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Bakery Story Walkthrough and Guide

by Mongoose General  

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Below is a list of all the ovens that you can buy in Bakery Story, along with their cost and any special features:

Blue Oven: Costs 15 gems
Easy Oven: Costs 10,000 coins, Needs to be Constructed, it has a special ability which means no preparation is needed.
Forever Oven: Costs 42 gems, food cooked in this oven never spoils
Green Oven: Costs 5,000 coins
Orange Oven: Costs 15 gems
Pink Oven: Costs 15 gems 
Purple Oven: Costs 15 gems
Sonic Oven: Costs 42 gems, food cooked in this oven is finished 20 percent faster
White Oven: Costs 5,000 coins
Yellow Oven: Costs 15 gems

Drink Mixers:

For a list of all the Drink Mixers available in Bakery Story, their cost and abilities, see below.

Blue Mixer: Costs 15 gems
Drink Mixer: Costs 5,000 coins
Forever Mixer: Costs 42 gems, recipes made using this never spoil
Green Mixer: Costs 5,000 coins
Pink Mixer: Costs 15 gems
Sonic Mixer: Costs 42 gems, recipes prepared on this are completed 20 percent faster

Deep Fryer:

To build a Deep Fryer (which needs constructing), you first of all need 10,000 coins. You also need 10 of each of the following parts: Gear, Metal Sheet, Paint and Screw.

Ice Cream Machine:

To get an Ice Cream Machine, you need 10,000 coins and the following parts, before you are then able to start constructing it:

You need to collect 10 Gear, 10 Knob, 10 Paint and 10 Screw before you can begin.

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Comments for Appliances

98 comments, latest first.
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Jun 22nd 2015 Guest
My samsung's bakery story has less appliances then an apple's bakery story. Why?
ID #574147
Oct 15th 2015 Guest
Because Apple is better than Samsung
ID #616778
Jun 12th 2015 Guest
Why won't it let me build an appliance? Also I can't request parts.
ID #569414
May 18th 2015 Cinwil
How do you block people from commenting on your wall?
ID #557975
Apr 26th 2015 Guest
why i dont have any mission or can buy pueblo oven? i want pueblo oven too :(
ID #548418
Oct 31st 2015 Guest
You have to buy the fiesta bundle in the store under the expand tab. Go all the way to the back, it's the last thing.
ID #621260
Apr 20th 2015 Guest
I see a new neighbor has boxes for the pueblo oven. When I look up the gifts they would ,need those things weren't an option for me to gift, there's one that says oven Element. Will that work to fill in the oven pieces someone might need?
ID #545750
Apr 6th 2015 Guest
To unlock goal items, do any and all of Pierre's goals. Usually you have to complete e previous ones to continue three ahead. To unlock other goals some are by level number. Try not to get discouraged, these goals seem to open when you have given up all hope that they ever will! ❤. Make sure you keep doing the Pierre's goals, they are usually about how to impress him. Many of us tried to pass over without doing them only to have to! o.K. I have made my point clear! Good Luck new bakers!
ID #538616
Mar 9th 2015 Guest
Please add me guys..notjustarandomgirl
ID #526437
Mar 5th 2015 Guest
hi, does anyone know what the new commercial oven requires to build it... And what does it make exactly?
ID #524462
Feb 15th 2015 Guest
Add me: Livlivstar
ID #516441
Dec 30th 2014 Guest
Add Me! jesskill21
ID #492914
Dec 23rd 2014 Guest
Add me ladybug954 and how do I unlock santas shop oven?
ID #488835
Dec 18th 2014 Guest
Add me! Brittybae
ID #486242
Dec 17th 2014 Guest
Please add me: Charlotte7_7
ID #486152
Nov 18th 2014 Guest
Love this game I'm am thebearbaby what ovens are best to buy
ID #473259
Nov 15th 2014 Guest
This is Chelly111218...please add me. Need to build an oven and have no idea how to...thanks!
ID #471809