Top 10 Worst Pokemon Designs
The next Pokemon on the list is Hawlucha. Hawlucha was released in the sixth generation of Pokemon, and is one of two Pokemon from that generation to make this list.
Some people might not agree with Hawlucha being on this list, but I knew it needed to be included.
Just look at it. Doesn't it look very familiar to a masked mexican wrestler? Who's also part bird, of course. How does that make it a Pokemon? I really would like to know what two creatures made this thing in the PokeWorld, if you know what I mean.
Or... There's always the possibility Arceus created it, but why would it?Apparently... It made sense to many of the Pokemon Creators. That, or they desperately needed some extra Pokemon to add to the already small sixth generation. It doesn't really matter though; Hawlucha will never make complete sense.
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where is geodude? where is golduck?
actually Pineco is basically a Pokemon like Burmy it is also a bag worm Pokemon and Probobass has the mustache because have you ever picked up a magnet out of a toolbox and had all those black metal shavings on it that is what the mustache is made of
Jynx' design is based off of ganguro, which was (or still is) a fad among Japanese girls.
Hawlucha's design is not awful at all. In fact, you saying that it looks like a "mexican wrestler" makes it even better. And the word familiar doesn't even belong in that sentence.
In all honesty, your list wasn't even worth reading.
Hawlucha does not deserve to be here period. But Muk, Garbodor, and especially Jynx are terrible, just none of the others on the list. Sure, maybe minimal work was put in to them, but they aren't bad per say. Just my thoughts
Some of the Pokemon designs after the 2nd generation of Pokemon were absolutely awful. Some of them I cannot determine where their face would be.
They forgot Barbaracle
I feel sooooo sorry for you... and Brock
besides if any pokemon should be on there it's ditto... a pokemon like muk that is just liquid with a face but can transform into anything and have sex with a male pokemon and a female pokemon and stil being the same ditto..... I still love pokemon very much and to argue about which is best looking is like rating women..... it's degrading
it's pokemon not models. they created pokemon for fun not looks. I for one like those pokemon
They forgot the Lickitung and Vanillete evolution lines.
Muk is pretty good. Its base stat is 500. Just about the same as gallade. I care more about how good the pokemon is than the ugliness. The only reason why Jynx had a purple face instead of black because people thought it was racist.
Many things wrong with this, let's go over it:
1). Just because you don't understand how a Pokémon is designed doesn't make it a bad design, case for Hawlucha.
2). Can't think originally for yourself, so you put Garbador (a Pokémon with an actual good design) on the list because you read that people on 4chan don't like it.
3). The fact that Hawlucha makes it on the list, and Voltorb, and Burmy, and not some of the obvious ones like Seel shows ignorance on the topic you're covering
How about tangelgrowth or whatever that fat vine pokemon's name is. Jynx just looks soooooooooooooooooooooo gross. Those fat lips and those 2 you-know-what. I finally agree whoever did this.
People need to remember, this is based on designs. Not whether their stats are good or not. Or if they like the pokemon. Please know what you're looking at before causing a raucous. I can agree, this person doesn't have the best taste or opinions.... But once again, that's their opinion and you need to get over it.
Jynx not Jyax
I stopped reading at the first one. Seriously, the problem with Muk is that "doesnt make sense scientifically"? Neither does trapping large animals in tiny balls that force their loyalty to you. It is an interesting pokemon with cool flavour.
i'm sure pokeballs are meant to look like a voltorb, not the way around...
or the final evo of the fire pokemon of 6th gen? starts as a fox, ends like your mother (althougt it makes sense)
Pachirisu is a squirrel not a mouse
Do not forget good ol' Mr. Mime too...
I have trained a grimer and a jynx and they are both pretty strong in special atk. and special def. but I have to agree about their designs they are just butt ugly but in battle they are no joke
Muck wheezing and garbodor are warning flags for the hubris of man, as we pollute the land, air, and water we live in/near. And on exception of wheezing they play strategically well. However, I think they could have tried harder for garbodor's concept design, no doubt.
I refuse to click through all 10 pages of this article.
I mean, who didn't expect a pokemon to look like a pokeball in the first game?
All pokemon after gen 4 look downright UUUUUUGGGGGLLLLLYYYY!!!!
and people be like "jynx isn't racist, game theory proved that"
and I be like "that youtuber is bolony and jumps to crazy conclusions"
They changed jynx design because people thought it was inappropriate and banned the episodes in some countries and changed jinx's design. (it sounds like im saying its racist but im not)
bullshit, jynx and muk are awesome. you sir are ignorant!
They are awesome, but Muk is a kinda lazy design
Voltorb/Electrode had really only 1 use in orginal pokemon, trap. You thing you are going to get item, instead it's a ambush.
I gotta agree with some of the others here and say that this is a pretty poorly written blog. Alright yeah, here comes the throwing of tantrums and the pitchforks. But I do recall reading an article about how Hawlucha is based upon a Mexican wrestler and a real existing one at that. It would've been smart to include that but to say it's lame simply because of that...? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Yeah some of these Pokemon aren't the most useful nor the most pretty to look at, but it's still something. And Jynx wasn't meant to have black skin, it was supposed to be a shadow but some idiots just HAD to go around and think it was supposedly racist. Like I mentioned, some of these probably aren't the best Pokemon on this planet. But to put them down like this makes you a godawful excuse for a Pokemon fan.
wooper/quagmire was so awful I couldnt play the new gens of pokemon until I was an adult
all im hearing is genoner