Top 10 Best Games of 2014

4. Dark Souls II

Although the title technically says Dark Souls II, it's actually the third game in the series since the first was called Demon's Souls. Both Demon's Souls and the first Dark Souls were reviewed very highly and won several awards so Dark Souls II was one of the more highly anticipated games of 2014. It lived up to expectations.

Dark Souls II is a hack-and-slash action RPG and part of its allure is the punishing difficulty. This is how video games are supposed to be – hard! You actually get a sense of accomplishment when you finish Dark Souls II and that's a feeling you don't really get anymore from video games. What's funny is the biggest complaint some gamers have with this game just happens to be the difficulty. If being too hard is something to knock a game for, just think of what this generation of gamers would have thought of Contra back when it was new.

Dark Souls II was one of the most highly nominated games at The Game Awards 2014 How it lost best roleplaying game to Dragon Age: Inquisition, I'll never know.

Posted: 31st Dec 2014 by Alexander Hinkley
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