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an easy way to get money

Question asked by demoncar on
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an easy way to get money

Ok how do you get easy money I need money bad and I can't find much any one know and you people know how to to beat the game fast like short cut or glitches

Ps I got no bullets

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ALCADIUS answered:

There are no cheats. To save ammo shoot the people in the head/leg and then kick them.When they fall knife them. To get money kill crows. Also kill fishes and then collect and sell them. When fighting Saddler when Ada gives you the rocket launcher take it and us a normal rocket launcher. You can sell the special one in a new game for $1000000. Also try to save money. Sell some grenades, find gems and put it in items eg: the crown jewel in the crown to get extra money. When in the farm area collect eggs and sell them. Sell ammo of weopans you don't have if you don't plan to buy the weopans. If you are selling herbs combine them to boost the selling price. There is one glitch I know: take out your striker and aim. Before the light comes out change weopans you will be much faster than normal. If you get hurt it stops working.

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Guest said: 12th Jun 2014 | REPORT
Is there a cheat to get infinity money like u press r2 or r1 like those buttons or something

Guest said: 4th Nov 2016 | REPORT
Guest said: 5th Jan 2017 | REPORT
Guest said: 30th Dec 2017 | REPORT
gamelord d answered:

There is no cheats. To save ammo use your knife. If you want money sell grenades. When you fight saddler use a regular launcher and sell the one Ada gave you. Also sell all spinals and gems you find. After big boss battles you get money also. If you get a lot of ammo for a gun you don't have or don't want to buy you can sell it. And if you combine herbs you can get money out of them as well. Also sometimes when you kill enemies instead of bullets they leave you some money. Hope this helps.

cheating-is-good answered:

There is a gameshark code that you can use to get money, but that is the only code I know that gives you a lot of money. In order to use the code, you must have a Gameshark disc. Sell all the items that you don't need, that includes guns. You can sell ammo for guns that you don't have, any gems or treasures that you might have, or just kill everyone. Whenever you kill someone they should drop some money. In the castle area, behind every picture of Saddler is 5,000G's. There are a lot of ways to get money. No bullets? Well, thats why you have a knife. Make sure that from now on, you only make headshots.

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Guest said: 29th Apr 2014 | REPORT
i found that if you sell your mind cannon u can buy it back for like 2000 more and get bullets in a tight squeez it helps
Guest said: 12th Jul 2014 | REPORT
how do you put cheat codes in re4

ALCADIUS answered:

Actually don't just make headshots. After shooting kick them. After chaptr 2-1 kick a lot or the dang parasite will come out due to too many head shotss.

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Guest said: 5th Jun 2016 | REPORT
F** king a**hole
Guest said: 1st Mar 2017 | REPORT
Hay this is a gaming sight not one to fight
nicko 9000 answered:

Sell the gun you use least, and all the ammo.

Also, sell half the grenades you get.

ALCADIUS answered:

And don't forget to sell the grenades after fighting 'it' cause krauser and saddler are'nt affected much by them.

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Guest said: 27th Sep 2011 | REPORT
Accually, the regular grenade works on saddler
Guest said: 10th Jul 2012 | REPORT
Grenades are the best thing to use on saddler. One explosion and he goes in the fetal to stab his eye!
ALCADIUS answered:

Dont sell the flash grenade though. At least keep one to kill crows.

Guest answered:

Don't be a bad game player,and just save all the treasyres you get to sell at the beging of a new game sell all of it.

Guest answered:

keep a lot of flash gernades so it can kill the parasites in one hit

Guest answered:

you can save some ammo on the parasites th come out of some enemis head by using a flash grenade it only works with the wormlike parasite not the spiderlike can get a lot of money if you see a herd of crows if you use 1 flash grenade you will kill all the crows near the grenade.if you like a strong sniper save the first sniper in the game if you put it in exclusive it will be vary strong.[spoiler]if you have problems with regenerators go to the frezer were you get the yellow key card go to the valva next to it turn it and go to the other room in the frezer and you get a thermal scope combine it with the semi-auto sniper and a regenarator will come back to life wenn you aim at him with the sniper you should se red spots on it if you fire at the red spots and i mean all af the red spots they should die the should die if you fire all them.
p.s:some have 4 or 3 spots and iron maidens(regenarators with spikes)about 5 or 7.

