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A Well-Placed Arrow

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A new obstacle is introduced here. Walls that shoot arrows when triggered. Here, it is the gray pressure plates triggering the gray arrow wall. The first kill, which is the snake is pretty straightforward. The second one with the lizard requires you to run through the area near the arrow wall to not get shot. When you are done, trigger the yellow lever to bring up the platform.

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Before you descend, a ruby can be obtained from a pot that can be seen in the distance sitting on some rock formations. Trigger the lever again to bring it down and go to the next area.

When you descend the wall, before stepping on the yellow pressure plate, take the ruby under the platform you are standing on. It is on the side of the rock that is holding up the platform.

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go through, killing the snake and pull the pillar once towards the gray arrow wall. Go over to the yellow pressure plate to kill the other snake. Place the pillar in front of the orange push block to have it fall down onto the gray pressure plate, effectively giving you a shield and a clear shot to the next area.

Here, you will have to use the lizard as a shield by chasing you. Get its attention and just run all the way through. You will reach the yellow pressure plate and the lizard will get hit by the arrows. Pull the lever to extend the push block so it blocks the arrows. go in front of the lizard to get its attention and run around to the end of the path then climb down the wall. There is a pot containing another Blood Salamander fragment on the side of the rock formation holding this end of the platform. It is clearly seen when you hang on the wall.

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go all the way up to the yellow pressure plate. Climb back up and the arrows will be blocked due to the push block. Head over to the lever and pull it to clear the arrow's flight path and get the lizard killed. Obtain the spear to kill the snake and head to the next area.

Climb down the right most crack, move left once, then right again to fall down. The lizard will kill you upon landing if you dropped from the left crack. go grab a torch and work your way to the end. Kill the snake then move back onto the gray plate to kill the lizard. Get the ruby from the pot just above the gray arrow wall. Continue to the exit.

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