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What is a good stagery for the elite four?

Question asked by viperboy214 on
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Question for Pokemon FireRed

What is a good stagery for the elite four?

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Volke answered:

To get through the Elite Four you will need a Fire move, an Electric move, a Water move, an Ice move and optionally a Ghost move. For the Champion you will need to have a varied amount of pok�mon moves. If you have trained enouhg the Elite Four and Champion aren't very hard. They were harder in the old days.

cyber_john3000 answered: need couple of good pokemon. Mainly you need a good Water + Ice type, Fighting Type but not too much..i'll say a fighting type move will be better. Plus you need a good electric type like Zappdos or Jolteon. Elite 4 is tough. But they also have weaknesses.

Lorelie: Uses mainly water and ice type Pokemon and her Pokemon are above level 65, so you must be carefull. You will need good electric type move. Try to use a level 75 Snorlax with these. Shadow Ball,Thunder Bolt, Brick Break and Surf. Snorlax amazing Hp and Attack stats will do a great job on Lorelie.

Bruno:These one is fairly easy, but he's three fingthing Pokemon are bit pain in the butt so I suggest that you use a flying type attakc like Fly, If your level is far more greater than his Pokemon one attack of fly and it's done.

Agatha:These one need's good strategy. Her poison type Pokemon won't stand a chance against a Ground/Rock type or Psychic type. But beware of her Ghost type pokemon. I Suggest that Snorlax wil do good here again. Since Ghost Pokemon can't touch a normal type. Use Snorlax's Shadow Ball to beat all of her Ghost Pokemon or you could still use a Psychic Type Pokemon with a high level and good stats preferably Kadabra.

Lance:Here's how things get serious. Lance main Pokemon are pure dragon type's except for Gyrados and Aerodactyl, Use a good electric type on those and they are gone..As for the Dragon Type use yur water/ice type pokemon. Be sure they have an Ice type move like Ice beam, Hail,Aurora Beam, Blizard etc.And his dragon's are dead. But be carefull Dragonite's Hp is hard to beat and he has a great defense stats making him harder yo beat if you have a low level pokemon.

Gary: Gary's Pokemon are all depends on your Starter. But you sure know what Pokemon he will use and you should have at least covered it all.

Variety of Pokemon and Move Sets are needed to beat the Elite 4, I suggest that level 70 Pokemon will do goo or 75 will be great.

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EspeonDude_ answered:

Constructing a big team is very good. The specialists are: Ice, Fighting, Ghost and Dragon, then Gary(your Rival). I reccomend using Heracross for Loreli, Pidgeot(or any decent Psychic type) for Bruno, Gengar for Agatha, and anything that uses Ice Beam for Lance. Construct your levels to an even 60+ for your best results.

shadow333 answered:

I good stragey to beat the elite 4 would be to have Pokemon level 60+ and make sure you have Pokemon that are super effective against their pokemon.

Zelda Fan answered:

Trian your Pokemon to about 60+, and give them good move sets.


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