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Concluding Worlds

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Up until this point, the Biomes and Quests are arranged in a similar fashion to properly guide players onto playing the game. From here onwards, you’ll be able to locate new worlds as long as you have the gold bricks to fuel your journey. Of course you’ll have to scour these worlds for their gold bricks – in order to level up, and find bigger worlds to explore.

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In our game, upon checking for the preview of the next world we get to visit, it seemed to look very similar to the candy land we just visited. Although this time, it’s a bit bigger than the previous one we just completed. It is important to know that you'd probably generate a different world with a different biome in comparison to our example below. Nonetheless, we would like to share our very own experience to get you the idea of what to expect in your game with regards to how the game will progress from this point onward, how Quests are laid down, and some relatively important bits of information you'd typically encounter just the same -- regardless of the world you run into.

Dessert Desert

By now, whenever you set foot to a new world, there will be a number of preset materials (present in that world) that will automatically be discovered. At our first try, we figured that some stuff that may pre-require some sort of activation before you get discover them with the discover tool. For instance, the gingerbread man in this new world, when we tried to discover it with the discovery tool, we were shown a note saying “Cannot Discover Yet” (Quest Not Found Yet).

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As you discover new worlds too, you’ll be loaded with different stuff on your inventory so you may want to spend this chance to personalize your look. It may also surprise you that you now have different sorts of Vehicles on your inventory (probably comes with the skill builder level). Feel free to choose from your list too in order to explore larger world faster.

From now on, you’ll earn the gold brick by either finishing Quests, or mostly by mining them. To have a hint of where they are located, check for the gold brick icon on your minimap and head towards its location. Once you get there, you see a faint glimmer/streak of light that marks the ground. Using the landscape tool, feel free to dig the ground until you find something that would interest you. Most of the time, there would be underground pockets or caves that houses more than just the gold brick that you are initially aiming for. Some chests contain Blueprints for more discoveries or for unique structures. Some are brick sets to be used for certain functions.

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Once you find yourself stuck at any time inside these caves and underground pits, which you’d most likely be having troubles with -- especially when opening treasure chests in tight spots, go to your menu page and pick the “Sky Dive” option on the lower left part of the screen indicated by a parachute icon to get you free falling again into the current world you are in.

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Mind the callouts from the different Creatures and characters in the worlds too. Some Quests are much simpler than others. For instance, the pigs in this world calls out for what seems to be “ice cream” as seen on the icon. Ice cream then can be found on random boxes scattered on this world. When you obtain an ice cream, you may give it to any of the pigs and in return, you get to ride a pig.

As you try on the random Quests in this new world (or any new world you're in), the game’s narrator will hint you that some quests require items from Different Worlds. At the chance you earn the item that the quest giver requires, you may always visit them to back to complete their quest.

To set an example of what you'll be doing in the game from this point onward, we'll narrate our experience inside the world dessert desert. At one corner of this world, sits a huge sponge cake with a witch on top of it. She holds one of the gold bricks you are aiming for in this world too. The witch tells you something like “Peter can’t help himself around sponge cake. He’s eaten himself into a bit of a pickle. Could you help?” – referring to the pig (Peter) stuck inside the sponge cake. Prior to getting peter out of the hole, we've first tamed the pig. By taking an “Ice Cream” as what is showing on the pig’s callout box and giving it to him, we've earned the right to ride and actually tame it.

We used the landscape tool to raise the ground beneath him and ride him before speaking with her witch owner. Upon completing the task, we earned our gold brick. Before straying afar from where we were though, we checked a faint streak of light near the edge of the world to reveal a small underground pocket with a treasure chest containing a cool weapon.

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Not far from here, there is also a person with a unique quest for us to take. There isn’t a clue to what she needs except for the icon on her callout box. She requires 8 butterflies inside the proximity marked by the green circle. Luckily, there would be a few of these butterflies flying around to be copied. Simply summon them inside the required proximity and earn the reward.

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These are the examples of quest you’d be tackling from here on. Most of the time, Quests are compounded in order to obtain the thing that you do so initially need. That said, gathering the gold bricks from here on out will definitely be more challenging.

Occasionally, green “troublemakers” will spawn out from the ground carrying random stuff. You may be interested in chasing them down and tackle them for the usually bring with them unique bricks for you to take and collect. Later on, these cute green monsters tend to bring out gold bricks more often.

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Quests also randomly spawns from areas that you go to. In some instances, you’ll just have to figure it out fast in order to earn the rewards. One example if a gingerbread man being attacked by pigs in this world. You must tackle the pigs chasing him before he dies in order to earn a gold brick. The only clue you’ve got here is that he is marked as a quest giver (gold brick) on the minimap, and that he has his own HP, and is being attacked by pigs. Make haste in saving him by tackling the pigs attacking him in order to earn his Gold Brick reward. If by any chance you failed, another similar instance would spawn somewhere else in this world and you’ll just have to venture out there to earn it.

The chance you run into a light blue dot in your minimap, check it out to find a “Trader”. The trader usually has important items that you might happen to need in the mini Quests in the area, weapons, HP refills (hearts), and sometimes even rare items. Take caution though for the stuff that the trader has to offer are always pricey.

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One quick note: When you are holding any tool, the minimap won’t be visible on your screen. To access the minimap, simply un-arm your character of any tool.

You also do not need to accumulate the number of gold bricks required by your next Rank in order to transfer to Different Worlds. Even for instance that you just collected 2 out of 5 gold bricks required for you to level up, you may choose to find other worlds nearby. Take note though that during the earlier parts of the game where you have yet to reach the master builder status, you’ll be given a taste of the smaller worlds.

Small worlds tend to have easier Quests -- that most likely requires stuff that are already present in that world itself. Some of the more common quests are people requiring a number of Creatures within a proximity, fetch quests (ones that requires you to find a key item/s in order to be handed the reward), or sometimes you’ll simply just have protect/attack characters for the quest. They are usually presented in riddle-like mission where you’ll have to put together different requirements in order to acquire a certain key item to earn the reward.

Initially, the Quests are rather easy to accomplish but will eventually become harder and harder to deal with as the list of items they will require will grow and their variety becomes broader and broader.

There will come a chance that when trying to discover a creature/character in the game, you’ll see a message saying: Name of Creature / Cannot Discover Yet / Quest Available.

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Quick Tip: If you happen to have Vehicles that have ammunition like for instance in our game, we had the Agent’s Heli-pack that instantaneously fires missiles, you can easily earn coins (or studs as they call them) by firing at the landscape and simply destroying everything.

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Sometimes, gold bricks can also be earned from treasure chests. There is a higher probability that a gold brick can be found on a chest when it is indicated by a faint golden streak of light, and it is buried on the ground. But still, the best way to get them is to find people actually holding them and asks of you a quest in exchange for it.

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When you earn 5 more gold bricks after the tutorial levels, you’ll level up and now earn the title: Observer Builder. After which, you’ll see that you’ll be needing again 5 gold bricks to earn the next Rank. Goodluck on the rest of your adventure!

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