Top 10 Sports Games of All-Time

3) Mutant League Football

By now you have probably noticed a lot of the best sports games are games that aren't super realistic. Mutant League Football is the epitome of an unrealistic sports game. Mutant League Football uses the old Madden 93 game engine but is a far cry from the game that originally used that engine. Teams are composed of robots, trolls, skeletons, and other non-human entities. Death and destruction are as big a part of Mutant League Football as actually gaining yards and scoring. Players can call 'Nasty Audibles' which are plays that violate the norm such a using an exploding ball to kill whoever gets it or dog piling the opposing QB with the intent to kill. Killing players from the enemy team is actually a way to win the game since they will be forced to forfeit if they lose enough men. The field itself can be a hazard as it is often littered with hazards like land mines. You can even bribe the ref to call fake penalties on your opponents!

As far-fetched as it is, Mutant League Football does still take skill and a competitive spirit to play. It's still a football game, after all.

Posted: 6th May 2014 by Alexander Hinkley