Sinnoh Megas Ranked

#2 - Mega Garchomp

We know what you're thinking, and we completely get it. Mega Garchomp could easily have taken the top spot away, but we think the Sinnoh Mega that took it was more deserving because it became so much better as a Mega Evolution. That's not to take away anything away from mega Garchomp though. It's SERIOUSLY awesome, and it should always be considered when deciding upon a Mega Evolution for your team.

Any Pseudo Legendary Pokemon would be great as a Mega Evolution, and Mega Garchomp is no exception to the rule. It has INCREDIBLE Stats. Its Attack is at a STAGGERING 170 Base, making it one of the best Physical Attackers in the World of Pokemon. It also has pretty darn good defensive stats, allowing it to even take a couple of blows. Unfortunately like Mega Lucario, Mega Garchomp is lacking in the greatest area of all: Speed. And unlike Mega Lucario's, its is much worse. Mega Garchomp only has a Base Speed Stat of 92, which is hardly average (especially for a Mega Evolution). Mega Garchomp is missing the speed it needs to be a true dominant sweeper, and since it's a Mega Evolution and can't hold an item, it can't abuse the Choice Scarf.

But the troubles don't stop there for Mega Garchomp. It receive Sand Force for its ability, which isn't too great for it. It would have been nice - and it could have been ranked number one - if it had received an ability like Adaptability or Speed Boost. Speed Boost would have easily made Mega Garchomp one of the best Mega Evolutions in existence, and easily the best Sinnoh Mega. Oh what could have been!

Since it lost Speed with its Mega Evolution and didn't even receive an ability to make up for it, Mega Garchomp, sadly, falls just short of being the best Sinnoh Mega. Some may disagree with this ranking, but we feel it's the best place for it.

Posted: 10th Mar 2016 by Team SuperCheats
Pokemon, pokemon mega evolutions