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Ok thanks to the people who answered my prievious question, but I'm stuck..

Question asked by cheatfreak58 on
Last Modified:

Question for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Ok thanks to the people who answered my prievious question, but I'm stuck at another part now. I think I freed about 5 monkeys so far, and I'm at the part where the monkeys are bouncing on the mushrooms waiting for you, and then there are 2 bridges you can turn with the Gale Boomerang on the right side, and on the map there's a big purple square/circle on the north side.

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Zelda: Twilight Princess Guide
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Guide
Complete Mega Guide of Zelda Twilight Princess. Everything is covered from the walkthrough, to heart piece locations, poe guide, enemy and boss guid..

Ivaro answered:

I'm not sure I understand what you're stuck on, but there are marks on the map that show where the monkeys are(i can't remember what colour they are, I did it a while ago). Anyways, just go to the marks and free the monkeys. Once you free them all and go to the mushroom room, it will be painfully obvious what to do.


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