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How to get the water legendary dog and a shining gyarados?

Question asked by super cheats mas.. on
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Question for Pokemon LeafGreen

How to get the water legendary dog and a shining gyarados

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Pokemon Leaf Green Walkthrough and Guide
Pokemon LeafGreen Guide
Our complete guide to Leaf Green is takes our through the whoel game, with guidance throughout to help you complete your Pokedex, accompanied with s..

Lostprophetboy answered:

You need an AR or GS

ressurection666 answered:

Trade from someone who has either gold or silver, either that or use Action Replay codes. Hope this helps

EspeonDude_ answered:

Start with Charmander. After beating the Elite Four, you'll get the chance to catch Suicune.

Shiny Gyarados, keep looking.

pokemonexpert#1yay! answered:

To get the water legendary dog Scuicune you must have, charmander as your starter Pokemon, or trade for one, but I doubt that any one is going to trade there rare pokemon. To get a shiney garadose just play for at least 23hours, I should know I have a shiney nidoking. I am not garanteeing that you will catch a shiny garadose considering the shiny Pokemon you might catch will be at least one of the hundreds of Pokemon that were imagined by some good minds. Good Luck!

FireKing1495 answered:

1.You must have charmander to have suicune, suicune roams around kanto.

2. Im not really sure

bulbusaur answered:

To get Suicune start with charmander and beat the Elite Four. Then he will randomly apppear. To get a shiny garados stay in the water for 50 hours or so.


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