Guest answered:

if you have loads and loads of time just wait for the chikens on the farm to lay eggs and once you have a bunch of golden ones sell them to the merchant.

Guest answered:

if u have beat the game and need money for the chicigo typewriter or unlimted rocket lancher beat the game as many times as u can till u have the amount u need but a gameshark can solve ur worries

Guest answered:

in re4 u need to save every thing u get all treashes every thing use the knife as much as u can!!!!!

Guest answered:

easy way to get ALOT OF MONEY. first beat game,then buy TYPEWRITER (AWESOME WEOPON)THEN USE IT TILL U HAVE NO MORE ROOM IN BREIFCASE, GO TO MERCHANT SELL all ammo(or all weopons) but thats no fun cause not hard enough, repeat. works max case max ammo get like 10,000 to 25,000 ptas.

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YoYoTheo said: 30th Jun 2014 | REPORT
I love how so many people give this advice: "easy way to get a lot of money. First beat game .." Very helpful! Thanks! It reminds me of Steve Martin in his standup routine. He used to say "How to be a millionaire and never pay taxes... first, get a million dollars ... "
Guest said: 8th Dec 2014 | REPORT
haha, yeah u are absolutely right, i was thinking the same :P "Easy way to get money, *BEAT THE GAME* yeah :P
Guest answered:

To save ammo for Krauser instead of wasting a bunch of TMP ammo just knife.He will die very easy and no ammo needed. P.S. On pro mode he may be difficult to knife. Hope this helps save tou some ammo.

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Guest said: 14th Mar 2015 | REPORT
Guest answered:

To make money you need to win the game in easy or normal(that dont really matter), win the game 3 or 4 times and later sell all your weapons except a good one, then dont spend more than 6.000 pts to buy something you need, save all the treasures or cups or yellow or red or green eye cat.
You have to win the game 3 or 4 time and later you will have like 10 green eyes aprox and 5 green eyes gives you like 20.000 pts.
PS:and if you kill snakes they will give you eggs

Guest answered:

Sell half of the grenades you get. When you get the infinite launcher don't use it use a regular rocket launcher that way you can sell the infinite launcher in the next round you start. Sale the least needed gun and all of it's ammunition. Save up alot of treasure then sale it all. Wait for chickens to lay eggs and then sale them gold chicken eggs sale for 3,000 pesetas(ptas). Sale ammunition for guns that you don't have. And if you are trying to get the Chicago Typewriter sale the infinite launcher that you get from Ada the buy the Chicago Typewriter

Guest answered:

Usually some people are getting sometimes wrong and right but always buy the treasure maps and find all trasrue and when you see a large bass kill it then sell it to the merchant and always save the gems for the atrifacts and when you get the same weak weapons sell it (e.g the shotgun where you find in the house) oh and never forgot to kill all the bosses and loot them

Guest answered:

You can get a lot of money by useing the bell signal to lore the villagers and so you get more money and ammo so once done that skip the el giagonte fight by going to the left to get two el giagonte's at the same time and use your granades so kill them and fight the last one so in total you get 25,000 with the extra money from the people I got arond 72,800

Guest answered:

A good way is at the first level you can just kick and knife kicking is best on chainsaw guy.

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Guest answered:

If you are haveing trouble saveing up on handgun ammo use adifferent gun shotgun reccomended and keep another gun just in case you run out of ammo then when you get about 250 handgun ammo then fire away

Guest answered:

Buy resident evil 4 cheat edition 4 and all of you're problems will be solved

Pravinj answered:

Sell the gun you use least, and all the ammo.

Also, sell half the grenades you get.

Guest answered:

[size=12][size=12][size=12][size=12][size=12]just be fore ashley gets taken away for the 2nd time don't go into that room go to the door turn right and climb through the window go up the ladder and you will find a gold detector sell it to the merchant for 12000ptas also shoot the nest with a rocket launcher
An loads of green blue and red eyes will drop out sell them for lots of ptas

Guest answered:

On chapter 2-1 in the beginning where he zombies are coming up the hill,shoot the cart with handgun or tmp. The cart will kill most of the zombies(only 1 or 2 will remain).If you do this they will drop more stuff than when you just shoot them. I got 60 handgun rounds 5 shotgun shells and around 500 ptas. Onmy first attempt at this I died after getting a flash grenade. Another good way is to kill fish and sell them to the merchant or if you have enough patience let the chickens lay eggs and sell them. My final method is to ring the churchbell until you are satisfied with how much money you get from the zombies.You're welcome. (insert lolface here.)

