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Duplicate Items/Pokemon cheats for Pokemon Emerald

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Duplicate Items/Pokemon


At the Battle Frontier there is a place called Battle Tower, to the far right of this room is a PC to use and 4 receptionists. In order to duplicate, first deposit the Pokemons (equipped with the items you wish to dupe) into a PC box which is easily accessible (5 max). Keep your initial Pokemon in your party, do not try to use it to duplicate otherwise you risk losing it forever.

Save your game, now access the PC again and withdraw the 2-5 pokemons you wish to dupe. Now go to the closest receptionist, talk to her until she tells you you will have to save your game. Tell her "yes" then there will be a brief 3 second pause, then the save screen will show up, cancel it then soft-reset.

When you access your game you will be standing in front of the receptionist, even though you saved at the PC. Check your party and your PC and you will notice the Pokemons have been copied.

Repeat if necessary.

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Added by: TeeOneZee
ID#14367 | REPORT..
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