Top 10 Historical Inaccuracies: Assassin's Creed

08. The Pirate (Black Flag)

The story in Black Flag is set in the early 18th century Caribbean during what is called The Golden Age of Piracy. Its story follows notorious pirate Edward Kenway, who is the grandfather of Assassin's Creed III protagonist Ratonhnhaké:ton and the father of Haytham Kenway.

Edward Kenway accidentally stumbles upon the conflict being waged between the Assassins and Templar, and chooses to try to leverage that conflict for his own profit.

The protagonist is a pirate - who has a ship called the Jackdaw that can sail against the wind, at speeds unbelievable historically, and can often defeat some serious opponents with little effort - and that is NOT the historical inaccuracies that scored Number Eight on our list!

No, that would be Piracy itself, which is portrayed in the game as a system by which the pirates attack certain flagged vessels - English and Spanish - by firing on them, boarding and killing crew, and pillaging them.

The problem is that the pirates did not operate that way. The typical pirate encounter went like this: the pirate ship appears, hoists the black flag to warn the prey that resistance will result in death, and then largely through intimidation, convince the merchant vessels to heave to and be boarded.

Pirates usually did not kill and NEVER pressed sailors from the ships they took to man their ships. If any of the captured crew volunteered, that was different - but they did not enslave the unwilling for obvious reasons.

The reason for that approach is simple: damaging the ships that they targeted basically damaged and reduced the value of those prizes. Often times it was the ship itself and not its cargo that was the valuable part!

Modern day pirate on the other hand are interested not in the vessel and its cargo, but rather in its crew, who they could then ransom back to the ship owner for a tidy profit. What they have in common with pirates of old is that simple goal: a business transaction that leads to wealth.

Still we get why this inaccuracy made it into the game - bottom line is that it is a more interesting activity for the player - historically inaccurate true - but fun.