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My sims won't accept proposal with a cheap ring and I don't have lp. Is..

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Question for The Sims FreePlay

My sims won't accept proposal with a cheap ring and I don't have lp. Is there a cheat to make them accept?

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The Sims FreePlay Guide

Guest answered:

No there is no cheat. If you want then to accept you will have to buy a nicer ring.

Showing latest replies - show all (241)
Guest said: 1st Nov 2018 | REPORT
I tried it it wouldn't work why I spent all my lp
Guest said: 26th Dec 2018 | REPORT
That totally worked for me if it doesn’t work for you I found out what you can do do the same thing but make sure you purpose in front of other sims with the mood ring should work worked for me and my friends
Guest said: 18th Mar 2020 | REPORT
Guest said: 14th Dec 2020 | REPORT
It totally worked! Omg
Guest answered:

So far, I only have 1 pair of Sims engaged with the most expensive ring in the 'tutorial/ goal'. Tried using all other rings, they just wont accept the proposal.

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Guest said: 12th Oct 2018 | REPORT
i tried once no luck yet gotta get more money then ill try again
Guest said: 20th Oct 2018 | REPORT
Mood ring doesnt work
Guest said: 3rd Jan 2019 | REPORT
I tried 6 times (yes, 6) with the mood ring. I tried an additional 4 times with the dinosaur ring and they finally accepted.
Guest said: 1st Dec 2021 | REPORT
My sim keeps saying no no matter what ring I use I all ready did all of them.:(
Guest answered:

It's messed up that they have the cheaper rings as options if the partner won't accept the cheaper rings. I learned the hard way and used up LPs trying to propose with cheaper rings. -.-

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Guest said: 3rd Aug 2018 | REPORT
I wasted 20000 simoleans. 😫😫 It’s such malarkey.
Guest said: 30th Jan 2019 | REPORT
Maybe empty house so they think oh there poor I'll accept this then???
Guest said: 20th Mar 2021 | REPORT
I emptied the house first and they accepted the mood ring
Guest said: 8th Nov 2021 | REPORT
Can u find lp by urself
Guest answered:

2 of my Sims accepted the proposal on cheaper rings but now none of them will. It's ridiculous that you can't buy LP with your Simoleons. I'm left with hardly any LP, a whole lot of simoleons and nothing to do with it now.

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Guest said: 13th Oct 2017 | REPORT
I tried doing that three times but they just don't get the ones that I want! I need six more items and they won't get them. This is so annoying
Guest said: 7th Jan 2018 | REPORT
I agree that the cooking hobby is the best way to get Lifestyle Points (LPs), I've completed the hobby about ten times (not in a row) and every time I got 5 LPs, and it doesn't take a very long time. Have as many adult, teenager, and senior sims as you can and make them all cook at the same time in the same place. I recommend building a room on one of your lots(maybe in the backyard), then filling it with ten stoves and ten kitchen sinks and ten countertops (use the cheapest stove and cheapest countertops and sinks)
Guest said: 27th Jan 2018 | REPORT
why the cheapest? dont the 3-star items allow sims to do things quicker??
Guest said: 29th Mar 2018 | REPORT
no, not with the cooking hobby
Guest answered:

I wish I had read this thread first. I feel really cheated out of two rings and the LP they cost. At least they should go into your inventory so they could be sold. I went for the second most expensive option. What's the point of having the other rings available?

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Guest said: 10th Oct 2016 | REPORT
Does it work?
Guest said: 25th Oct 2016 | REPORT
About how much people
Guest said: 26th Nov 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 18th Oct 2018 | REPORT
I had all my symptoms in the park I had the same that wanted to get engaged be romantic one time with the rest of the people talking to each other then once they were done I propose the with the silver ring three and they excepted the first time happy face
Guest answered:

I used the cheapest Dino ring a couple times and they accepted. Some couples are just stubborn though, I guess it's pure luck.

