Argent Cell: In the room at the beginning, where you first encounter a Revenant, drop down. After collecting the Jump Boots, check out the upper walkway to the left, in the middle of the hall. You can double jump towards it. From here you can double jump to the next platform up ahead. Instead of going right, turn left and hop onto the crate at the end. Jump to the metal walkway up ahead from here (as indicated with a small green light) and turn left. You can see an opening to the left with a red glow coming from it. Drop down to find an Argent Cell. Upgrading your Health is still a good idea at this point.
Elite Guard #1: After crossing the long bridge to the Argent Energy Tower, immediately drop down to the right to find this Elite Guard.
Elite Guard #2: After dropping down through the container transport hall, climb back up on the lower left side. There's a health station and a data log here; if you turn around you find the second Elite Guard in this mission.
Elite Guard #3: Near the very end of this mission, after fully scaling the tower and jumping up near an orange forcefield, go through the next hall and check the left side. Climb up to the upper ledges here to spot the Elite Guard on a nearby ledge.
Classic Map: After activating the drones in the tower, climb up the blue drone across the room and ride it to the top to find the lever for this Classic Map. Go back down and wait for the blue drone to move out of position again to find the entrance to the Classic Map.
Orangeguy Collectible: After dropping down the container transport tunnel continue ahead on the lowest level, then climb up on the right side. Jump onto the stagnant container, turn around, and when possible, jump to the ledge to the far left corner. Walk to the end of it and turn around to spot a ledge up ahead; double jump to it. From here, simply wait for one of the containers to pass and quickly jump after it into the tunnel. On the other side, drop down to the left ledge to find the Orangeguy collectible. Now head back to the bottom level to where you found the Elite Guard and so on.
Purpleguy Collectible: After clearing the demon horde on the lowest level of the Argent Energy Tower, climb up the yellow moving platform (hit one of the buttons first on the elevators) and from here keep jumping to the next platforms until you eventually have to double jump to the central area (as indicated by three green lights). Check the map to spot a collectible on either the left or right side. It is located at the bottom part of the metal beams; you can jump towards it by first going a little higher and then carefully looking/jumping down towards the Purpleguy collectible.