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Path to Oros

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Path to Oros

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After just barely surviving the Tiger attack by falling down a steep mountainside, you must now craft a bow from the available materials around. They are visible if you know what you are looking for and they even "shine" a bit to indicate that you are able to interact with them. You can gather them in any order.

TIP: If you are getting tired or even dizzy from the gathering animation where Takkar goes down and actually gathers the plant, or just want to save time, Turn off the "Search Animation" by going into Options > Gameplay > Search Animations

You can gather Reeds from the plants that look like they have hotdogs stuck on them.

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Slate can be obtained from certain rock formations

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And last but no means least, Alder. This particular resource is important as you need this to craft arrows for your bow. You'd want a lot of this resource so you wont always chase after your arrows to reclaim them. They are tall noticeable upright twigs. More like dried up shrubs or small trees.

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You can also, as the help text says, use Hunter Vision to see things more easily for a limited time. This can be turned on or off and doesn't cost anything to trigger.

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After gathering the required items and Crafting your bow, the next thing you will need is to hunt some goats for meat to heal yourself. These targets can be seen running around the place and eating grass.

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You can hunt them two ways. Shoot them anywhere on their body to make them bleed out. Follow their blood trail (you can use Hunter Vision to see the targets AND their blood clearly) till they finally die,

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or you can just go up and aim a nice good headshot to instantly kill them. Doing a headshot also gives more experience points.

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TIP: It is advisable to gather as much as you can from this starting area since it is VERY abundant and the resources respawn rather quickly. The Alder resource or Hardwood resource you gain from harvesting Alder is important, as previously mentioned, for arrows. Meat from goat will help a lot too for your survivability.

When you are done, proceed to the cave and light the campfire. You will then be able to craft a club and set it on fire to clear the blocking vines.

TIP:You can hold the torch forward and attempt to burn things by pressing and holding R2. However, be VERY careful with flames as they spread fast and can burn you if not careful.

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Continue inside the very linear cave. There is no need to use the Hunter Vision to see the tracks since the cave is very straightforward. But do so if you want to. At the end of the path, you will find the tiger that just attacked you and another Wenja.

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After the cutscene, you will find yourself in the land of Oros.

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After a few words with Sayla, you follow her into her small camp. Here you will see that she was injured by the tiger attack.

Deep Wounds

This mission is really short. The objective is just to collect medicinal herbs to treat Sayla's wound. Go to the river and using your Hunter Vision, you will see special plants that glow red (just because its a quest marked object) regularly, these don't glow red.

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Collect the required amount and bring them back to Sayla to patch her up. Mission completed.

After the cutscene

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Jul 2nd 2023 pHqghUme
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