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Guest said: 4th Sep 2015 | REPORT
If the ring costs 6 LPs it will work? Because I don't want to spend my LPs for nothing
Guest said: 5th Mar 2016 | REPORT
The key is to have an expensive house. I've tried this with two couples and got engaged the first try one with the Dino ring and the other with the mood ring.
Guest said: 3rd Apr 2018 | REPORT
I've bought countless mood rights and Dino rings, one 6LP ring and two 3LP ring and it's been both proposing to each other what do I do
Guest said: 6th May 2018 | REPORT
Don't know if it's helpful but I think it's in the code where the Sims never say no to the eternity don't (10 lp)
Guest answered:

Only one has coveted Dino ring one couple didn't even accept the second best ring. My bet luck was on the tutorial.

Showing latest replies - show all (9)
Guest said: 12th Jun 2014 | REPORT
It doesn't I literally spent hundreds of thousands of simoleons on mood rings
Guest said: 1st Dec 2016 | REPORT
Ask the sim to move in and then propose with a cheap ring. It worked for me!
Guest said: 14th Mar 2017 | REPORT
Nothing will work for me! I tried lots of things and I have no LP I'm one of those people that would spend anything quickly! And I tried marriage for two couples of my sims so much! I wasted a lot on them and I tried like everything!
Guest said: 17th Apr 2018 | REPORT
I have tried since last year and it won’t work! They always have denied! It’s so annoying! I have tried mold rings and Dino rings and even the rings that cost 3 LP but it still didn’t work!
Guest answered:

It's absolutely annoying will wright

Showing latest replies - show all (7)
Guest said: 31st Mar 2015 | REPORT
Guest said: 13th Jun 2015 | REPORT
Are you sure about that? Just asking.
Guest said: 19th Apr 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 9th Jul 2018 | REPORT
Sims make me 😤😤😵😵😖😡😡😠😠👿👿👿☠️
Guest answered:

I just spend nearly all my simoleans on buying 5 rings over and over again , thinking I had done something wrong!

Showing latest replies - show all (15)
Guest said: 15th Nov 2017 | REPORT
I have used the Dino ring 7 times on the same couple and they won't except!!! I used all the other rings and I don't know what to do
Guest said: 16th Dec 2017 | REPORT
Try the most expensive one
Guest said: 12th Feb 2018 | REPORT
The only one that works is The 10lp one it's really annoying
Guest said: 24th Jan 2021 | REPORT
It’s impossible for me to get my sims married
Guest answered:

This is so annoying! I used up 70.000 Simoleons for rings and they are still not married!!!

Showing latest replies - show all (9)
Guest said: 29th Sep 2015 | REPORT
The only couple I've managed to get engaged was 2 guys
Guest said: 5th Apr 2016 | REPORT
I've gotten girls on my game to 'be romantic' so obviously they can get married, I actually am new to sims so I was messing around and thought it would be fun to have a diverse population, but they can do the same stuff they can do with guys, also laws tend to not effect games much if they do, and your opinion on a law that does not affect you is just petty and annoying (the law change makes it so people who love eachother can get married regardless of gender, it doesn't affect you personally at all, unless it made it illegal for us to marry guys)
Guest said: 29th Jun 2016 | REPORT
Sims Freeplay isn't Sexist. HORRAY!!!!😋😂
Guest said: 30th Apr 2017 | REPORT
I think they're not homophobic
Guest answered:

My Sims seem to accept when other sims are around them in their own home. I don't buy expensive rings either just the mood ring.

