Top 10 Best Game Reveals Of The 2014 Summer

7. The Tomorrow Children

Gamescom 2014 had a surprising amount of new content to show us. One of its most intriguing games to come out of the conferences is The Tomorrow Children. This mix of sandbox, simulation and social interaction is set in an alternate Cold War timeline in the sixties, where an experiment gone wrong has razed the planet to a singular white slate. A few remaining figures have come up with a clone system that can help rebuild society in the Marxist 'utopia' they envision. Players will take the role of one of these minions, gathering resources for the glory of government.

From there, The Tomorrow Children takes a unique stance that leans both on control and freedom. Clones are somewhat free in their day-to-day activity, as long as it serves the town. The main goal is to rebuild the settlement by going off to other islands. There, it's possible to mine out sites for needed building materials. Another part will have clones searching for Matryoshka nesting dolls, holding within them remnants of human DNA that can be used to diversify the community.

Players converge in the same town in asynchronous multiplayer, meaning there are other people building the same space, but they're not immediately visible. Instead, their shadow appears periodically when they perform actions. If they've done well, their silhouette will be bright, indicating a good worker. Bad citizens will be thumbed down and appear darker. Getting in trouble may even attract the police that are controlling activity. Police can also issue jobs, when a town isn't synchronized enough to the liking of the overlords. After a day's work, it's off to the labor office to receive rations for the actions performed, which in turn can be used to serve the Marxist state more.

There's even a combat element to The Tomorrow Children. Giant Kaiju-like monsters can attack the town to try and demolish efforts or enemies can spawn while gathering items. With a shotgun, a jetpack or even a bazooka, the glory of the state can be defended from evil, one clone at a time. It's possibly the most charming dystopian nightmare scenario of recent times.

Posted: 28th Oct 2014 by Daav