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evolution stones

Question asked by timberwolf1369 on
Last Modified:

evolution stones

Can someone tell me which stones will evolve which pokemon?

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cheating-is-good answered:

I cannot tell you all the Pokemon that each stone evolves, but I can give you a few examples, that should help you out a bit.

Fire Stone evolves: Vulpix into Ninetales. Growlithe into Arcanine. Eevee into Flareon.

Water Stone: Eevee into Vaporeon. Shellder into Cloyster. Poliwhirl into Poliwrath.

Leaf Stone: Weepingbell into Victribell. Gloom into Vileplume. Nuzleaf into Shiftry. Thunder Stone: Pikachu into Raichu. Eevee into Jolteon. Moon stone: Jigglypuff nito Wigglytuff. Clefairy into Clefable. Nidorana nito Nidoqueen. Nidorino into Nidoking. Skitty into Delkatty. Sun stone: Gloom into Bellosom. Sunkern into Sunflora. That is all I can think of at the moment, hope that helps.

Showing latest replies - show all (14)
Guest said: 26th May 2017 | REPORT
I don't know what is wrong with my gloom, I want to use the sun stone on it but when I give it to him a message appears "Huh?" And do nothing what wrong?
Guest said: 20th Jul 2017 | REPORT
You don't have the national dex yet
Guest said: 30th Nov 2017 | REPORT
I have sun stone and mega evolution
Guest said: 18th Apr 2018 | REPORT
Please show cheats
Golden Dragon answered:

Including the Emerald version Pokemons...

Fire Stone- Growlithe, Eevee and Vulpix
Water Stone- Eevee , Poliwhirl
Thunder Stone- Pikachu, Eevee
Moon Stone- Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina, Nidorino, Skitty,
Leaf Stone- Gloom, Exeggecute, Weepingbell, Nuzleaf
Sun Stone- Gloom and Sunkern

There might be more but I can't remember more...

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Guest said: 15th Oct 2015 | REPORT
Why does everyone forget Staryu?
Guest said: 29th Oct 2016 | REPORT
What cheat is use to get evaluation stone
Rangerman answered:

Fire stone for fire type, leaf stone for leaf type, water stone for water type, and etc. There will be a few that will require different stones then their types, but you can find that out when you try to put the stone on them.

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Guest said: 21st May 2014 | REPORT
It is not a leaf type, there is no such thing in pokemon. It is actually a grass type that a leaf stone might evolve.
Guest said: 11th Mar 2018 | REPORT
I want mega stone cheat
Guest answered:

Um, well I couldn't tell you them all, but I'm a PokeManiac haha, I didn't know that the Water Stone evolved Shellder. Anywho, I know a Moon Stone evolves CLEFAIRY and JIGGLYPUFF, and that a Fire Stone evolves GROWLITHE, and a Water Stone evolves POLIWHIRL, I'm more of a egg Maniac, eggs are fun to hatch, but hard, also a handy tip, you can catch one of the legendary dogs depending on which Starter you started with, Charmander = Suicune.
Bulbasaur = Entei.
SWUIRTLE = Raikou. Hope it helped Smile

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Guest said: 10th Jun 2015 | REPORT
Im Gonna Get Suicune Then
Guest said: 12th Jun 2015 | REPORT
I am going to get Suicune also
Guest said: 19th Mar 2017 | REPORT
im suicine also
Guest said: 2nd Jun 2018 | REPORT
Guest answered:

One Pokemon everyone forgot is exeggcute which evolves into exeggutor (pardon the spelling mistakes if any) by using the leaf stone.

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Guest said: 14th May 2017 | REPORT
Maga stone
Guest said: 18th May 2017 | REPORT
staryu to starmie needs water stone
Guest answered:

Nidoran (male or female) into Nidoqueen and Nidoking from using moonstone


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