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Walkthrough, Guide, Strategy

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Walkthrough for Dragon Quest Builders 2

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Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a block-building role-playing game that takes place in an alternate realm of Dragon Quest II. The story centers around Hargon who raises a cult known as the Children of Hargon whose objective is to ensure under penalty of death that all building and cooking is eliminated and that no one be allowed to create anything. You play the role of a builder who is captured by the cult but manages to escape to the Isle of Awakening. There you meet a mysterious boy named Malroth who has no memory of his past. Together with Malroth you must bring the world back to its former glory by introducing the concept of Building back to the other islands and defeat the Children of Hargon. Check out our walkthrough, guide, strategy page to get some tips on how to solve the puzzles that are in the game.

Walkthrough, Guide, Strategy
Walkthrough, Guide, Strategy

Walkthrough, Guide, Strategy

First-Person View

When you need to manoeuvre through caves or other narrow and confined spaces you may want to switch to first-person view by clicking R3 which will show your position, even when you are behind objects. This feature is new to Dragon Quest Builders 2 and will be turned on by default, you just need to make sure 'Show Character Outline' is activated in the settings.

View your Surrounding Area

Check to see the if there are any resources or enemies nearby to your build by pressing the touchpad to access a bird's eye view of your surrounding area. If you press X you will switch to the map which will give you a wider view of your location and has icons that highlight places you should visit and current mission markers.

Build Shortcuts

Make sure you harvest or craft plenty of building blocks and carry them with you as you will be able to use them to construct basic steps to access higher areas by alternately placing blocks forwards then up. Similar to Minecraft style, you can also aim downwards and jump then place a block directly beneath you, to rise up on top of a stack and gain additional height. If you hold down the building button while putting down a block you will keep building and stacking it in whatever direction you are holding the analog stick. If you go into first-person view there will be arrows that will allow you to dictate where and how tall the bricks will be repeatedly built.

Fall Damage

Regardless of how high you drop you will not suffer any damage when you land. What will happen though is you will be knocked down to 1 HP which isn't too much of a problem if you have some consumables with you to top it up again.

Unlock Fast Travel

To begin with you will have no option but to trudge back and forth between Furrowfield and everywhere else on the island. After a couple of hours of gameplay fast travel will eventually unlock, it is free to use and will allow you to get around the island almost instantaneously.

Mini Medal Challenges

Try to resist the temptation of following the story's directive in order to keep unlocking new things and instead spend time exploring your surroundings as well. Doing so will enable you to find the optional quests which will help you with progression and also the Mini Medal Shrines which are simple little puzzles that give you the opportunity to earn additional rewards and benefits.

Regain Health while Exploring

Taking something which you can use as a bed to sleep on is essential when you go exploring as it allows you to replenish your HP when it gets low by grabbing a quick snooze. Not only will you be able to use it to regain HP you can also use it to escape powerful monsters late at night by using it to go into a sleep. When you do this time will move on and you will wake up the next day with the monster gone and ready for another day of exploring.

Cook Food

Keep an eye on your fullness guage and make sure it is always topped up as allowing it to drop down to 0% will prevent you from being able to dash or attack properly. You can get a small increase on your fullness guage by eating raw food but if you cook it on a bonfire so it beomes prepared food it will provide a much larger boost.

Storing Items

Aside from your main inventory there are two other ways at Furrowfield Farm in which you can store your items and materials. The first is your bag which gives you plenty of additional storage space and will allow you to carry almost anything you want with you and the second is the Community Chest which can be used for storing materials and food.

Walkthrough, Guide, Strategy for Dragon Quest Builders 2

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