Showing latest replies - show all (10)
Guest said: 17th Apr 2017 | REPORT
Hope it works 😯
Guest said: 15th Nov 2017 | REPORT
Yeah Ima try it
Guest said: 16th Feb 2018 | REPORT
I didn’t work :(
Guest said: 30th Aug 2022 | REPORT
Did not work! Wasted so much time and effort, and money, turns out you can just buy a baby, well screw marriage then!
Guest answered:

I know this keeps happening to mee try giving them woohoo a lot
Nd maybe they will start to love more

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Guest said: 3rd Dec 2013 | REPORT
lol I tried that
Guest said: 29th Jan 2015 | REPORT
XD I'll try!!
Guest said: 16th Mar 2018 | REPORT
Maybe your sims are homosexual? I had a guy propose to a girl several times and then I tried having a girl propose to her and BOOM accepted
Guest answered:

I found out what works best is if you have a bunch of Sims in the same house doing stuff (mine were Dancing) and then you have the guy ask the girl in front of them all. I spent too much on dumb rings (tried x4!), so this last time spent 3 LP on the silver ring, and with all the people around she finally accepted. Try this out! Hope it helps!

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Guest said: 16th Jul 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 5th Nov 2016 | REPORT
its work yayyyy Smile
Guest said: 13th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Omg thank you soo much 💚
Guest said: 1st May 2017 | REPORT
It worked for me, i took them to the park and I used the cheapest one😆
Guest answered:

Certain Sims require expensive rings to accept. Im lucky, I only had yo buy the 2nd most expensive ring once, the others accepted with thr mood/silver ring.

Guest answered:

There is no real cheat to get L.P. But a good way to get it is by completing Goals and sometimes your Pet can dig it up. But you should really try to complete goals I got 34 L.P. By completing so many goals.

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Guest said: 29th Dec 2020 | REPORT
What kind of goals?
Guest answered:

I grougt a dino ring x3 and didnt work so I brought the silver and asked when I was around people and it worked!

Guest answered:

Hey guys, just have other people around... I wasted a heap of LP and simoliens... The I had a couple of Sims around brought a Dino ring and it worked.. Good luck Smile

Guest answered:

I tried to propose with the tutorial ring and it buys it but won't propose. I've tried twice and it doesn't work.

Guest answered:

You can also try having the girl propose to the guy. I had two Sims who wouldn't accept the proposals, so I switched it up and had the girls propose to the guys with mood rings and it worked both times.

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Guest said: 15th Sep 2016 | REPORT
How do you get the guy to propose to the girl
Guest answered:

It wont woork! Even with people around. Not if I switch the proposers, move in, break up- get together. Nothing! I've tried all the rings. But none of the Sims will marry! My other game got deleted while update on my phone, so I had to start from scratch. There my sims married easily. Now they wont! Why? Only married couple is the one I had the goal with.

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Guest said: 6th Jun 2013 | REPORT
You need the not cheap one
Guest said: 23rd Feb 2017 | REPORT
^ the person literally just said they tried all the rings tho
Guest said: 21st Dec 2017 | REPORT
maybe this might help.. i tried 2 method.. the first one was i went to the park and made them woohoo in the park and then got around 5 other sims came to watch them.. i only bought a mood ring and the girl sims accepted.. the second one was i went to the restaurant (the fixed one) and had 5 sims or more to go there and had the close dance there. then i bought the mood ring and the girl accepted again..
Guest answered:

I've tried the dump ring once and the silver ring twice and she still won't accept. My first married couple only took two times with the silver ring

Guest answered:

You should just delete the sim that won't accept that ring and make a new one and make her thing flirt or romantic

Guest answered:

I have discovered that once your at the partner level and you have the Sims be romantic a couple times then have the woman propose to the man that you will have a much better chance of him accepting the proposal. My guy sim was rejected 3 times by the girl sim until I had her propose to him, I even used the cheap silver ring for the proposal. Hope this helps Smile

Guest answered:

Why won't my divorced Sims accept cheap rings when my sims who have never been in a relationship do?

