Top 10 Best Game Reveals Of The 2014 Summer

2. Splatoon

Shooters were represented aplenty this year at conventions. There will always be enough shooters to gawk at and a lot of them are looking good, but none of them are taking it to the absurd level like Splatoon is. It's both incredible and evident that this would be headed to Wii U.

See, while most shooters go for edginess or bleak realism, Nintendo is literally building this multiplayer title on color. Squid girls shoot out colored ink, trying to paint the map with their team's goo. Wait, squid girls? Yup, they're squid girls and what's more, they can swim around in this ink to swish across environments. It's so refreshing and not just because it's so visually different, though that's definitely also a plus.

What changes gameplay from that of other shooters is that the normal control point modes are transformed into a more dynamic design. There's usually a limitation to dominating a map that's centered on a number of control zones, but through the use of ink, painted areas are everywhere. This reduces how map recognition can stagnate gameplay through certain choke points, as new roads can be built just by spraying another part of the locations. It also has teams running back and forth to make sure their areas are not covered by opposing dyes.

Furthermore, ink acts as a speed boost, but also as a way to slow down enemies. Characters can transform and use a splattered incline to gain momentum and jump over to another platform, which would otherwise be unattainable. Grates can block a passage, but riding the color trail can provide another way to get to more ground promptly. Swimming has even more uses, as it recharges canister levels so that players can squirt out more goop.

Tired of the super soaker to get the point across? Splatoon offers more weapons, such as a paint roller that can both cover surfaces quickly and flatten enemies like a steamroller. It's so off the wall and goofy, but without having to count only on the colorful gimmick to get by. Who knew that squid girls were exactly what shooters needed?

Posted: 28th Oct 2014 by Daav