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playing as peach

Question asked by Guest on
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playing as peach

How do play as peach?

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biehlza answered:

Wherever you heard such a thing like tat amazes me. You cannot play as Peach at any point of time in this game.

Guest answered:

battle with bowser then go too sleep then well your sleeping you become peach

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Guest said: 7th Dec 2017 | REPORT
while battleing bowser or after?
Guest said: 11th Jun 2020 | REPORT
what this person said is fake. There is a code for it.this is it. It has to be on a computer or android. go into cheats and paste this code: 8134B89C 8019
8134B89E 4690
8134B8C4 8013
8134B8C6 9360
8034BA07 00FF
it glitches a little but you look like peach
Guest answered:

There is a cheat code for that which I'm not sure on. It all depends what you're playing on.[spoiler]It's possible on a computer.


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