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Catch Opponents Pokemon game shark code for Pokemon Emerald

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Catch Opponents Pokemon


Here is a code to allow you to catch another trainer's Pokemon during battle. Make sure you have saved your game before trying out this code in case it goes wrong and you get a bad egg, more on this below the code.

Master code

D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

A86CDBA5 19BA49B3

Add this code as GameShark before adding the following code.

Catch Other trainer Pokemon

B6C5368A 08BE8FF4


E151C402 8A229A83

8E883EFF 92E9660D

Activate both codes, and then while you are in battle, hold down l+r together before throwing your Pokeball and you should then catch your opponent's Pokemon.

Bad Egg Warning

Some players may get a bad egg instead of the Pokemon, if this happens to do you don't save the game as you won't be able to get rid of the bad egg.

Getting a bad egg could depend on a number of things including the version of the game you are playing, and which emulator you are using.

Alternative Code

You can also try entering this code as a Codebreaker code without the Master Code. There is also some more information about using this Catch Trainers Pokemon as an Action Replay Code here - Catch Trainers Pokemon

More tricks, tips and cheats for this game are right here - Pokemon Emerald cheats

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