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Guest said: 13th Jan 2015 | REPORT
Divorced sims need eternity ring to get back together.
Guest answered:

I bought the cheapest ring and she said no. Then when I bought the next cheapest one the mood ring that was 8,000 simelons she said yes

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Guest said: 30th Jul 2017 | REPORT
I did that but it didn't work
Guest said: 9th May 2018 | REPORT
I wasted about 15,000 simolens on mood rings and Dino rings I brought them to the park I made the woman propose to the house isn’t even luxurious. It’s so annoying
Guest answered:

I don't really think there's a cheat but when I proposed to the a girl with a vending machine Dino ring she said no but then when I had that same girl propose to her partner ( the guy who proposed to her) he said yes. And this worked with another couple I had.

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Guest said: 9th Mar 2014 | REPORT
It doesn't work
Guest said: 12th Oct 2016 | REPORT
I took 1000 try's and nothing
Guest answered:

In the tutorial they gave me an eternity ring and I got the first couple married, it was free. Then the second,third and fourth couple, the eternity ring was free for them too! Smile so now I got 4 couples married and now getting another couple together!

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Guest said: 28th Jan 2014 | REPORT
What?? Lucky! They told me the eternity ring was free but i still have to pay 10LP and i cant afford it now!
Guest said: 6th Sep 2014 | REPORT
How you get the second third and fourth couple get married with a free eternity ring
Guest answered:

I didn't have LP to buy the ring.. I have about 6 couples and they're ALL engaged..
I got them to proposal with the Vending Machine Dinosaur Ring!!
I tried it about 3 times but the GIRL wouldn't accept so I
Made the GIRL propose to the GUY and now they're engaged!!!
Hope it works!!! Easy & CHEAP!!

Game Center ID- ~(J3SSIC4)~
Facebook Game Profile- [email protected]

Guest answered:

If you just keep trying, the Sim will except. Most of the time on around the 10th proposal he or she will accept.

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Guest said: 9th Jul 2015 | REPORT
not for me
lgw31773 said: 9th Nov 2015 | REPORT
Accept, not except
Guest answered:

I brought my Sims to the Park and make them be romantic twice and them proposed with an eternity ring and that worked.

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Guest said: 29th Mar 2018 | REPORT
it doesn't matter if you do anything special or not sims always ALWAYS accept the eternity ring
Guest answered:

I wonder if they will never accept if you are at the Population limit, since it creates an empty house for a sim to move into.

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Guest said: 16th May 2015 | REPORT
No you just can't add another sim to that house
Guest answered:

There is no cheat but The Eternity Ring has the best chance of being accepted, while the Vending Machine Dinosaur Ring has the lowest chance of getting accepted. Buying a nicer ring will increase the chance of your sim accepting the proposal. If you don't have any LP than you can still the dinosaur ring or the mood ring. Also, to increase the chance of them accepting the proposal, you can bring them to Park and propose and that usually works. But I can assure you that sometimes they will say yes to the dinosaur ring and sometimes they will say no to the Eternity Ring.

I hope this helps! Smile

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Guest said: 16th Nov 2018 | REPORT
I had my sims be romantic to each other two times and had the girl propose..

Guest answered:

I just did it! I tried propose with the cheap ring and mood ring. Failed. Waited next day, making sure they are both inspired, bringing a guest in. Make the couple do some WOohoo and be romantic. Propose with mood ring! Success! THe key should be both inspired and in front of guest.

Guest answered:

Even though it gives you the option of engagement it doesn't mean the Sims are ready. You need to try and get them to love each other more and try again in a while

Guest answered:

I had the same problem for a while until I did this. First I got the Sims I wanted married needs up. I then used the second best ring. It worked. The problem about the LP. Go to the store and you will find a blue LP point that says free. Tap that and you can watch short videos for LP. I hope this helped.

BlackLightning01 answered:

Its all about luck. There's a certain pattern to which they accept and don't accept. A better ring just makes the chances higher.

Guest answered:

This worked for me for the first time: first you'll need a set of partners- even though the partner relationship Bar is full continue making them woohoo and be romantic to each other. After that I used the silver ring (3lp) to propose. Hope it works for you too!

Guest answered:

I tried to get 2 Sims propose then it made me choose ring. But then it said that I did not have enough LP. What I have to do?

