Character Unlockables
Unlock Ada Wong:
In game type A score 4000 or more points or alternately hit all of the targets on game type A.
Unlock Bella Sisters:
On game type B score 4000 or more points or alternately hit all of the targets on game type B.
Unlock Don Pedro:
In game type C Score 4000 or more points or alternately hit all of the targets on game type C.
Unlock J.J.:
In game type D score 4000 or more points or Hit all the targest in game D except Ashley. Unlock Ashley Graham:
In game type A score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Leon with Rocket Launcher:
In game type A Score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Leon with Shotgun:
In game type A score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Leon with Handgun:
In game type A score 3000 or more points. Unlock Luis Sera:
In game type A score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Don Diego:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Don Esteban:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Don Jose:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Don Manuel:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Dr. Salvador:
In game type B score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Zealot with Bowgun, Zealot with Scythe, Zealot with Shield:
In game type C score 3000 or more points
Unlock Leader Zealot:
In game type C score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Merchant:
In game type C score 3000 or more points. Unlock Isabel:
In game type D score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Maria:
In game type D score 3000 or more points.
Unlock Soldier with Dynamite, Soldier with Hammer, Soldier with Stun-rod:
In game type D score 3000 or more points.
Various Unlockables
Unlock Special Clothes for Ada, Leon and Ashley:
Beat the main game. Unlock Alternate Title Screen:
Complete the main game once.
Unlock Seperate Ways (Ada's Bonus Game):
Beat the main game once. Unlock Ashley's Knight Armor Outfit:
Beat Seperate Ways.
Unlock Leon's Gangster Outfit:
Beat Seperate Ways. Unlock Chicago Typewriter (Main Game):
Beat Seperate Ways.
Unlock Chicago Typewriter (Seperate Ways):
Beat Assignment Ada.
Unlock Handcannon:
Have each mercenary get a five star rating on all of the stages.
Unlock Professional Difficulty Setting:
Beat the main game once.
Unlock Plagas Laser Cannon:
Beat the game on Professional difficulty setting.
Unlock P.R.L 412:
Beat Professional difficulty setting
Unlock Infinite Rocket Launcher:
Beat the game once. Unlock Matilda:
Beat the game once.
Unlock Mercenaries:
Beat the main game once.
Unlock Movie Browser:
Beat the game
Mercenaries Mode unlockables
Unlock Ada:
Beat the Pueblo level with a 4 Star rank
Unlock Albert Wesker:
Beat the Waterworld with a 4 Star rank
Unlock Jack Krauser:
Beat the Castle with a 4 Star rank
Unlock Hunk:
Beat the Commando Base with a 4 Star rank
Unlock Handcannon:
Get 5 Star rankings on All levels with All the characters
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