Top 10 F2P Massive Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Games

09. Eden Eternal‎

The 3D Anime-style F2P MMO brings you a warm and fuzzy set of characters with whom you can then go out and commit massive acts of violence. Yay! No, seriously... Warm and fuzzy. Massive acts of violence. Not kidding. Yay...

In Eden Eternal the players journey across a magical realm that is just packed with different mobs and races (think Beast Men, Frog Men, Humans and a mixture of other half-animal races) as well as fierce monsters who your cute and cuddly characters get to kill! Excellent!

When you are not busy slaying beasts, your character can visit the villages and delve into the mystery surrounding ancient secrets that relate to this thing called the Soul Stone. That turns out to be very important later, but we shant ruin that for you now.

A long and varied series of quests covering an assortment of other magical and mystical beings will eventually lead you to winning peace in the realm as your ultimate quest -- but don't get too excited about that just yet as you have a lot to do first!

One of the stand-out features of the game is its class system, which is dynamic -- player characters can seamlessly switch between classes (once they have unlocked them that is) and considering that there are something like 15 unique classes that is actually a major element in game play and a very attractive reason for adventuring a LOT. Just saying.

This being an anime-focused game world, players can naturally customize their character and its appearance as well as its armor, using a wide variety of glowing colors -- you are really not surprised by that, right? Hey, that sort of individual expression is the hallmark for this sort of game, in fact the variety of colors are not even set in stone, since players will find additional (rare) exotic dyes that they can use to be even more themselves... Yes, you too can be a rare and exotic snowflake!

A very well developed combat system makes each character something of a force to be reckoned with, but when characters band together to form guilds the fun really multiplies. After all, this is a game in which player guilds can build their own freaking TOWNS. Think about that!

Posted: 17th Jan 2014 by CMBF
Free to play MMO Games