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Guest said: 29th Mar 2018 | REPORT
get lp
Guest answered:

People come down for me when one of my Sims won't accept a cheap proposal ring I just have them be romantic to each other or have them woo hoo until they accept because as they do that they continue to love each other more and more and then the next time I try they accept ta the proble solved.

HIEH answered:

There's a cheat but sometimes it works sometimes no!!!! So what you need to do is woo-hoo then buy a mood ring if she said no do the same thing again if she said no again then be romantic and woo-hoo and then buy the mood ring after that maybe she will say yes!!! I'm not a lier but what I'm trying to say is keep trying this cheat I'm sure she will say yes!!! I always try this and it works!!!! I hope I did help you!!!! ;)

Guest answered:

My solution is that you get all your Sims inspired then get them to be around the couples being proposed. Make sure the girl is proposing because the guy is less likely to reject. Then buy the mood ring the dino ring might work. So I hope that helped

Guest answered:

My solution is that you get all your Sims inspired then get them to be around the couples being proposed. Make sure the girl is proposing because the guy is less likely to reject. Then buy the mood ring the dino ring might work. So I hope that helped

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Guest said: 20th Dec 2014 | REPORT
Tell us how to get flipping lp for a kindle Fire HD
Guest answered:

Hey guys I had hardly any LP so I wanted to use the mood ring to propose. It didn't work on one couple. But for one couple it worked. I clicked on the sim I wanted to propose to and clicked *be romantic* then once that was done I proposed with the mood ring and it worked. I also think you need to be in a relation ship a few weeks before proposal

Guest answered:

Once both my Sims were inspired then I got the man to propose and she accepted. Actually it happened twice so maybw you should try.

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Guest said: 5th Sep 2015 | REPORT
What ring did you use?
Guest answered:

I proposed so many times with the mood ring wasted a heap of money and they were inspired too and they romanced for a while but nothing but then I took them to the Park one the dock and she said yes with the mood ring... So try the dock and see if it helps (:

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Guest said: 9th Aug 2017 | REPORT
I made them woohoo 3 times then ask to move in.I took them to the park be romantic once.Make the girl propose with the dinausaur ring.He said yes on the first time.
Guest answered:

I got them to whoohoo and than be romantic than I made him propose with a dinosaur ring and she accepted. ☺

Guest answered:

You need to buy a stereo, and have at least eight Sims Dancing to it. Then, have your guy use the second cheapest ring to propose, and the girl will say yes. Works for me 10/10 times.

KatiePotato answered:

I usually make them 'WooHoo' first, then I propose with the cheap Dino ring. I did that with three couples and worked all three times. If that doesn't work keep on doing 'WooHoo'. Hope this works for you.

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Guest said: 1st Apr 2016 | REPORT
Holy crap! This actually works! 😱 thanks a bunch!
Guest answered:

To have the other accept you need to buy a expensive ring remember if the ring more expensive there's a better chance she will accept

Guest answered:

To have the other accept you need to buy a expensive ring remember if the ring more expensive there's a better chance she will accept

Guest answered:

There's no cheat, there's nothing you can do to make a sim more likely to accept, it's all just probability. I've had Sims propose with the dinosaur ring and it worked on the first try. I've also had sims propose with it over and over and over and it never worked. I didn't make any of them do anything special prior to the proposal.

Guest answered:

I had the same problem a long time ago
First you need to send them to the Park, then you need
To have them be romantic then you have to propose I
Recommend that you use the dinosaur ring for the first
Couple goes. At the the tenth try it should work
If it doesn't try change the person proposing

Guest answered:

There is no cheat but if you don't have any LP get a few Sims to cook a meal on the oven that takes 1 min when it's cooked you get a collective collect them all in the Hobby then you will get 5 lp and it doesn't take long to collect them all with 6 sims Cooking it can take an hour

Guest answered:

My Sim gladly said yes to a mood ring, after they turned down the dino ring. This may also have something to do with how much romantic XP they've got together. I'd say, do a few romance tasks (be romantic, woohoo), then propose with the dino ring, when (if) they say no, do the mood ring. If this fails, then keep moving up till they say yes.

