounding area is clear, move up with your squad to the objective point.

All Ghillied Up
Achievement Tip - Ghillies In The Mist: To earn this achievement, this mission must be completed without alerting a single enemy. Be extra careful and follow MacMillan�s orders exactly. Don�t miss a shot and this shouldn�t be a problem.

This mission takes place fifteen years ago. You are controlling the then Lt. Price. Armed with an M21, you must reach a hotel to observe Zakhaev�s exchange. All you must do is listen to MacMillan�s commands and act exactly as he does. When he crouches, you crouch, when he crawls, you crawl, when he stands, you stand. Only shoot enemy soldiers when the Captain orders it. Occasionally you are given the choice of eliminating soldiers, or attempting to move past them. It would be best to eliminate them to avoid detection. Take aim, press down on the Left Thumbstick and knock them out with a headshot.

ENEMY INTEL (19/30): Near the beginning of the level, you will reach an area with a lookout in a square tower and another guard by a statue to the east. Take out these two soldiers and then follow MacMillan into the church nearby. Climb up the ladder at the opposite end of the room to reach the tower. The enemy intel is in this tower.

Intel 19
Intel 19
ENEMY INTEL (20/30): Following the tank ordeal, you�ll come to an area with two soldiers dumping bodies, and a few others patrolling the area. Do not kill the soldiers by the water, instead move towards the helicopter on the far right and take out the lone soldiers along the way. The two soldiers by the water will have to be killed at the same time. Wait until you hear MacMillan say �I�m in position,� then headshot one of the soldiers. MacMillan will kill the other.

Afterwards, you reach a large number of cargo crates. The intel is nearby. Follow MacMillan and eliminate any lone soldier along the way. You�ll soon come to a large group of soldiers. The enemy intel is on some steel drums near them. It is especially difficult to get this intel without alerting the soldiers here. Xbox 360 gamers, if you�re going for the �Ghillies in the Mist� achievement, it might be wise to leave this intel alone for now.

Intel 20
Intel 20
ENEMY INTEL (21/30): After using the trucks as cover, MacMillan will point out a sniper on a nearby fire escape. Eliminate the sniper and then climb to the very top of the fire escape. Jump through the window at the top. The enemy intel is on a desk on the left.

Intel 21
Intel 21
One Shot, One Kill
Your target is Imran Zakhaev. You must clip him using the M82 .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle. Zoom in on the exchange that is taking place. You�ll have to wait until the wind dies down before taking the shot or the bullet will go wide. The flag next to Zakhaev indicates the wind direction. Ignore the helicopter that temporarily blocks your view. When the helicopter passes, re-focus on Zakhaev. Wait for the flag to slump down, signifying that the wind is neutral. At this point take aim and fire at Zakhaev.

Once you have hit Zakhaev, aim at the helicopter pilot visible through the window and headshot him. After, follow MacMillan and rappel down the side of the hotel. As you exit the hotel, a contingent of enemy soldiers appears from the north. You don�t have time to stand and fight off these enemies. Turn west and sprint to the building there. Hug the side of the building and sprint through the grass towards the objective point on the compass. Enter the apartment building that you come to and follow MacMillan through the rooms.

In the second building, fight off the dog that leaps through the window. When you enter the next room, press right on the D-pad to take out a Claymore and run towards the door at the other end of the room. Plant a Claymore before the door to eliminate the hostiles that soon come through. Back outside, down the helicopter that appears overhead by shooting at it. The helicopter crashes near MacMillan, causing him to injure his leg. You�re going to have to carry him the rest of the way. Approach him and pick him up.

Follow the objective point on the compass. When enemies are encountered along the way, put MacMillan down somewhere and fight them off. Eventually MacMillan will point out an apartment building. Enter the apartment building and start up the stairs. When checkpoint is reached, put MacMillan down in a corner and clear out the rooms here. There are dogs and enemy soldiers in the apartment, so be careful.

ENEMY INTEL (22/30): From MacMillan�s position (assuming you placed him in the checkpoint room), move into the hall and enter the room straight across from the hall doorway. Inside, turn left and move in that direction until you reach the damaged room. Exit the apartment building through the hole in the wall and turn right to see a fire escape. Quickly make your way to the very top of this fire escape to find the intel.

Fire Escape
Fire Escape
Intel 22
Intel 22
Carry MacMillan outside and follow the compass to a building. Move through this building and you will find yourself back outside. Cautiously move past the pack of wild dogs and continue towards the extraction point. Enter the park and wait for the helicopter pilot�s transmission. Bring MacMillan to the shining patch of grass behind the ferris wheel and place him down. Quickly place some of the Claymores near the picket fence to the east. Afterwards, position yourself on the hill next to MacMillan and wait for the enemies to appear.

ENEMY INTEL (23/30): Fight off the first wave of troops and eventually three helicopters arrive to drop off more. At this point, keep an eye on the closed door along the alley southeast of MacMillan�s position. When the helicopters arrive, this door will eventually open and enemies will come through it. The intel is found on the ground through this door. It may be tough to get to the door with the amount of troops in the field. If you must, leave the intel alone for now and restart this mission via the �Mission Select� menu and choose the Recruit difficulty level.