Guest answered:

Sell every spinel or other treasures to get lot of cash

Guest answered:

The best way for money is finding all treasures,combining all,and selling ammo for unwanted stuff and I also sell yellow herbs 'cuz they're for whimps...Sell all eggs all TMP and Hangun ammo 'cuz those guns suck.Use the riot gun,semi auto rifle,or striker as much as possible,if you got a mine thrower sell it it's crap.Only use flash grenades if any grenade,but only for type 1 and type 2 Plagas.Get the tactical vest knife Krauser,and grenade Saddler then knife keep special launcher,and kill a lot of novistadors.The eyes are worth a good lot with as many of them as there are.

Guest answered:

If you have the game on ipad/iphone/ipod ( I don't know if it works on ps2 or ps3 or xbox) get the infinite generads and go to the furnace shoot the giants with 4 generads each and you will get 15000 for each giant you kill ( you need to win the level once without infinite ammo on platinum edition) or get the infinite rocket launcher with 1,000,000 or something like that and kill slazar with it ( keep hitting the monster's neck until he goes down and hit salzar but watch out for his bite ) when salzar dies you will get like 20000 wich will help alot through gameplay

Guest answered:

Just after you finished the game sell all of your weapons to buy infinite rocket launcher, I got 1 million pesetas

idplmal answered:

Almost every enemy in the first two chapters can be killed with the knife and/or a door.
For using the knife in an open area: Approach an enemy. When He/she attacks - back up a little and begin slashing with the knife. Kick if possible, then aim down and slash some more. It takes between 9 and 11 slashes to kill each enemy in the first two chapters.
For using the knife at a window or fence: Just slash when the enemy comes within range. You can slash several at one time. If the enemy has a knife, axe, sickle, or pitchfork, back up and let them start to climb over the obstacle, then slash away. This will cause the enemy to drop the weapon.
For doors: Stand against the door. When the enemy pounds on the door, hit "x" quickly several times. This will slap the door into the enemy and do damage.
I have collected 108 Golden eggs, so there is no room in the case for many weapons, or extra ammo. My goal is to fill all 120 slots with Golden eggs.

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YoYoTheo said: 30th Jun 2014 | REPORT
You forgot to mention, as far as knife strategies ... ladders are AWESOME. Climb to the top of the ladder, turn around and start knifing as the enemies climb up. You are completely safe. The enemy is defenseless climbing the ladder, and also for a second or two once they reach the top, but you usually don't have to wait for them to reach the top. Keep in mind though, sometimes there will be someone who sits at the bottom and throws hatchets at you, which you want to keep an eye out for.
Guest said: 4th Jul 2014 | REPORT
You are right - I had forgotten the ladder trick. I do it quite often. Thanks for reminding me.

Also, instead of selling the green grenades, throw on in the water with the fish. It pretty much kills them all and we can collect them to sell tot eh merchant.
Guest answered:

Carry as much stuff as you can and sell anything you do not want sell the special launcher kill both dr salvador's at the beginning (chainsaw dudes) loot the huts at the el gigante battles avoid buying the regular rocket apart from at the end use regular rocket launcher and take Ada's

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Guest said: 12th Jul 2014 | REPORT
how do you do cheatcodes on re4
Guest answered:

Use knife to kill enemies when you have to kill krauser do not use ammo use knife. Kill bosses to get some money. Sell ammo as much as you can. When you are in a room with luis and ashley stand near luis he will give you some ammo. Find treasures. You can sell all spinel and velvet blue because it cannot combine with any other treasures. If your health is at full sell the mixtures of red yelloy and green herb.sell the weapons which you don't use.

Guest answered:

I got the infinite launcher before Sadler I saved up all my money treasure and only spent what I needed ended with 1.5m before Sadler it's possible I used The TMP riot gun and Black tail in my play through


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