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Guest said: 6th Apr 2016 | REPORT
You can get married using a cheap ring but the chances of them saying yes is very low!
Guest answered:

My first pair of Sims had a free Eternity Ring from a Quest. My second pair, however, a boy and a girl, had to have rings that I paid for. Let me just say, I'm not the person who keeps LPs handy, so I bought a Vending Machine Dinosaur Ring. The boy proposed the girl and she rejected. I tried this two more times, and she rejected them all. However, when the Dino Ring was proposed by the girl, the boy accepted. You'll have better luck having the male propose. If you're not in the mood for buying LPs, just try this.

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Guest said: 24th Jan 2017 | REPORT
It didn't work :(
Guest answered:

Use a female sim to propose to a male sim with a mood ring
I try it and it work

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Guest said: 6th Jun 2016 | REPORT
How do I use the free ring you get first
I have tried everything
I made the man engage to the women with 3 lp but she refused
I made the girl propose to the guy with a mood ring but refused
Guest answered:

I have wasted lots of LP and and sim money on the rings. I have 20 Sims (adults ) and only 2 married couples. It's best to get the sims married because then you can have Children. I would suggest getting the girls to ask the boys- that's worked once for me. Don't waste your money on the cheap rings they don't work. But... Before you purpose get you're sims to keep being romantic for a while - it might help. Hope this helped you .

Guest answered:

First be romantic together, then have the woman or men buy the mood ring.. Do not buy the Dino ring. It should work. If it doesn't work then watch a movie together and buy some flowers have them go outside and do it there..

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Guest said: 29th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Yes there is one first call your partner at park and then propose with girl to boy with mood it will 100% work
Guest said: 18th Feb 2017 | REPORT
Thanks this helped xx
Guest said: 10th Mar 2017 | REPORT
How do you call your partner at the park?
Guest answered:

Hi guys, I have been struggling with this problem for like forever, finally got a solution. It is important that your Sims live in different Houses to get the marriage proposal accepted. After that you can ask them to move in. But "living in different houses" is the utmost criteria. I hope this helps.

Guest answered:

I literally just proposes with a mood ring and they said yes. If you want this to happen you have to be romantic right before you ask to marry

Guest answered:

I bought the second ring, maybe 100000000x times... And they didn't want to get married! So I bought the 3., aaaand....they didn't want to get married! What to do? It works only if I buy the most expensive? :/

Guest answered:

Upload your information to the cloud, then propose. If they don't accept, reset your game, log back in and download your information. It'll let you propose again and you won't waste money, but that's about as far as I can help you.

Guest answered:

All you have to do is have other Sims in the room when the man or women proposes. I tried so many times and wasted so much money but after I brought other sims over she said yes to the dino ring.

Guest answered:

They CAN say yes with a cheap ring! I had my Sims be romantic to each other and right after I used the vending machine ring to repose and it worked! I guess love doesn't have a price

Guest answered:

So Sims is based on real life. So in reality when people are dating or partners they are usually together for a long time. So your sims need to be together for a long time. Probably about a month maybe less. During this time you should make them be romantic and woohoo quite a bit. At the end of the month try a proposal. It should work as long as you use a 6 LP ring or higher. If you try to make them meet and propose on the same day it wont work.

Guest answered:

I know this isn't going to help but, it just means that the Sims are gold diggers

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Guest said: 12th Jan 2023 | REPORT
They totally are! It sucks! I’m broke because one of my sims won’t except her wife’s proposal! The I bought the six LP ring ten seconds later and then she (Mavis) accepted!
Guest answered:

Something that I thought that usually works is to make sure all their needs (the one getting proposed to) are all satisfied and they have the green sparkling around them, they usually say yes to the mood ring but you can try the cheapest one!

