Is their a speed on tick tock clock?
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Uh...what? What is a speed? Does that even work as a noun in this situation?
Oh, wait... Do you mean "is there a way to change the speed of the moving platforms in Tick Tock Clock, and if so how is it done?" Well then, why didn't you just say so in the first place?
Watch the hand on the face of the clock before you jump in. If the hand is pointing to 12, the clock will be stopped. If the hand is pointing to 3, 6, or 9, it will be moving, with 3 being the slowest and 9 being the fastest.
Note that some stars will be impossible to get with the clock stopped, while you can get every one of them with the clock moving, it's just a bit harder sometimes.
You can change the speed in Tick Tock Clock by jumping into the painting when the hand stops at a number. If it is at 12, it doesn't move at all, if it is at 3 it moves slowly, if it is at 6 it moves normally, and if it is at 9 it moves like a freaking car! Huzzah for speed!
Good question. If you enter the clock when the minute hand is pointing at the 11, 12, or 1, it'll be stopped. All of the stars can be obtained this way, as should they. Entering it at a 2, 3, or 4 will turn it on, but it will move slowly. 8, 9, or 10 will make it most fast! I recommend against entering it at a 5, 6, or 7, because if you do, the clock will just be moving randomly. I think you should only enter when the big hand's pointing up. If you want it moving, you can enter the hand at the right. If not do it at the left. I just think the bottom should be medium, not random. I don't even see any reason to move the clock at all.
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