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I'm having a big problem with the Jolly Roger Bay level... Everytime I..

Question asked by TubaDude42 on
Last Modified:

Question for Super Mario 64

I'm having a big problem with the Jolly Roger Bay level... Everytime I do it, I can only find 96 coins. Is there a secret area I don't know about? I've collected every coin I can see (Even all 6 or 7 blue coins and all 8 red coins). Please help me...

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luiginumberone answered:

You need to look everywhere: there are some in the secret cave (with the Blue Coins) are there are some around pillars on the top of the water. The easiest ones to miss are underwater. Look inside all the oyster things for all the red coins, check on board the ship and get all those red coins, and I think there are some coins on the bottom underwater near the jet stream. And make sure you've collected all the red coins by pausing and countiing them.

mightymouse714 answered:

I would make sure that you check on the ship and also around the spikes where you have to shoot to in order to get one of the stars...there should be a ring of about five or six around it...

Guest answered:

and um this might help i saw on another website that if there are any wood polls in the level (that you can ground pound) that if you run around them 5 times coins come out of them


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