Guest answered:

This is a very late answer but.. I tried a lot of things and in the end I tried to do the same engagement we all did in the Love Is In The Air Quest: it already worked for me thrice, that's why I think it's coincidence.
-You must invite people into your house
-Woohoo and be romantic a couple of times
-add some roses into your house (you could just reuse the roses you used for the other Sims so you won't spend anything)
-try a dino ring 1 or 2 times then a mood ring (it worked for me with 1 dino and 1 mood easy) it even worked for a cheating sim xD
I hope this still helps

Guest answered:

They will accept the cheap vending machine ring but your Sims cannot move in together or woohoo before you propose. I also recommend not letting them have another romance on the side just in case.

handy helper101 answered:

I used the cheapest ring, which was the dinosaur ring for the first time and my sim said yes. I didn't have to do anything special. The only thing I did change was having the girl propose to the boy. Everyone is saying that hasn't worked for them. Maybe I just got lucky. Hope I helped!

Guest answered:

Use a moon ring on the first one but then use it a gain on the second sim that's how I did it

Guest answered:

I used the cheapest ring twice trying to get the girl to accept her partners proposal, after that I got the girl to propose to the man with the cheapest ring and he accepted. Quite strange, right? But I think you might have a better chance of getting engaged with the cheap rings when the female proposes to the male. Hope I helped!

Guest answered:

No, your goning to have to learn the hard way and buy an expenisive ring, I suggest minimally a silver ring, but if you want them to get married off straight away your going to buy the eternity ring, which costs 10 LP

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Guest said: 27th Jan 2018 | REPORT
I bought the 6 lp ring and the proposal was rejected!?!?!
Guest answered:

I’ve found that if you wait a while (3+ IRL days) that they give you LP to finish the Quest. For example, I was on the Horse quest. I was on a five day vacation, so when I came back, I had 7 LP and they gave me the final three to get the eternity ring which is the 100% acceptance rate ring

Guest answered:

No all the Cheats are patched

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Guest said: 7th Jul 2018 | REPORT
How do u because I only have six dollars And I tried and it said no
Guest said: 3rd Feb 2019 | REPORT
I used tokens to buy ring can I use it again
Guest answered:

I'm honestly so late to this but I wanted to answer anyway. I got my sim to say yes to the cheapest ring lol I think it was because I put them in a cheaper house?? Or maybe it was because there was another sim in the house, I don't really know but whatever it was, it surprisingly worked!

Guest answered:

What I prefer to do is:
Lesbian Sims - Sex, be romantic, then get every other Sim in your place together and have them all Dance. Have sex again, romantic, sex, then propose with any ring. THIS WORKS FOR ME..
Straight Sims - Sex, romantic, Dance, sex. Get everyone together in the Park, have sex, then propose with a mood ring. Make sure the girl proposes to the guy.
Gay Sims - Sex, romantic, everyone in Park, sex, propose with Dino ring.

Tip: Don't meet and propose of 2 days or whatever. Give it a week, where everyday the Sims have sex and be romantic every day, then or around the 8th days after they've moved in together, have sex, be romantic, and propose. Hopefully this works.

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Guest said: 29th Jun 2019 | REPORT
I tried your method for the Lesbian Sims. It worked, but I didn't need to dance. My lesbian Sims have 2 kids now. BTW I'm bisexual that's why I tried so hard on getting a Lesbian couple.
Guest answered:

If all of their bars on the left are full and if you have woohoo with them then they should say yes to any ring. Also, make sure they're proposing in front of other Sims.

Guest answered:


Guest answered:

I managed to get two of my Sims engaged with a mood ring. I took the two sims to the Park and called over 3 other sims (I used 1 Adult and 2 babies but you can use any 3). Then I got one of the sims to propose and it worked. I'm not sure if it works all the time since I only tried this to get the second couple in my town engaged. Hope this helps.


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