Closed Door
Closed Door
Intel 23
Intel 23
If things get too hectic where you are, move to a different position. A good place to hold out is next to the bumper cars, which is right next to the ferris wheel. Hold off the enemies until the helicopter arrives to pull you out of there. The helicopter symbol below the compass shows how far away the helicopter is from the extraction point. When the helicopter arrives, get to MacMillan and pick him up. Carry him through the helicopter�s bay door to complete the mission.

Move up the road and follow the group to the ridgeline. Take position on the hill and wait for the explosion. Start attacking the large group of enemies down below. Once you have successfully fought off the enemies, turn back and make your way to the crashed helicopter. Board the helicopter and man the mini-gun.

Southern Approach
Southern Approach
Crashed Helicopter
Crashed Helicopter
Achievement Tip - Roadkill: If you haven�t already unlocked this achievement, now is a good opportunity. Wait until two or more enemies gather near a car then unload into it until it explodes. If you cause an exploding car to kill two or more enemies at once you�ll earn the achievement.

To use the mini-gun hold the Left Trigger to spool up the mini-gun. With that done, you can then use RT to fire. Keep an eye on the gauge on the right side of the screen and cease fire before it fills up. When the gauge becomes full, the mini-gun overheats, disabling use for a short time. If this happens get off of the mini-gun and fallback through the helicopter�s door, likewise if the grenade indicator appears or you become wounded. Gun down the helicopters that arrive to drop off more troops.

Afterwards, make your way up the hill to the tavern. All of the detonators can be found on the windowsills. Use each detonator on the first floor. Next, take the stairs up to the second level. As on the first floor, all of the detonators can be found on the windowsills up here. Pick up and use each of the detonators to delay the enemy attack.

With that done, make your way to the farm where Al-Asad was found in a previous level. Once you reach the farm, enter the barn and take the Javelin that is on the weapon supply chest. Three enemy tanks are approaching that you must destroy with the Javelin. Step out of the barn, crouch down and lock-on to one of the incoming tanks.

Once the tanks have been destroyed, swap the Javelin for the M21 on the supply chest in the barn. Hold off the ground troops until you receive word from the LZ pilot. The squad must head back down the hill to the landing zone. At this point, air support can be called in to help clear out an area inhabited by a large number of enemies. You have four minutes to get to the landing zone, so no loitering. Call an air strike near the fence at the opposite end of the field. Air support will drop bombs in a horizontal line, hopefully clearing out most of the enemies up ahead. After the strike, sprint across the field. There is a sniper in the farmhouse to the right, so be careful.

Air Strike
Air Strike
At the other end of the field, call in an air strike near the second picket fence. Pick off any lone enemies while heading down the hill. Hop over the railing along the roads and sprint towards the gas station. When the helicopter arrives, get onboard to complete the level.

Landing Zone
Landing Zone
The Sins of the Father
Follow the squad down the road. Climb up onto the dumpster that Price points out and take out the two guards in the southeastern tower. Hang back and use your R700 to help secure the diner across the way.

Guard Tower
Guard Tower
ENEMY INTEL (24/30): Once the diner has been secured, sprint inside and turn left. The intel is sitting on a table there. You must get to this intel before the transition to daytime or you will have to restart the level in order to retrieve it.

Intel 24
Intel 24
Once it is daytime and you are positioned in the tower, swap your M9 for the R700 near the dead guards. A group of enemy vehicles enters the area. After your ally kills the driver in the front truck, start taking out enemies with your R700. Eventually the tower you are in will fall.

After the fall, get back up and use the compass to pursue Zakhaev�s son through the junkyard nearby. Be ready for a dog to jump out and attack you. Move through the house at the end of the junkyard and pursue Zakhaev�s son down the street. You will soon encounter a group of hostiles. At this point, turn right and enter the house there. Move through the doorway at the other end of the house and you will find yourself behind the barricade. Mow down the enemies here and enter the alleyway on the other end of the street.

ENEMY INTEL (25/30): Turn right at the green car and red dumpster that you come to while moving down the alley. As you turn the next corner you should see a small building with some stairs leading to a doorway. Climb up these stairs and look on the table up ahead to see the intel.

Intel 25
Intel 25
Flank the enemies in the parking lot by turning right at the green car and red dumpster that you come to while moving down the alleyway. Continue your pursuing of the man when the area is clear. After climbing up some stairs you will observe Zakhaev�s son running into a nearby apartment building. Stay back until a helicopter arrives and eliminates the gunners in the window.

Enter the apartment building and start up the stairwell. Move through the apartment with your squad and take out any resistance you meet along the way. When you reach the fourth floor, wait until the helicopter takes out the last few enemies before proceeding through the doorway. After that, follow the group up to the roof to successfully corner Zakhaev�s son.

This guide is copyright 2007, no part of it may be reproduced without permission.

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